The 8th Day


Registered Senior Member
Now for something abit different:
What would the 8th day be like. Is that judgment day, or does it come before judgment day? Does anyone out there have a theory of what the 8th day could be? I ask because I'm writing a book, and I want to somehow tie dreams and religion together, and make the 8th day the time when dreams and reality begin to converge. The thread concerning my story is, and any suggestions, please post here if religious, and there if not.
Well the after the 6 day comes judgement day. The 7th day is where we have eternal rest with God. However from Revelation there is no night in the new Jerusalem. Perhaps we can descibe the emptyness of nonexistance.
I think were still in the 6th day. I do not think that we are in the 7th day. There are verses in Isaiah and by Jesus that seem to indicate that God does not rest or grow weary. I suspect that we are in the morning of the 6th day. Also in Revelation 21 "I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, God's dwelling is with the human race." And in verse 22, "I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God almighty and the Lamb. The city had no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gave it light, and its lamp was the Lamb." It's also possible that the 7th day represents the time when the beast has power and then the 8th day would be the new Jerusalem.
Ah, I see, I was always under the impression that "God rested" meant animals were no longer popping up outta clay and such, aka God's detatchment
On the 6th day God created land animals, man and woman. On the 7th day he rested. And on the 8th day God said, "OK Murphy, you take over."
The seven days represent seven thousand years - with the seventh being a type of the sabbath, or Gods' "day of rest".
There is also a type for the seven days as the "Seven Church Ages", which span Christ's first coming to His second coming.
Each age had an alloted messinger with a message from God for the people of that age.
The Gentile Church Ages are over at Christ's return - when He is "revealed" from heaven as the Son of Man.
At this time He is the one in Rev. 5 who is found worthy to take "The Book" and open the seals thereof......When He is revealed as the Son of Man it is a secret coming.
The Voice of God calls the names of His elect by the revelation of the mysteries contained within the seven sealed book which have been hid from Mankind since before the foundation of the world, to be revealed at His coming.
This revelation of Himself, - for He is "The Word" is the Shout,...the message to gather together the elect, The Voice of the Arch-Angel.....the message of this last messinger to quicken the Bride and trim her lamps, making herself ready by puting on her wedding garment, Christ the revealed Word of God, the Bridegroom, and The Trumph, the trumpet calling the elect to the wedding supper.
There is a type of an Eighth day, beyond the seven.
After the Seven church ages are over, and Christ rises from the mercy seat as interceser where He has been for nearly 2000 years, He returns to do this work as the Son of Man.
There remains a maturing period for the bride, a rapturing process in which the "wheat" must lay in the presence of "The Son" to ripen.
There is a type for this "Eighth day" in the Feast of Tabernacles in the old testement.
In the Feast of Tabernacles there where eight feast days, not seven.
This speaks of an "Eighth Day", after the seven church ages are over......a "Bride Age".
The number eight if layed sideways is the symbol for infinity, and those who enter into "His" rest, the Millineum, are "eternal".
The Bride, the many-membered body of Christ, taken from out of each age.
They enter into an eternal land, a kingdom that has no end.