The Abduction Experience

J.S. Horvath

Registered Member
The Abduction Experience

If the abduction phenomena were a part of our spiritual and societal paradigm, being abducted would be sought out my most people, and the abduction process would be one of joy, not dread.

Societal norms, those things deemed valid or invalid, real or not real by our society, are something that we all, whether consciously or not, adhere to. The emotional turmoil created from our abduction experience, is a result of the fact that our society has no place for our experiences whatsoever - if that were not the case, that is to say that if our society saw our experiences as valid, normal, and/or commonplace, the trauma that we experience as a result of our abductions for the most part would not exist.

Simply put, this emotional pain that we have all felt, is as a result of us trying to categorize and explain something that our society views as not being real or valid, and in the process attempting to make it somehow fit within our individual belief system.

Ultimately, each of us is forced to stand up and say; “wait a minute, I’m not crazy, this was a real and valid experience that I have had, whether or not it fits into what society says is acceptable, and whether or not it fits into my current belief system”.

From there, we all then need, are required, to integrate our experiences into our belief systems.

The world doesn’t provide a template for us to do this, but then again, maybe forums such as these are our templates.

In effect, we are the first settlers of a new frontier.

Wagons Ho