The 12 Dimensions According to Medium Alloya Huckfield


Registered Senior Member
"For the purpose of this text, We are working with a twelve dimensional model, THE UNIVERSAL DREAMER residing on the twelfth, and the everyday awareness of humans residing on the third. The first dimension is the iron crystal core that is at the centre of the planet, the centre of gravity. This place holds all physical beings in form. It is the source of bliss, harmony, and being grounded to the planet. The second dimension is the home of telluric powers and elemental beings. The third dimension is the existence that you are aware of as linear space and time. The fourth dimension is a non-physical, archetypal zone of dreams and feelings. All connections to Gaia, Earth's Higher Self, and higher dimensions are available here. The archetypal patterns create dramas, which stimulate certain types of behaviour on Earth. The fifth dimension is where you first contact your 'I AM' presence, the aspect of your spirit that chose to incarnate into a third dimensional form. It is a place of love and non-judgement. It is beyond the polarity of light and dark, right or wrong. Some would consider it to be what you call Heaven. The sixth dimension is a place of geometric light instructions, which blueprint the forms of the third dimensional reality. Everything that is manifest has a geometric pattern in light and is used as an energetic framework on which to build the third dimension. The sixth dimension is a light pattern library and through its thinking processes, it creates frameworks upon which to build realities. The seventh dimension is a magnificent dimension of photonic light highways that are information highways carrying pure thought throughout the universe. The eighth dimension is the place where entities create morphogenetic fields that are used to organise the information that travels along the photonic light highways. It is the home of the Galactic Federation, which is the energy of pure creativity. This divine mind radiates cosmic light, which links all galaxies to each other and creates the universe. The ninth dimension is pure darkness. You recognise its energy in the form of black holes. It is the place of the return to your Universal Self, a vortex of time that contains all things including gateways to other universes. It is the place of unitised reality that interweaves all of the dimensional frequencies. The tenth dimension is the place of unified essences. It is the place where the essence of every intelligent entity combines to create a collective consciousness. At this level of consciousness entities experience themselves as a group of entities, separate yet harmonised with each other. It is the place of the Soul Family. The eleventh dimension is the place of the varied aspects of THE UNIVERSAL DREAMER. It is the first realm of its imagination and creativity. The Universal Dreamer first experiences itself as a conscious entity on its dimension. It is the source from which all the Dreamers come from. We are here. The twelfth dimension is the place from which all reality comes from. It is the ultimate power source for everything, the origins of the ALL THAT IS, THE UNIVERSAL DREAMER (p 11-12, Mission of the One Star, Alloya N. Huckfield)." - Files/mission.pdf

My Commentary: I believe that there is a thirteenth dimension (or "x" dimension) that nobody knows about and this is where the Hidden, Unknown, Non-logical, Truly Omniscient, Truly Omnipotent, Unchangeable, Supreme Being (Primary Existence) resides. The Universal Dreamer in the twelfth dimension did not see a lot of events that happened throughout the history of the universe; it only learned its lessons after those tragic events occurred and vowed to not allow it to happen again. For example, after the First Galactic War in which many entities of various extraterrestrials died (those Star Wars type science fiction shows have a historical truth), the Galactic Federation was established to prevent such a catastrophe because many beings did not want a repeat of such an event. Another example, after what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is a rumor circulating the channeling community that we will not have a Third World War. Extraterrestrials have been disabling weapons and have been monitoring the situation very carefully. Dr. Doreen Virtue noted that aliens have been monitoring the situation after the beginning of the September 11 attacks because they loved us and that seeing Earth destroyed would have enormous ramifications felt throughout the entire Universe. Within the context of my Primary Existence and Secondary Existence hypothesis (see thread "My Theory of the Cosmos of All That Is"), everything I just described reflects the Secondary Existence [us, aliens, the thoughts of us savage humans, the thoughts of aliens, (Thoughts, Actions, and Creation are synonymous)]. The Primary Existence is indifferent for the Dark Ones are still a part of All That Is, All That Is in the sense that is truly All That Is while the Secondary Existence includes All That Is of All That Is of Light entities only. The Primary Existence is also indifferent because of its independence that is separate from All That Is and in reality has no emotional projections (or lacks it). The fact that the Secondary Existence cannot see particular future events proves its inferiority to the Primary Existence. It is also indicative of its own lack of Omniscience. The feelings and emotions it projects out to its Creation (like the concern for the stability of planet earth) further proves its being of a somewhat empathetic Being unlike the Being of the Primary Existence.
Oh wait. I typed that in a hurry and may have expressed myself badly.
What I meant to say was: what utter nonsense.
This Huckfield guy appears to be ignorant as to what the word "dimension" means, and to have invented everything else. There's not one shred of support (let alone evidence) for his contentions.
Nor yours for that matter.
The 5th Dimension is where Mr Mxyzptlk lives.


Mr Mxyzptlk, 76th worst villain of all time
So noted.
Writes in his little black book: Captain Kremmen - thread killer: send the boys round.
Let us not argue.
Let's finish the thread with some of the past words of Serenesam:

Analogous to the fictional television show like Smallville or Superman, Lex Luthor will not hesitate to kill Clark Kent yet Clark Kent is reluctant to kill Lex Luthor. That kind of mentality is very dangerous in my opinion because it puts good vulnerable people at risk and just like some people today question why nobody had the courage to do anything pertaining to Adolf Hitler’s genocide against Jewish people until it was too late. As exemplified in the television show Battlestar Galactica, the humans must find every single opportunity possible to kill or destroy the cylons such as nuking a particular facility and they must be attentive because the cylons terminate just like the T-888 model in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles or the T-1000 liquid metal model from the regular Terminator Movies. To put it into simplistic practical perspective like a soldier serving their own country, they must eliminate the enemy before the enemy eliminates them.

That's it now. No more.
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Sorry, but I must add something.
If Clark Kent had killed Lex Luthor it would have ruined the Superman books.