The Absurdity of the Bible


Laptop Persocom
Registered Senior Member
Genesis 19:30-36;

19:30 And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
19:31 And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth:
19:32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.
19:33 And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
19:34 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. The Seduction
of Lot
19:35 And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.
19:36 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.
19:37 And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab: the same is the father of the Moabites unto this day.
19:38 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Benammi: the same is the father of the children of Ammon unto this day.

So Lot had one son with each of his children. This is the same Lot that offered up his virgin daughters as a trade for being able to see angels, and the same Lot who's wife never has a name in scripture, and who doesn't mourn when said wife is turned to salt.

The very same Lot that is praised as a Just and Righteous man in 2 Pet.2:7-8. 19:8.

The Bible is rife with such entries, and they are hypocritical in their story. The Bible condemns incest, and yet Lot (the righteous) bears children with his daughters, and Abram marries and has children with his own half sister Sarai. And not only does Abram commit incest with his wife, but has an adulterous affair with Hagar on the side as well... which is also a sin in the Bible and yet he too is called righteous.

When you read the Bible, how can you not see all the convoluted stories and the ideas put forth as honest, righteous and just when they are hypocritical, absurd, and contradictory?

What makes people believe so strongly in something that can't keep it's story straight?

Here's another... God creates light on the first day, but doesn't create the sun, moon and stars until the fourth day. Someone want to explain that one as well?
Those who wrote the bible weren't in thier right state of mind...remember, it's hot out there in the deserts of palestine. High heat can fuck up your, all that wine...yeeeh.
"The bible is like a mirror: When an ass looks into it, an ass looks back out." (Augustine)
Kotoko said:
What makes people believe so strongly in something that can't keep it's story straight?

Very few Christians in the world consider the Bible as a verbatim history. And besides, many just believe the parts they like or want to believe, and don't believe the others.

We do that kind of thing all the time in our lives, why should the Bible be any different? Don't many of us do the same things with history? I mean, look at how people will argue about different happenings in history ...and use the same source for different events. If Hitler had won the war, history would have been much, much different ...but wouldn't some Americans disagree with parts of that history?

Baron Max
As a kid I wanted so badly to believe that there is some explanation for these inconsistencies. Well, there is! One I was ignoring: Moral standards do not exist and the bible is not the word of god, because god doesn't exist either.

So simple, yet the explanations people come up with are long and convoluted and hypocritical themselves. These people would rather argue for the rest of eternity than admit they have been lied to.
See if you can spot the difference.....

Once upon a time, blah, blah, blah , they all lived happily ever after.

In the beginning, blah, blah, blah, they all die only to live again and some if not most live happily ever after.

There is an eerie similarity.
"The bible is like a mirror: When an ass looks into it, an ass looks back out." (Augustine)"

* You are feeling drowsy. You are feeling very, very sleepy. ten, nine, eight, seven, six ...
...when I snap my fingers, you will forget all about God, ethics, and your mother.
You will be overcome with a strong desire to turn on the TV and buy buy buy.
You will forget about your brother dying in the Iraq war. Instead you will rent a porn flick and play with yourself on the couch.
You will ignore any urge to help neighbours, friends or family:
You will walk to the 7/11 and buy a tub of ice-cream, a bag of herb, and a giant bag of sourcream and monosodium glutamate 'chips' with a shelf-life of 60 years.
You will ignore the Hells Angels pimping your little sister in a hotel room,
and buy a pack of smokes and head to the bar to pick up aging divorcees.
You will ignore the danger of AIDS from the tranvestite hooker you just picked up,
and put on a defective condom.

...three two wake up. and grow up.
So you don't have answers for the questions I've put forth, you just prefer to do name calling and dodge the actual issue. Very productive and mature.

Does anyone actually have an explanation, or reasoning behind what is written and why it's believed? Baron did a half-assed job, but I'd like to hear from the Christians who believe that the Bible is the one true word of God.
Kotoko said:
So you don't have answers for the questions I've put forth, you just prefer to do name calling and dodge the actual issue. Very productive and mature.

Does anyone actually have an explanation, or reasoning behind what is written and why it's believed? Baron did a half-assed job, but I'd like to hear from the Christians who believe that the Bible is the one true word of God.

Kotoko, please understand that the Bible was written BY HUMANS ...and as importantly, by humans who were living in very, very harsh conditions and under very harsh rulers and/or kings, etc. Those writers were trying to impress their congregations/believers in the "right way" to live and work and to die. There are inconsistencies also because the writers did not collaborate and/or edit their particular works ...there were many authors, each of whom tried to give explanations of their own beliefs, while at the same time, using their own lives/work/social conditions in those explanations. They didn't all have the same editor and publisher to spot the minor inconsistencies.

Baron Max
Josephus comments on this saying, speaking of Lot,

"But his daughters, thinking that all mankind were destroyed, approached to their father, (24) though taking care not to be perceived. This they did, that human kind might not utterly fail: and they bare sons; the son of the elder was named Moab, Which denotes one derived from his father; the younger bare Ammon, which name denotes one derived from a kinsman. The former of whom was the father of the Moabites, which is even still a great nation; the latter was the father of the Ammonites; and both of them are inhabitants of Celesyria. And such was the departure of Lot from among the Sodomites."

You also have to take in account they left Sodom, which according to the writ, wasn't the most holiest of cities. Lot and his families might have just been observers of the sin, and not partakers. But when his daughters did what they did; it's obvious they had some issues. I suppose they probably grew desensitized from having lived in Sodom.

Must have been some Crunk Juice that they got Lot drunk with, because he had to have been zoned out. That whole scene is just wierd.

So their perceptual world had come to an end, they thought to re-inhabit the land.
Well, you have to wonder: who wrote the story anyway? Isn’t it more likely that Lot was an incestuous child molester who finally decided to kill his wife and needed some sort of story to explain why his grandkids looked like a cross between himself and a hairy crosseyed goober :)

You know how it goes; the child molester always blames the child. So here we have Lot blaming (1) the children and (2) the wine*

*as if that weak arse wine back then is somehow going to make Lot lose all contact with reality such that he is persuaded to commit incest with his children. It’s never going to happen.
Michael said:
Well, you have to wonder: who wrote the story anyway? Isn’t it more likely that Lot was an incestuous child molester who finally decided to kill his wife and needed some sort of story to explain why his grandkids looked like a cross between himself and a hairy crosseyed goober :)

You know how it goes; the child molester always blames the child. So here we have Lot blaming (1) the children and (2) the wine*

*as if that weak arse wine back then is somehow going to make Lot lose all contact with reality such that he is persuaded to commit incest with his children. It’s never going to happen.
M*W: Once again for posterity, Lot didn't write the story of his seduction. The mythical twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have been grossly misinterpreted by religionists as two places of moral and sexual corruption when, in fact, the greatest sins of the area were man's inhospitality to visitors to his tent. Lot OTOH tried to do the "hospitable" thing (a sick perversion by today's standards), which was to offer the regular crowd his 'virgin' daughters, while the angel/visitors were safely in Lot's home.

"Sodom" became synonymous with "sodomy" when, in fact, that is a misnomer. "Sodom" was a mythical town (archeologists have found no proof of its existence) presumed to be at the southwesternmost point of the Dead Sea. This area sits atop a great salt "divide" that may have occurred during an earthquake or some type of explosion from the oil reserves stored deeply underneath the salt dome. The crack in the salt dome may have formed the Dead Sea. In any event, the name "Sodom" was taken from "sodium" and not from "sodomy." Then, of course, modern laws were enacted to make the practice of sodomy (anal intercourse) a crime whether it was between consenting male+male or male+female) when it was just another gross mistranslation of the bible by ignorant religionists.

{Sacred Origins of Profound Things, by Charles Panati, Penguin Group USA, Inc., 375 Hudson St., NY, NY 10014, USA, 1996, pp. 411-416, 1996.}

The two daughters (Note: 2 mythical cities = 2 incestuous daughters = 2 inbred sons: Could this be a symbolic connection?). Well, Lot was not a very good father, but my opinion on this is that in Lot's day (c.3,500 BC), incest wasn't frowned upon. In fact, it was customary if not culture ordained. My guess, even though this is purely my observation of the mythical story, that since Lot offered his daughters to the mad crowd outside his door, he was probably banging them anyway. (The title "virgin" only means "young woman." It has absolutely nothing to do with an hymen being intact). Then we fast forward to the safe haven cave, where the little Lolitas thought their world had ended. So, they laced their old man's vinegar, and the little wenches seduced him and begot their own little bastards.

A final note: There are archeological records to confirm a great cataclysm occurred c.1,900 BC in the area of the Great Rift Valley near Mount Sodom. My question is: If Abraham lived c.3,500 BC, and Lot lived during the time of the documented cataclysm, c.1,900 BC, how could Lot literally be Abraham's nephew? My opinion of this as a mythical story is that it explains how Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. That "pillar of salt" is Mount Sodom.

Ancient lore is made up of myths and legends of how mountains came to be. Many, many times throughout history, mountains were named for women since they oftentimes looked like and represented the breasts of Mother Earth.

~ Medicine*Woman
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in my opinion religion was created by society to save itself from destruction. that statement could explain why religion is so wide spread.
Medicine Woman said:
In any event, the name "Sodom" was taken from "sodium" and not from "sodomy."
Hmmmm sodium was "natrium" hence Na. But then again, medieval Latin was sodanum or soda. I suppose sodom is the English translation for a Hebrew word "salt" which must be related to the Latin soda?
Einstuck said:
"The bible is like a mirror: When an ass looks into it, an ass looks back out." (Augustine)
that describes the religious person, brilliantly well done.
audible said:
that describes the religious person, brilliantly well done.

That's not a very nice thing to say, is it? Is that because your parents didn't raise you properly, or because you didn't get enough religious teachings?

Baron Max
Michael said:
Hmmmm sodium was "natrium" hence Na. But then again, medieval Latin was sodanum or soda. I suppose sodom is the English translation for a Hebrew word "salt" which must be related to the Latin soda?
M*W: You could be right. Thank you for your input.
Kotoko said:
Does anyone actually have an explanation, or reasoning behind what is written and why it's believed? Baron did a half-assed job, but I'd like to hear from the Christians who believe that the Bible is the one true word of God.

I doubt you really want to hear from a Christian Kotoko. Your attitude speaks very loudly and your words reveal how your mind has been bent into an illogical extreme in opposition to the God of Abraham, for you said in your first post:

Here's another... God creates light on the first day, but doesn't create the sun, moon and stars until the fourth day. Someone want to explain that one as well?

Well well well. Can anyone see what is see? Come now athiests and all who believe in the scientific theory of the beginning of the universe. Why didn't any of you send a PM to poor kotoko and tell her that according to the big bang theory Light came into existence way before the Sun condensed and formed into what it now is??? Think of the embarrassment you could have saved Kotoko if you had PM'd and suggested she edit out this question.

So kotoko mockingly proclaims that the bibles assertion that light existed before the sun and moon existed reveals the illogical nature of the bible. Sorry kotoko your proclamation only reveals your own illogical nature.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Nice one, Adstar. That one was a bulls-eye. 'Let there be light', so far at least is one of the few things I like about the Bible. Tough to find fault with that. But were not the elements that made up the Earth already 300,000 years old before light escaped the original cosmic cloud? Another 'what came first', huh? One could argue that even though light didn't escape that it was still there