The Absolute Innocence of all within His Creation


the sea
Registered Senior Member
The Absolute Innocence of all within His Creation

From Catherine of Sienna's dialogue with God:

I talk about it sometimes with Him, all the suffering in the world.

"Dear God," I have prayed, "how is it possible
all the horrors I have seen, all the atrocities you allow man
to commit when you--God--are ever standing
so near and could help us?
Could we not hear your voice say 'No'
with such love and power
never again would
we harm?"

And my Lord replied, "Who would understand if I said that I
cannot bear
to confine a wing, and not let it learn from the course it chooses."

But what of a man walking lost in a forest
weeping and calling your name for help, and unknown to him he
is heading for a covered pit with sharp spears in it
that will maim his flesh when he crashes
through the trap?

"Yes, why don't I remove every object from this world that could
cause someone to weep? Yes, why don't I speak in a way
that could save a life?”

I opened up my mouth and the Infinite ran to the edges of space--
and all possibilities are contained therein, all possibilities,
even sorrow.

”In the end, nothing that ever caused one pain will exist,
No one will begrudge Me.

The Absolute Innocence of all within my Creation
takes a while to understand."

~ Catherine of Siena
But what of a man walking lost in a forest
weeping and calling your name for help, and unknown to him he
is heading for a covered pit with sharp spears in it
that will maim his flesh when he crashes
through the trap?

Bear in mind that you're dealing with the type of mentality that creates a paradise (Eden) then places man within that paradise. Tells him he can do anything he wants... except... oh, man... just don't eat from that tree over there. With a huge stage whisper to the serpent, "This will be good." Plus, it wasn't actually that tree that he didn't want man to eat from, but rather from the tree of Life (which is the stated reason for kicking man out of the Garden afterwards...

Oh, boy.

God's a merry prankster. He loves the blood and guts of it all. He's been laughing so long that it takes a good tiger in a pit trap to make him laugh nowadays.

It is funny, right?
Isn't it?
Little bit?
water said:
The Absolute Innocence of all within His Creation

”In the end, nothing that ever caused one pain will exist,
No one will begrudge Me.

The Absolute Innocence of all within my Creation
takes a while to understand."[/i]

~ Catherine of Siena

I will go with this one, it's really hard to understand.