The Advantages of Celibacy.


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
The Advantages of Celibacy.

I thought some of these points were amusing.


1. A whole load of worries are taken off your mind. You don't even have to think about contraception, venereal disease, physical compatibility, who sleeps on the wet patch, impotence, frigidity, bizarre sexual injuries, whether to swallow, whether your partner is good in bed, sexual fidelity, how to stop the bed from creaking, shave or not shave, wash or not wash, whether you know enough positions, orgasm faking, whether to experiment or which flavour of condom to choose. This must surely free up several cubic inches of brain tissue.

2. The enormous amount of time and effort that other people expend in order to get laid is freed up for other things. No more hanging around in sweaty nightclubs. No more searching through 'lifestyle magazine' articles for the latest and cleverest way to pick someone up. No more garotting your body with tight underwear. No more worry about whether you are adequately filling out your bra/shorts. No longer will you go to a dull party just because there's someone there that you fancy.

3. People you talk to will know that you're not interested in them for their body.

4. If you don't have sex, you can't have any Sexual Disasters. None of those embarrassing moments like when you just can't undo her bra, or when you can't get out of your bondage gear, or when you knock over the bedside table, or when your parents come home earlier than you expected, or when you realise that your partner is in fact amazingly ugly, or when you smear them all over with peanut butter and them remember that you don't like peanut butter, or when you wake up the next morning and you've forgotten their name, or their gender.

5. You will save money. How much money you save depends on how you were getting your sex in the first place.

6. Nobody will be able to blackmail you with photographs of you in flagrante delicto. James Bond would be more effective if he were celibate, because then attractive enemy agents would not be able to seduce and capture him.

7. I don't believe in God myself, but there are a lot of folks out there who think that God will look on you more favourably if you are celibate, or if you avoid recreational sex. Remember "Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate."? Seriously though, celibacy may contribute to a greater peacefulness and spirituality if undertaken in the right context.

8. Celibacy significantly decreases your chances of becoming pregnant. That is, unless you're a man.

9. You have a reserve of energy that you can expend on other things. Life will come into a more sensible perspective when it isn't dominated by the search for a mate.

10. If you spontaneously combust, you don't take anyone with you.

It's like looking into a mental mirror!

If you need company in your old age, look me up (and please take that in the spirit in which it was intended) :D

Could not take the subject matter seriously enough to read the list of pros.
Sorry :D

You weren't meant to take them seriously, but at least seriously consider number 10.;)
Cris, funny post.

Are you male or female? I'm partially curious because as much as men can be dogs, I've never heard a woman suggest celibacy even jokingly ...

I don't know anyone who spells their name like you and I can't tell from the posts you've made.

If you're a man you forgot annoying wood when yer trying to pee during the night ...
Hi scilosopher,

Are you male or female?
Yes I am, although I don’t understand why you would discriminate against hermaphrodites (1 in every 2000 people). I kinda like the idea of having my gender remain anonymous, although there are posts on sciforums somewhere where I have made no secret of it. Sorry to tease you.

I've never heard a woman suggest celibacy even jokingly ...
The numbers of people who consider themselves celibate are much higher than you would think, probably because of the social pressure not to admit to it. A large survey published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) using data collected in 1992 reported that 15% of men aged 18-59, and 30% of women are celibate (Source: JAMA, February 10, 1999- Vol. 281, No. 6.).

That’s nearly every 1 in 3 women and every 1 man in 6. That’s nearly 25% of all Americans, or 85 million people. A not insignificant number of people, and you are probably not aware of any of them.

People whose brains obey their crotches have a loud voice in western society, which makes celibacy seem an unusual and abnormal thing. People who are celibate don't normally feel the need to tell the world about it: this resulting low profile makes it more difficult for others to acknowledge celibacy as part of their identity.

See ya around.
Originally posted by Cris
That’s nearly every 1 in 3 women and every 1 man in 6. That’s nearly 25% of all Americans...
There are an estimated 85 million people online in the USA. Do you suppose it's the same 25%?? :D
But conversely what about all of the fun parts of being promiscuous, (not that I get to partake, grumble)

1)Making wonderfully pleasureable connections with interesting people.

2) Sexuality, regardless of what anyone says, is often a big part of many marriages. I'd rather not mary someone and find out that their terrible in the sack.

3) Flirting and "the chase" are just so much fun.

4)There's nothing more exiting than stripping down and getting sweaty with someone for the first time.
so cris you're a she-male ; ) ... just kidding anonymity is cool.

30 compared to 15 - is that why it's easier for women to get laid??