The Abduction Experience

J.S. Horvath

Registered Member
The Abduction Experience

If the abduction phenomena were a part of our spiritual and societal paradigm, being abducted would be sought out my most people, and the abduction process would be one of joy, not dread.

Societal norms, those things deemed valid or invalid, real or not real by our society, are something that we all, whether consciously or not, adhere to. The emotional turmoil created from our abduction experience, is a result of the fact that our society has no place for our experiences whatsoever - if that were not the case, that is to say that if our society saw our experiences as valid, normal, and/or commonplace, the trauma that we experience as a result of our abductions for the most part would not exist.

Simply put, this emotional pain that we have all felt, is as a result of us trying to categorize and explain something that our society views as not being real or valid, and in the process attempting to make it somehow fit within our individual belief system.

Ultimately, each of us is forced to stand up and say; “wait a minute, I’m not crazy, this was a real and valid experience that I have had, whether or not it fits into what society says is acceptable, and whether or not it fits into my current belief system”.

From there, we all then need, are required, to integrate our experiences into our belief systems.

The world doesn’t provide a template for us to do this, but then again, maybe forums such as these are our templates.

In effect, we are the first settlers of a new frontier.

Wagons Ho
The term that most immediately springs to mind is "ha!".

Let's put this concisely:

1. Your alien abduction experience was NOT real.

2. Your alien abduction experience is valid only insofar as it open a window into your inner mind, which is obviously very troubled.

3. You may, in fact, be crazy.

4. Your belief system is utterly irrelevant.

Not you, nor anyone else, was abducted by aliens. If you really think it happened, it is nothing more than a delusion. Get some help.
Human mind can create a virtual world which is not real to outside world. All over the world people experience such scenarios - whether UFO, Abduction, fariries, angels, devil or Godhead. Most cases occur from mental trauma or physiological damage including tumors.

That does not mean that UFOs can not exist, it means that the experience has nothing to do with such an improbable item.
'Cause this is the so many thread, started about abductions I will merge them tomorrow. This way J.S. Horvath, you'll know it in time.

BTW, welcome to Sciforums. :) It is in no way meant to deny your post, because I don't. It is just more sufficient to merge the threads. 'Cause man, there are a lot of abduction threads now.

I hope you understand...:)
Aliens, Do you believe? i do

i believe in aliens and that they fly them discs and cigar lookin cylinders around and have had contact with our gov., and are abducting people and making our women have them hybrids and implanting them metals in our bodies to track us. what i want to know is if i am right and if not i just want to know the truth holla~

please post ur theories or beliefs~
No, in fact Jesus was a half-alien. His father was the one and only god, isn't it? This god, however, was an alien who came down from heaven.

Therefore, Jesus was a half-alien.

This god, even came down to Earth accompanied by Angels. Creatures with wings, as is stated in the holy bible. Only the godbelievers are to insecure to see that clearly. I guess it is easier to believe in an almighty, invisible god, who made the godbelievers go on the war-path to bring the message of "love", in the name of god. At any cost.

No believing in the good god almighty, in the way he wants it, results in death and destruction. A true loving god it is...

BTW, threads are being merged, 'cause there are several threads at the moment with the same subject(s).

No offense Mortox...
Aliens are among us...

Originally posted by Northwind
Not you, nor anyone else, was abducted by aliens. If you really think it happened, it is nothing more than a delusion. Get some help.

You know, that's just what an alien would say who was trying to hide out unobtrusively here on earth... :bugeye:
Aliens are among us... (part II)

Originally posted by kmguru
Human mind can create a virtual world which is not real to outside world. All over the world people experience such scenarios - whether UFO, Abduction, fariries, angels, devil or Godhead. Most cases occur from mental trauma or physiological damage including tumors.

You know, that's another way that an alien might try to pass this all off so as to remain undetected on earth... :bugeye:

Your experience was likely caused from something called Sleep Paralysis. It happens when the body is in between being awake and being asleep. Symptoms are usually the same as victim's accounts of abduction, such as paralysis, bright lights....
Unfortunately, I have not talked to anyone who has been abducted nor have read the background of people who have. However, I have met several people who do channeling (otherwise known as talking to some intelligent bodyless entity). In one case it was done in front of me by a person who was divorced and under duress.

I came to the conclusion that the mind sometimes creates a different personality for mental and physical protection.

There has been a situation I was invloved in that I can not explain because I do not have enough information. But I still dont think these traumatic abductions are any more real than nightmares by young children.

You know, that's just what an alien would say who was trying to hide out unobtrusively here on earth...
I liked that one a lot ! heheehe welcom to sciforums, where the anvils fly and the ufo's drop,...

what about all the millions of story's,.......all made up?

what about the million withnesses,..........all fake?

what about the zillion artefacts and archaic relevant relics,.........?

what about the trillions of strange phenomena exerianced by people troughout history,.......all related to here and now and fake?

what about aaaaaaall those little details: detained material, confiscated documents,...

what about all those sensored things, and those tabous where you may not speak about unless you want to be despoused by people like northwind: look: all I'm saying is: if people like him would have the power to lock away all those 'mad' people (as I'm shure he'll call them) Then he'd probably do that,....only to find out that there are more witnesses than 'normal' people.

NO rants please, just facts,....Thx:bugeye:
Re: Hehehehehe,.......

Originally posted by Fukushi
No rants please, just facts,....

You know, that's just what a Skeptic seeking the truth would say... :bugeye:
Well eehm,...Thank you!

I take that as a compliment! :p

But if you would believe what I saw,,'d be wondering why I was so sceptic: well: it's just because of those 'crazy' people like ... they are so ignorant and we must find a way to convey them to see all the shit that's been going on right under their noses,....but how?:eek:
Re: Well eehm,...Thank you!

Originally posted by Fukushi
I take that as a compliment! :p

Then you missed the point...

But if you would believe what I saw,,'d be wondering why I was so sceptic: well: it's just because of those 'crazy' people like ... they are so ignorant and we must find a way to convey them to see all the shit that's been going on right under their noses,....but how?:eek:

You might begin by backing up that long list of "rants" in your previous message with verifiable facts. After all, the skeptic would say "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof".

To say that anyone was or was not abducted has not been proved or disproved, so anyone that says a person who claims to have been abducted is either lying or crazy is just closed mindedness. I haven't seen proof either way.

I have seen flying objects that I can't say were of alien origin but I don't know of any known aircraft that looks or moves like what I've seen. I do live close to a firing center for military exercises.:eek: