The 4 Faces of God



The state in which God recognises himself can be represented in numbers and geometry.

An equilateral triangle symbolises God. In the three-dimensional world it becomes a tetrahedron. A cube symbolises matter. However, as everything, a cube is also made of connected tetrahedrons, equilateral triangles. A material human is like a cube which is not aware that inside him is the divine form of god. He is like an opened cube, in form of a cross or a T, who has crucified the self on the two trees of the three-dimensional world: Space and time. He dies on this cross.

A human who obeys God is like a pyramid, which uses the cubic form, a rectangle only as a ground under his feet. He expresses the 4 faces of god. Whoever doesn't realize that he is a tetrahedron will build more geometrical shapes above his cube, until he becomes a living materialisation of matter - satan. Then after many struggles with satan he will see god.

The spectrum of God's infinite faces are seen everywhere in nature. However, four of these faces are seen most commonly, but sometimes we also talk about 12 faces. (3x4=12) In "reality" God represents the number 1 in 3, but in the material world 2 things can't be on the same space and time, so the number becomes 1 + 3. The equilateral triangle becomes threedimensional and now has 4 sides.

God's first born son is the force which separated from him and by that separation created everything.

The north wind is dry and cold. It makes things calm and it paralyses, in some places even the water turns as hard as rock. The wind from the south brings warmth and makes life. From east comes cool weather and it brings a *glass of water with a lemon*. From west comes warmth and water, in many places water fall from the sky. Living things become tired.

These winds come from the oneness of the paradise. God radiates life and expresses it into four directions. How is it possible that four winds are so different yet they come from one source? It's only a matter of which direction they go, that decides the effect. You know the four elements: Fire, air, water and earth. This is how the four faces of God are like. Reflect and you see how they match with the four winds.

If I convert these elements to colors they form to red, blue, green and yellow. If I convert them into animal faces, they form to a lion, a bird-scorpion, bull (taurus) and aquarius. If I convert them into directions, they form into up, left, right, down. God's faces can never turn themselves, they always point to the earth. But if a man finds God, he himself radiates everything to the four directions, just like God does, because he is the same as God, as "everything" is.

Everything in this world has been separated, this also means that there is no rest, everything is constant motion. This is the reason why these lifeforms which today roam the earth must at one point change. "If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"

Whatever we look at from a personal viewpoint (from outside), with our senses, is in a divine state the opposite. When you look at something from any of the four directions, they are just the opposite if someone looks at you, when you yourself don't see, but you Are these four. When you see something, you are in a dualistic position and when you are something, you are in a monistic position, in a divine oneness. The letters GOD comes from left to right, but if I write this on your head, so that you don't see it, you become it, and they now come from the opposite direction, from right to left.

Try to understand that the four faces of brahman, god (1 ezekiel) and the pyramid are one and the same faces.


Now, close your eyes and look at this...

The staff forms into a snake but the snake of Moses eats the snakes of the magicians.

The staff symbolises wisdom, which is of great use. But if wisdom attaches itself to earth and only serves material meanings, it becomes a snake which leads to intellectual egoism. Both of these two (Moses) fight impersonally for their people, and in their hands the intellectual egoism, the snake, becomes wisdom, which destroys all the magicians foolish and egoistic arguments.

The pharaoh doesn't release the people, and at the very end, at the night, angels from heaven kill many of the pharaos family, people and animals. Only those who have "eaten flesh of a lamb" which resided in the heavens at that time, or who have "wrote their names with its blood", will survive. Around the one, who is called Moses, is the people which has the powers of that animal in their blood, which represents the radiation of that animal. These are the people who can show the old truths for the humanity in a new form.

Since the adult lamb is a symbol of fire, a cloud of fire shows the path for Moses, and leads his people out of darkness. But the pharaoh sends soldiers after them. To protect His people, he uses the staff by which he can control all energies. He uses it to increase gravity, and all the pharaohs soldiers and animals become unable to move. Since this happens near the ocean, the ocean soon falls upon the soldiers. At that time people didn't use lions anymore, but they had a new animal which can also be used in war, the horse.

The image changes. Moses have been in the "desert" with his people between two faces, where the face of the adult lamb in the heaven changes into the next animal. This is always hard time, because people must change their hearts into the heart of the next image. God's faces are never perfectly divided in 12 faces, but they are a complete circle with infinite "faces", but it is possible to recognise 4 of these faces, and it is possible to recognise 4 times 3 faces. This is the way we talk about it.

But the image changes. A new generation needs new truth. The truth is paralysed in peoples hearts at this time, because life has gone from the old teachings which gave life to the old generation. They have become for the mouth, like bread and water, instead of lifegiving food of nature. For the eye, like a rectangle instead of oceans, mountains and landscapes. For the ear, like noice instead of peace.

The old paralysed teachings no longer gives life for the new generation but the old generation can't accept and eat the new teachings. So many people go back to the old understandings, which is the taurus in heaven. But the bull no longer gives the power of taurus, but instead a smaller form, which is a calf. Gold always means "spirit", and so the chosen people of Moses "dance" around a "golden calf".

Moses is now at the mountain, in the most high consciousness melted into god. The complementary balancer stands across the bull in heaven, so Moses now makes two tablets with the new tenfold law from God, to help the people out of darkness, so that they can move to the next symbol in heaven. These orders from God must be too much for the people, otherwise they will not understand and have no help, and they must not be old teachings. The egyptian symbolic aspect of god, Horus, ("Jesus". The creative principal which travels in space, the divine symbol of the self) has above his head two tablets with ten moral laws. The tablets symbolise the inner construction of the self, which in the soul, appears as moral law.

These divine truths will be leading man for over 2000 years. With these laws comes a new testing after 2000 years. When God's chosen one comes down from the moutain, he strikes these laws on the ground, and they shatter into pieces and he asks God to punish the non-believing people. At that time, small poisoneous snakes come from heaven (remember what the snake symbolises) and bite the people, and they are in great pain. Moses shows mercy on the people.

At the center of that place, where the people are, he rises two trees in a form of T, and lifts up a snake (with face upwards). This is the tree of knowledge, a symbolic appearance of the snake-tree. When a man has his face and wisdom downwards, (to earth) he becomes like a snake, an egoistic man which only cares about personal matters. But if he looks to heaven, if he cares about others, he forms into the highest form of wisdom which leads man back to happiness. Everyone who "look" at this snake, is instantly cured. It means that those who can accept the new teachings will live but those who don't, will be spiritually sick. They no longer find their place among people. Wisdom and impersonal all-knowing cures every spiritual sickness.

The great man, Moses leads the people to the new world month, the "promised land". Then he goes up to the mountain and dissapears, his body will never be found. He dematerialised his body, just as the last sons of God dematerialised the machines so that they would not come in in the hands of humans and locked the great pyramid from inside so that the enterance will never be found. Because God gives everything to humans, even himself, but humans turn everything into a curse.


A world month goes, which is 2160 years. The vernal spring equinox moves slowly to the sign of the fishes. Once again, people are in lost. They no longer find the truth from the old and paralysed laws. They are like sheeps without shepherd. A new avatar is born at this time period, the "son of God". He has come to fulfill the most important mission, to show man the greatest secret: He is God who has clothed himself with a human body.

This son of God is the heavenly offering of the lamb, an earthly representation of it. Just like the divine self of the world sacrifices himself to take upon him the three-dimensional world and suffers an eternal crucifixion on the two trees of time and space. In the same way must the son of god express the most high, fully in his human body, and suffer the revenge of the spirit of matter (satan) and die for the people who do not know what they do.

A man who puts his consciousness in his body, lives in darkness and is like a stable where animals live, animal desires. In this stable, in this darkness of the night, a divine child is born: Self knowledge. Those who are not learned, who do not know the suspection of the mind, will believe in the son of god. Also those who have a long path behind them and no longer are proud of their wisdom, those who know that which is inside, will also believe in him. But then there are those who are in the center of these two kinds of people, and they will not believe.

The new symbols of this time period are the fishes and virgo. The son of god chooses his companions from fishermen. He pays back his debt to the world with a golden coin which he takes from the mouth of a "fish". He takes a bath in these two symbols of this time period and gives the teachings from these to the humanity. But those who listen are all on a different stage. To those who have awakened spiritually, the fifth state (3rd is animal, 4th is human, up to 7), these "5000 men" will have all his teaching: Two fishes and five loafs of bread. The five loafs of bread symbolise the five wheat in the hand of virgo. But not even these spiritually awakened people can eat all his teachings, not even under a whole world year. From the food he has given them are 12 baskets left. It means that the humanity needs to understand the secrets in all the 12 faces of god, which is 25000 earth years...

Then there are those who have only reached the 4th state, to these "4000 men" he don't give all the teachings of the two symbols, but only a "little" fish and five loafs of bread. And not even of this "little" can they take in everything, but 7 baskets are left. Material people has to understand the secrets of the 7 stages first. Only then they are ready for divine truth.

The symbol of fish belongs to the triangle of water which means that humans have to suffer through temptations through water: Water must be won with water. The humanity succeeds and water is used in many kinds of machines. Also sicknesses are handled with water.

At the end of the fishes' symbol, the face of aquarius turns to earth. At this time many technical machines are born, and the face of aquarius has no limits. The radiation of this sign from space have no limits and this radiation is converted into people's understanding and social understandings. When the aquarius has not yet turned to earth, these undertandings makes great masses of people very angry. Many people are in prison at this time and a spirit kills many people.

But aquarius turns his face to earth. A great teacher of this time destroys the limits of the 3 religions. He shows with his own person that the root of all religions is the one and same god. Also the boundaries of science and religion dissapears, since people understand that everything between matter and spirit is wave motions, and everything is an expression of powers which came from one single point. Aquarius symbolically shows that everything is waves, and lets waving water come out of the pot in his hands.

Many machines are invented which use waves. Also sicknesses are handled with waves. Aquarius belongs to the triangle of air, and many things travel in air, using gas as fuel... air has been won with air.

The complementary face of god, the lion, makes people see the sun. Once again they will see this Ra god as a great power, but this time not religiously. At this time the people of this earth is no longer separated from other planets in space and the boundaries between countries will also dissapear.

The eternal wheels move to the image of the capricorn, and its complementary part cancer. People see they know much but not very much of their great earth. Since capricorn is a face of earth, people will win the earth with earth. People will build a machine which works with the same principal as the ark of the covenant. With this, people will win the "weight" of matter, which means that they can by opposing forces decrease the gravity or with ultramaterial radiations increase it. People do holes on the ground which goes through the earth. This machine can decrease or increase the wavelength of matter and totally dematerialise things. At this time, people will use the powers within the earth which has until then, made "destruction" by volcanic erruptions.

The completion of capricorn, cancer affects greatly to the spiritual life of the people. The great teacher of this time will show a yet sleeping source of a "power" within. Whoever has key to these sources of power will make spiritual powers possible, those who do not know will call these natural powers for "unearthy powers". The control of these inner abilities will be taught everywhere in schools already to children. Knowledge makes a ring in water and the rings are going in larger and larger circles to people, even to the people who are most far. These inner powers were taught in Egypt about 5000 years ago, and even much earlier.

The images fade. You see that the whole earth becomes aware of themselves. The faces of God must go unimaginably times around the earth, by earth years the salvation of the earth takes aeons. The future of the earth is not in the hands of chance, but every step is watched from above and the teaching to the humans is given by a divine law. A human can go through this unimaginably long way in one single human life time if he concentrates his will only on this goal.

(Sorry for my 3rd language)