Man, what you guys can only intellectualize your answers and refer to theories.
Self preservation instincts.
Is this how you experience yourselves?
Are you afraid your molecular biology professor is tracking all your communications?
As if genes were something other than you or another way of describing you.
How about desires to experience certain things?
love of certain individuals?
not wanting to hurt certain people?
not wanting to rule out this or that might happen or get better?
lust for knowledge?
Lust in general?
I swear to god the way people think they know themselves is such a joke. We'll all be walking around talking about ourselves in the 3rd person.
The genes would like a sandwich now.
My genes believe in determinism.
My sexual instincts seem to be focusing on you now, shall we go up to my apartment and mingle gametes?
Seriously, this makes me sick.
Self-abstraction is the opiate of the people.
I didn't say any of those things, because those aren't what is keeping me around. At 42, I can safely say that I wouldn't have missed much if I had offed myself as a teenager. A few people would miss me, but not many.
I don't enjoy life very much, but after contemplating it many times, I long ago realized I wouldn't ever actually do it (commit suicide). And I ultimately ascribe that to the fear that comes from trying to overcome your instinct for self preservation.
Why do you think orgasms are so enjoyable? To me, the pleasure is an obvious reward for doing an activity that usually (eventually at least) leads to reproduction. Successful behavior is rewarded, the unsuccessful leads to the exit sign.
You probably won't see the humor in this. But I do.
Doctors Find New Way To Prolong Meaningless Existence
ITHACA, NY–In a stunning medical breakthrough, a team of Cornell University biogeneticists announced Tuesday that it has developed a revolutionary new synthetic hormone that retards the human aging process, enabling individuals to extend the churning, meaningless void known as life by upwards of 20 years.
"This remarkable new hormone will enable millions of people to live longer, healthier lives," said Dr. Marlene Peretz-Worthington, head of the Cornell team. "Once the substance wins FDA approval and is made available to the general public, the hellish emptiness of our spiritually blank lives should be that much more inescapable."
According to Peretz-Worthington, between 1990 and 1998, 250 test subjects between the ages of 68 and 81 were injected bi-weekly with Noexitoxythalynucleothylinase, an experimental DNA-modifying hormone that "freezes" the genetic codes that regulate aging. In all 250 subjects, the drug slowed down the aging process by at least 30 percent, adding years to their futile, purposeless existences.