texas vigilante


Valued Senior Member

When will this stop? what do you think should happen to this woman who went out of her way to HIT a boy on a gocart

what would you have done if you were that mother?

MAJOR props to this woman.. if that was my son and i saw this bitch hit him then get out and start yelling at him. We would be scrappin

When will this stop? what do you think should happen to this woman who went out of her way to HIT a boy on a gocart

what would you have done if you were that mother?

MAJOR props to this woman.. if that was my son and i saw this bitch hit him then get out and start yelling at him. We would be scrappin

Attempted murder sounds like an apropriate charge for this
promoting racial tensions is immoral

If your referring to me posting this then go back under your bridge troll

To add to this. 13 posts and alreasy crap like this ignore list u gi

Back on topic.. what the hell was going on in this ladies head to even think that was the best course of action

When will this stop? what do you think should happen to this woman who went out of her way to HIT a boy on a gocart

what would you have done if you were that mother?

MAJOR props to this woman.. if that was my son and i saw this bitch hit him then get out and start yelling at him. We would be scrappin

Your link is broken. It now takes you to a page saying " STORY NOT AVAILABLE"

heres another link
VERY interesting that CNN took the story down...
just read the story going by the site there gonna swing the race card bigtime which is not why i brought up the topic

heres a quick review tho lady drove across on comming traffic up over a curbe to hit a boy on a gocart and ALLEGEDLY said "what are you doing here? you dont belong here" along with more stuff. but here is what we know from what i have read. please feel free to cross check.

1. the lady drove across the center line
2. the lady drove up over a curb
3. the lady intetionally struck a child in a go cart with her car
4. lady got out of the car and started yelling at the boy

point 5 is waht really pisses me off.
is anyone an officer? know the law? I would think the ammount of charges this lady could have been cited with are HUGE yet she walks away with no citation??
for 1 crossing the yellow line could be reckless driving endagerment same wtih jumping the curb.. thats not even taking into account she did thoes this swurving to hit a child on a go cart that could be attempted murder. INTENT TO DO BODILY HARM at the very least.. this story sickens me..

Im still flabbergasted that CNN took the story down
PEARLAND, Texas - A grand jury is scheduled to hear testimony Wednesday in a case against a woman who is accused of intentionally crashing her vehicle into her neighbors' sons' go-kart.

Police said Deanna Gibson Johnson was driving her Jeep Wrangler last month when she crossed a traffic lane, went over a curb and rammed into the go-kart that had two teens inside.

The boy's families are seeking damages and compensation for their injuries.

The parents said the boys were shaken up but OK.


Not sure what actually happened, but she is going in front of a Grand Jury and will have to conviningly explain her actions or face charges.
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If I would be an idiot enough to try what she did. I know in Florida the police an the judge would have thrown the book at me.. This "lady" isn't a LADY she's a Lunatic!! In Texas. They have the death penalty. An lots of them have GUNS. There was a story. I can't find it yet it was like 2 yrs ago or something. A burglar broke into a Texas home an was shot an killed the home owner got away with murder basically. The Lunatic would have been severely beaten. At the least. An this was uncalled for by the Lunatic an the police. Something should've happened. But as with most Violence is. It is senseless an uncalled for. Unless in defense. I will comment that Martins killer claimed self defense an I feel that george zimmerman sustained injuries after he attacked trayvon. But police told him to stay in his vehicle. He should be in trouble at the least for not obeying a order by officers. Glad george was not white. Just the other day I saw a sweatshirt on the front read DON'T SHOOT! On the back it read I'm jus walkin