Thank you christianity


Registered Senior Member
Thank you christianity for giving me such entertainment. Whenever im bored i read your crazy posts get a chuckle out of your complete ingnorance and move on. Once in a while I like to post to provoke an amusing response from you crazy jesus lovers. :) peace be with you :) and also with you :eek:
TheHeretic: Thank you christianity for giving me such entertainment. Whenever im bored i read your crazy posts get a chuckle out of your complete ingnorance and move on. Once in a while I like to post to provoke an amusing response from you crazy jesus lovers. :) peace be with you :) and also with you
M*W: Praise Allah, xians will die!
But we can at least be sure David Lee Roth exists. The existence of Jesus is a bit more tenuous.

But feel free to continue to worship a jew who has been dead for over two thousand years, assuming he existed at all.
cato said:
bah, religious people are weak.

Ha. I think "weak at what" might be pertinent.

Most of the people I consider "strong" in general are religious. They're amazing people to me. I care about them.

The question is:

Do you see your circumstance as a strength or a liability?

I think those who see strength are strong.
Karmashock said:
*looks at the powerful people, empires, and civilization of history*

*laugh until he bleeds from the eyes*
and then take a look at how many they killed for there god, to get that power.
all religious people (especially the xians) are weak minded, as thay cower to a non-existent sky daddy(delusional (sheep, for there shepherd, baa baa.))
dude... think... stalin... hitler... Mao... fuck, look at the french revolutionaries...

Consider this fact. If God doesn't exist then where does the evil come from? Man. Man kills man. Taking God away will change nothing if god does not exist. If god does exist, then you're flirting with disaster, but lets just focus on what you currently believe.

You don't believe god exists, therefore all the sins of the religious are just the sins of man... period.
audible said:
and then take a look at how many they killed for there god, to get that power.
all religious people (especially the xians) are weak minded, as thay cower to a non-existent sky daddy(delusional (sheep, for there shepherd, baa baa.))

Actually, numerous investigations into the religions of societies have proven you wrong. Do you realize that the supernatural elements of some obscure religions consist mostly of demons and other malevolent beings which do not at all comfort?

If you think religion is simply comfort for the weak, you really don't understand much about human nature. It's a more complex phenomenon.
Consider this fact. If God doesn't exist then where does the evil come from?

That's not a "fact", it's a question. You guys really need to figure out when it's appropriate to use the word 'fact', and when it isn't.

However, to answer the question:

There is no "evil". That is just a word assigned to something you don't personally like the look of.

A lion will tear another animal to shreds. It's not evil - it's nature. That same lion will kill lion cubs who have been fathered by a different lion just to ensure their territory remains in their hands. It's not "evil", that is just life.

You could say that humans differ slightly in that they can kill without reason, whereas there is always a valid intinctual reason for an animal to kill, (food/territory etc) - but when you really think about it, there is always a reason for man to kill aswell. Be it a mental illness, an act of revenge, or a territorial issue similar to that of the lions example, man will always have a reason to kill - and it is no more "evil" than it is for a lion to do the same.

As a further note, let's look at your sentence...

"If there is no god.."

Ok, understood...

"..where does evil come from?"

So, you seem to be implying that evil comes from god. If that is the case, one would wonder why you bother bowing down in front of it - unless you're just out to save your own ass - Which is exactly what it boils down to. Cowardice and selfishness.

As for "the meek shall inherit the earth", from a biblical standpoint that is clearly ludicrous considering the earth is going to be destroyed. In short, the meek shall inherit a few wandering chunks of rock.

The Erk:

Actually, numerous investigations into the religions of societies have proven you wrong. Do you realize that the supernatural elements of some obscure religions consist mostly of demons and other malevolent beings which do not at all comfort?

If you think religion is simply comfort for the weak, you really don't understand much about human nature. It's a more complex phenomenon.

You're missing the fundamental aspect of it. Yes, the majority of religious beliefs have a "bad side", but that bad side is reserved for people outside of that religious view, and thus the people who have that religious view do get comfort because they are always destined for overall happiness, and just the bad folk suffer.

Daemons might not "comfort" but that is not their purpose. Their purpose is reserved for those who disagree or go against the religion - not for the religious masses themselves who get great comfort knowing they're destined to an afterlife of greatness.

Religion is comfort for the weak.
SnakeLord said:
You're missing the fundamental aspect of it. Yes, the majority of religious beliefs have a "bad side", but that bad side is reserved for people outside of that religious view, and thus the people who have that religious view do get comfort because they are always destined for overall happiness, and just the bad folk suffer.

Daemons might not "comfort" but that is not their purpose. Their purpose is reserved for those who disagree or go against the religion - not for the religious masses themselves who get great comfort knowing they're destined to an afterlife of greatness.

Religion is comfort for the weak.

I am talking about a bad side within the religion and the people who believe it. Keep in mind that I'm not necessarily talking about Christianity; I remember the article, it was in Skeptical Inquirer or a similar magazine, but I can't remember the name or author of it. Basically she dispelled the myth that all religion is comfort for the weak, and quite convincingly. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some of it is, but you can't make that assumption for everyone, which was the assumption that I was relplying to.

I'll try to find the article but for now, sorry, I can't back it up concretely.
Karmashock said:
dude... think... stalin... hitler... Mao... fuck, look at the french revolutionaries...
I let you have Mao in that list.
Karmashock said:
Consider this fact. If God doesn't exist then where does the evil come from? Man. Man kills man.
but unfortunately 75% of humanity believe in a god and an afterlife, therefore they do not hold life sacred, once these morons, realise that they only get one chance, at life they will not kill so easily.
Karmashock said:
Taking God away will change nothing if god does not exist.
yes it will, as I said above.
Karmashock said:
If god does exist, then you're flirting with disaster, but lets just focus on what you currently believe.
You don't believe god exists, therefore all the sins of the religious are just the sins of man... period.
agreed, but those sins are made by men who are religious, and believe there sins will be absolved
All I'm trying to do is get Atheists to realize that if God doesn't exist then it was just people doing all the evil themselves. Therefore, those evils will not go away with god... they might even increase.
I said "and then take a look at how many they killed for there god, to get that power.
all religious people (especially the xians) are weak minded, as thay cower to a non-existent sky daddy(delusional (sheep, for there shepherd, baa baa.))"

the erk you said "which do not at all comfort?
If you think religion is simply comfort for the weak, you really don't understand much about human nature. It's a more complex phenomenon."

is this really a reply to my post, as it's some what confusing.
I never mentioned anything about comfort for the weak, I said all religious people are weak minded.
and I understand what that means to human nature.
but things can only get better.
Karmashock said:
dude... think... stalin... hitler... Mao...
Stalin was a Rusian Orthodox I think...
now lets see about Hitlers Christianity
If God doesn't exist then where does the evil come from? Man. Man kills man.
yeah but why?
in the NAME of God
why do Muslims holy book teaches that anyone who believes differently is an infidel and must be killed!
bible ditto!
all religions do is divide people,nations causing wars conflicts and destruction in the name of MY God is Right.
not to mention they stand in the name of progress.improvement of human life since the begining of civilization even today the religious morrons in the US are trying to force their delusional fantasies into the nations schools,if they keep it up you can soon change the motto on your money to "One Nation Under-Educated":D
Taking God away will change nothing if god does not exist.
well for one thing taking God belief away would make you THINK for yourself instead of just being a mindless follower,a sheep
Karmashock said:
All I'm trying to do is get Atheists to realize that if God doesn't exist then it was just people doing all the evil themselves. Therefore, those evils will not go away with god... they might even increase.
CRAP..atheists KNOW this life is all we have and for every action theres oposite and equal reaction,
in other words if you steal,kill or do some bad shit theres consequences to your actions ,and sooner or later
it will all come back at you like a load of fucking bricks,
you''ll end up locked up in some cage or worse,
who the fuck would be so stupid as to waste their only life like that.
how can atheists be moral
scorpius said:
CRAP..atheists KNOW this life is all we have and for every action theres oposite and equal reaction,
in other words if you steal,kill or do some bad shit theres consequences to your actions ,and sooner or later
it will all come back at you like a load of fucking bricks,
you''ll end up locked up in some cage or worse,
who the fuck would be so stupid as to waste their only life like that.
how can atheists be moral

This is a shitty argument and suggest that atheists only do the right thing because if they don't, they'll get busted. This is about as moral as doing the right thing because if you don't, you'll go to hell.

In addition, it's not even true. Sometimes bad people get away with things.