Thank you so very much to...


Hyperactive Catatonic
Registered Senior Member
whoever the jackass was that subscribed me to every religious mailing list in sight.

[sarcasm=eyeball deep]
That was so clever. So amusing. I always said the people on this forum were mental giants.

I hope you'll all email me so i can return the favor.

It was whatsupyall. He was bragging about it to me earlier :D

Xelios sez:

It was whatsupyall. He was bragging about it to me earlier

Unfortunately, if whatsupyall found your email address listed in your profile, he can sign you up to these mailing lists without consequence, as per Sciforum registering FAQs:

To register, you will need to specify a username and password, and a valid email address. Entering your email address will not leave you open to 'spam', as you can choose to hide your email address, and messages sent to you via email do not reveal your address to the sender in any case.

However, if true, and whatsupyall DID sign you up to those mailing lists using the email address from your profile, I would consider that a serious breech of Netiquette if not Terms of Service. Of course, how do you prove such an action ?

What say the administrator/moderators in this case ?
punks falsely accusing me. I dont even know where to find mailing list here, Im just slowly learning how work. I just recently learned how to post threads..And I am still yet to learn more, such as PM's and chat which I heard from "inspector" but not sure how it works. So dont falsely accuse me, if you want to prove the devil dont exist, THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR WAYS AND STOP PROVING THE FATHER OF LIES EXIST, ok...
Whatsupyall, child, methinks thou doth protest too much...
Originally posted by whatsupyall
I dont even know where to find mailing list here, Im just slowly learning how work. I just recently learned how to post threads..And I am still yet to learn more, such as PM's and chat which I heard from "inspector" but not sure how it works.

Hey dont make fun of him!

*Apple swtich music starts playing in the background*

When I first got to sciforums I didnt know what the little clicky thing did. It was just so confusing always having to click "Show files". I just didnt get it.

I was writing a paper one time and my computer crashed, it was like BEEP BEEP BEEP! Then I was all like "Huh?" And then I had to rewrite the paper and it wasnt as good...... Its kinda like..... a bummer.....

Im Ellen Feiss and Im a crackhead.

*Music stops*
Originally posted by Porfiry
If you can conclusively determine who it was, I'll ban them.

Please, Chromatose, do us all a favor and find conclusive evidence that it was Whatmuscles. :p
It's amazing that Whatsupyall managed to change this into something with religious content.

Well, Chrom find out who it was, and don't say it was Whatsupyall just to get him banned. I know we all want it, but it must happen fairly
Edit: Damn, won't let me delete, accidently double posted :bugeye:

I for one would like to commend whatsupyall for putting up with what he does. Im sure that whatsupyall has plenty of problems with me. Everyone has problems with everyone else, its life.

I realise that yall have plenty of reasons to hate whatsupyall. After all he does call atheists "Immature" and "Stupid." After that what do you all do? You start threads about him, at least 5 I count. Thats a mature move. You could of just PMed a mod, or PMed whatsupyall telling him that he is being mean and disruptive and you dont like his conduct. But to display him to the public and make fun of him to his face? Making fun of the way that he types, his opinions, and requesting his banning for stating his opinions... That is not mature at all.

So hes not the best typist, many of us aren't. But he does deserve to be heard and be innocent until proven guilty. And I understand that most of the time he ignores facts. But its his way of handling things, not yours. He may also be overly bias but that doesnt mean that you should be that way to him. Turn the other cheek.

Look at things his way. Yall all make fun of him and think that he's one big joke, do you have any idea how that probably makes him feel?

I dont like it when people gang up on one person, its just not right.

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