the 10 plagues of egypt


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Ok maybe im wrong on this cause i DID hear it on a law and order program once:p but it was saying that each of the 10 plagues was aimed at a different egyption god

so i was wondering

is this true and if so which god got which plague?
OK i just looked it up and found the plagues:p

Blood - acording to this artical this one is against Khmun who is the gardian of the nile and Osiris, who brings the corn

Frogs - Heket was the wife of khmun and this plague was aimed at her, seems this plague was ment to disasosiate frogs with the life of the nile by driving everyone bonkers:p

Vermin - hmm this artical calls this plauge gnats, aimed at Geb the father of Osiris and Isis who was god of the earth and gardian of the health of the crops, the gnats rose from the earth where normally crops would so destroying the faith of the people in Geb

Beasts - hmm this list seems to be wrong cause this one is flys but this guy says it could be bettles (scarabs) which come at that time of the year anyway, hmmm aparently THIS plague was ALSO aimed at Ra cause the scarab is his symbol

Cattle Disease - well cattle were sarcred to Apis so this one was aimed at him

Boils -



Darkness - that one is DEFINITLY against Ra

Slaying of First Born

thats all it gave me
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Hmm, let's see if I remember Hebrew class.

Blood = Hapi, Nile God
Frogs = god of childbirth (had something to do with frogs, dont remember)
gnats = ?
flies = Kheper, god of flies
cattle = Apis, god of the bull
boils = Imhotep (healing)
hail = duh, sky god - Nut
locust = god of farming, agriculture (set? seth? something like that)
darkness = you got it, Ra
first-born death = As I recall this was more directed at Pharoh who, at the time, was viewed as the link between god and man.