The 10th Planet



Now that the 10th planet was discovered, Astrology is all wrong. Because Astrologists ignored its influence. Wright? Well this sure proofs Astrology is Bullshit...
It's not a planet really, and neither Pluto is. See the Astronomy section of these forums.
Does it? Until now...virgo and gemini shared mercury. Before that there were two...including Pisces, that shared another...Jupiter, I think.

Maybe this fixes it all.

It's a planet allright. Much bigger than Pluto. It doesen't matter if it it in the kuiper Belt. This planet has a planar orbit, like the other planets.
Oh? Then please give me a definition of what is a planet. I'm waiting with great interest.
gOn said:
It's a planet allright. Much bigger than Pluto. It doesen't matter if it it in the kuiper Belt. This planet has a planar orbit, like the other planets.

Considering that in the Kuiper Belt there are more than 70000 KBOs, more than a half still undiscovered, do you want to call all of them planets? I think that that is abusive
"Scientists have for the most part not yet realized that the term planet no longer belongs to them," says Caltech's Mike Brown, who led the discovery of the new larger-than-Pluto object.

Brown's new view comes after contemplating six years of mostly fruitless scientific arguments that began when the public became outraged over a rumor that scientists planned to demote Pluto, a rumor rooted in the fact that some astronomers had already stopped calling Pluto a planet by the late 1990s.
That does sound awfully like special pleading from a guy who would like to go down in history as having discovered our Solar System's tenth planet. Note how he even distances himself from "scientists". Sometimes the ego is a powerful persuader.

The discovery of a new planet in our Solar System could have an unintended consequence - the elimination of Pluto in the list of planets everyone has in their heads. Is it time to wave this distant, dark piece of rock farewell?
Well .... it's still going to be there, and it will always be called Pluto. It's not like it's going to vanish (not that the person in the street can actually see it) just because we don't describe it as a "planet" any more!

Someone posted a comment which included this really nice (and rather British) mnemonic for the planets of the solar system: Space Men Vote Earth Most Jolly of the Solar Universe's Nine Planets
just change it to: Space Men Vote Earth Most Jolly of the Solar Universe's neighbors.
gOn said:
It's a planet allright. Much bigger than Pluto. It doesen't matter if it it in the kuiper Belt. This planet has a planar orbit, like the other planets.

It doesn't have a planar orbit, it's tilted at 45 degrees!
The question is: was Sumerian tribe right in saying 10 planets? (aww...i am toying with you guys to start flaming me :D) ...sorry for detouring though...
sumerians were underachievers....they knew all about a planet filled with reptile men, floating in a wild orbit through the farthest reaches of our solar system....but they didnt know the sun was made of gas? they thought it was some dude floating across the sky!!

what losers!
Yeah, I can't say I'm terribly keen on either of those points of view. Those Sumerians may have created a form of knowledge called Astrology which blights our daily newspapers to this day, but they also took the trouble to observe the stars, and thus also created Astronomy. They weren't "losers" because they happened to write down the best that they knew about the Universe.

On the other hand, Avatar is almost implying that the Sumerian "metaphor" was designed to represent their actual scientific knowledge of the reality of the Universe and the Sun, which is hardly tenable either.

(Oh, and yes I know the Sun is not a planet - but to be useful the mnemonic has to incorporate the Sun so that whomever has such a bad memory as not to know the order of the planets, will know that it is Mercury that is closest to the Sun and not Pluto.)

go0n said:
Now that the 10th planet was discovered, Astrology is all wrong. Because Astrologists ignored its influence. Wright? Well this sure proofs Astrology is Bullshit...
Don't you believe it!! About ten years ago, British astrologer Jonathan Cainer made a big splash in the newspaper he worked for at the time, which I think was the Daily Mail or the Mail on Sunday, writing a series on the effect of Pluto on peoples' lives, their futures, their personalities, etc. - Pluto, of course, not being known to the ancients. And as far as I'm aware, not one person wrote to the newspaper with the simple question, "Could Mr. Cainer provide details of the evidence for this effect that Pluto has? What statistical surveys he has conducted or seen the results of? Which double-blind twin experiments he has supervised, or at least read about, which categorically demonstrated the Pluto Effect?"

About fifteen years ago, Cainer was misguided enough to appear on a Randi-style mysticism debunking TV programme fronted by comedy duo Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie (who I will admit were not quite as famous back then as they are now, but I knew their work quite well). Fry and Laurie presented Cainer with a description of the character of one of them, plus the birthdates, times, places etc of both of them, and asked to tell the TV audience which one of the two of them it was. The description was then read out, and it was Stephen Fry to a tee - in fact, it was so Stephen Fry that I could not believe that you would have needed more than the hour or so's acquaintance of Stephen Fry Cainer would have had just from being in the same studio as him, not to know that it was him. And I was thinking, "that's hardly a conclusive test, anybody could tell that that description is Fry, not Laurie!" But he still picked Hugh Laurie! It was the only time I ever saw a flim-flam artist thoroughly and utterly debunked and made a fool of (he didn't even successfully bluster his way out of it, like a pro - he just looked rather embarrassed and sheepish at his failure!) but really he only had himself to blame.

Of course, what Cainer then discovered in the days, weeks, months and years that followed the débacle, was that being thoroughly publicly discredited made not one jot or iota's difference to his career. He was not sacked for incompetence by his newspaper. He was not prosecuted for fraud by the Trading Standards people. He was not sued by people who had met with no success from following his prophecies. He just went back to penning his nonsense in a national daily and continued to receive a great deal of money for it.
Unfortunately that is a common problem - when people in their heads make the wishful into factual.
Astrology never made any sense anyway. For example,
It's so important to make someone happy. How can you do something special for someone truly dear to you? Seeing the joy on their face will be worth all the planning and effort you put into it.

my point was: if sumerians were visited by reptile-like aliens, putting aside the idea that they were created by them, why isnt there a single concrete piece of evidence of it? why was all of their knowledge written on clay tablets.

and to be clear...the sumerians did NOT create astronomy. the first time that any living organism looked up at the stars, and used a word for what he saw, THAT was the creation of astronomy.

i would bet quite a bit on the fact that it probably happened EONS before the sumerians came into existence!
The oldest known star-map actually comes from Europe, nowaday Germany

Secrets of the Star Disc - transcript

NARRATOR (THUSITHA JAYASUNDERA): Deep inside this ancient mine is the key to one of Europe’s biggest archaeological mysteries. It’s a story that begins with a robbery from a burial site in the dark heart of Europe. Its hero is an archaeologist with a taste for adventure. There’s even an international police hunt, an undercover sting involving agents from two countries. At its heart is one small piece of bronze.

Prof MIRANDA ALDHOUSE GREEN (University of Wales): It’s the find of a lifetime, indeed the find of several lifetimes. What it’s doing is making people think for the first time, a society that can make this is, is complex, is sophisticated, it’s intellectual.

NARRATOR: This is the extraordinary tale of how one small bronze disc is rewriting the story of how civilisation may have first come to ancient Europe.