Thanks guys!

Cool! Scrolling through is interesting. All the main guys there. Wegs is a gal!? Weird how one presumes on science sites.
I just found out there's a Likes counter!
You guys are the best!
Really Dave, I would of thought this kind of stunt was beneath you of all people.
I suppose you will claim it’s just a complete coincidence you bringing attention to people 'liking' you the most, at the same time there may be an opening for a Mod.;)

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Wegs is a gal!?
Of all the members on this site, the one whom I was most confident was a girl was wegs. (This is a compliment.)

She is far more attuned to how people feel and interact - while being far less interested in massaging her own ego - than anyone else.
I have suggested more than once that she should consider a career in dispute resolution.

Now, if you want to test your gender-radar, tell me what gender you think Beer w/ Straw is. o_O
Really Dave, I would of thought this kind of stunt was beneath you of all people.
I suppose you will claim it’s just a complete coincidence you bringing attention to people 'liking' you the most, at the same time there may be an opening for a Mod.;)
Har har.

No. I'd never seen this counter before.

I confess, sheepishly, to blowing my own horn. I do feel a little like Sally Field "You like me!". Just a self-ego-stroking moment.

I actually went looking for the Post counter.

I notice that Magical Realist is all over certain threads.The Jokes thread, the Quotes thread and the Art thread. He posts a LOT in those threads. Practically every day in my New Posts list, these threads show activity and it is almost always MR.

These three threads are unique in SciFo in that they are not discussion threads - they are dumping grounds, where posters than just post any old content dug up from the internet.

I confess I am showing my cynical side. I followed them for a while until I noticed that the content is really lame (in my humble opinion). Jokes are old and hackneyed, Art is likewise old and random. Not that anyone cares about my opinions on such matters. But I wonder if perhaps it is an attempt to boost "Messages" count (whoch appears under every member's name in their avatar next to every post.) I notice MR is creeping up toward 20,000.

None of this is showing me in a good light. I am self-servingly blowing my own horn, even as I am heaping on someone else.

Mea culpa.
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Cluelusshusbund's gender is puzzling too., for me anyway, But, live and let live.
His gender is not in question for me. I cannot imagine a girl going to the trouble he does to corrupt his text.

What is in-question or me is whether he is a sock of someone else on the site. It's the only explanation I can think of why he would work so hard to put such a spin on his persona.
Of all the members on this site, the one whom I was most confident was a girl was wegs. (This is a compliment.)

She is far more attuned to how people feel and interact - while being far less interested in massaging her own ego - than anyone else.
I have suggested more than once that she should consider a career in dispute resolution.

Now, if you want to test your gender-radar, tell me what gender you think Beer w/ Straw is. o_O
I stuck my picture in after flicking through. I thought Tiassa was female based on his avatar.
Beer w/straw I assume is male.
His gender is not in question for me. I cannot imagine a girl going to the trouble he does to corrupt his text.

What is in-question or me is whether he is a sock of someone else on the site. It's the only explanation I can think of why he would work so hard to put such a spin on his persona.
Sock or ex member I'm thinking.
Har har.

No. I'd never seen this counter before.

I confess, sheepishly, to blowing my own horn. I do feel a little like Sally Field "You like me!". Just a self-ego-stroking moment.

I actually went looking for the Post counter.

I notice that Magical Realist is all over certain threads.The Jokes thread, the Quotes thread and the Art thread. He posts a LOT in those threads. Practically every day in my New Posts list, these threads show activity and it is almost always MR.

These three threads are unique in SciFo in that they are not discussion threads - they are dumping grounds, where posters than just post any old content dug up from the internet.

I confess I am showing my cynical side. I followed them for a while until I noticed that the content is really lame (in my humble opinion). Jokes are old and hackneyed, Art is likewise old and random. Not that anyone cares about my opinions on such matters. But I wonder if perhaps it is an attempt to boost "Messages" count (whoch appears under every member's name in their avatar next to every post.) I notice MR is creeping up toward 20,000.

None of this is showing me in a good light. I am self-servingly blowing my own horn, even as I am heaping on someone else.

Mea culpa.
I actually believe you are like me in that I never knew that about number of likes thingy either, I didn't think you was blowing your own horn.
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I thought Tiassa was female based on his avatar.
For the longest name I had 'female' imprinted on Tiassa's image in my brain. It just sounds like a female name to my ear. My best guess is that I am unconsciously conflating it with 'tiarra'.

I have overridden it with a different image. Now when I imagine Tiassa, I see Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.

Check this out and tell me CBG wasn't modeled after Tiassa! I dare you!
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I just found out there's a Likes counter!

Note that my "like" was intended as a somewhat facetious congratulations, given the nature of the topic itself. Rather than my not being aware of it. ;)
I notice that Magical Realist is all over certain threads.The Jokes thread, the Quotes thread and the Art thread. He posts a LOT in those threads. Practically every day in my New Posts list, these threads show activity and it is almost always MR.

It has never occurred to me that posting here could be taken to be a competition to beat out other posters in post count. I always just viewed it as a group effort--to collectively make this forum more interesting and lively for other posters and so keep it from shriveling up on life support.
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It has never occurred to me that posting here could be taken to be a competition to beat out other posters in post count. I always just viewed it as a group effort--to collectively make this forum more interesting and lively for other posters and so keep it from shriveling up on life support.

On the plus side, the "meter reading" has to be sought out rather than being easily available/displayed in the avatar frame. Reducing the rivalry factor.

Of course, SV got rid of its original ratings system due to proposed deleterious effects on a forum.

Personally, I feel the simple "Like" of SF is better. And it's convenient, since the alternative would be clogging up a thread with posts potentially serving no function other than that. Which accordingly would not happen, resulting in the situation at SV where an individual reply doesn't get any frugal feedback in that area one way or the other.
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It has never occurred to me that posting here could be taken to be a competition to beat out other posters in post count. I always just viewed it as a group effort--to collectively make this forum more interesting and lively for other posters and so keep it from shriveling up on life support.
It was just a thought - and admittedly a cynical one at that. I wouldn't have brought it up at all except I found myself having to justify an even more sheepish behavior: why I was looking at my own Likes meter.
It was just a thought - and admittedly a cynical one at that. I wouldn't have brought it up at all except I found myself having to justify an even more sheepish behavior: why I was looking at my own Likes meter.
They could use that as a Turing test.
Put a bunch of ai bots in a social media jerk circle and if one of them goes off piste and starts to surreptitiously keep clicking on the likes meter,that's it.

They could call it the DaveC test :biggrin: