Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change

Wonderful! The next step will be to mandate Liberals attend tolerance and diversity training (I do like Thomas Jefferson though...wouldn't have removed him).
That is secularism at its best! They don't like what the founding fathers believed in, so they decide to omit them from history. So have they been so stupid that they finally realized that several of the people who helped to create the constitution were deist?
The next time they want to secede ... let them

Nothing new about this.

Lying to children is a slippery slope. Once we have started sliding down it, how and when do we stop? Who decides when to lie? Which lies to tell? To what age group? As we loosen the anchor of fact, of historical evidence, our history textboat is free to blow here and there, pointing first in one direction,then in another. If we obscure or omit facts because they make Columbus look bad, why not omit those that make the United States look bad? Or the Mormon Church? Or the state of Mississippi? This is the politicization of history. How do we decide what to teach in an American history course once authors have decided not to value the truth? If our history courses aren't based on fact anyway, why not tell one story to whites, another to blacks? Isn't Scott, Foresman already doing something like that when it puts out a "Lone Star" edition of Land of Promise, tailoring the facts of history to suit (white) Texans?

(Loewen, 338)

One of the sad things is that this sort of action denigrates Texas, as well. I mean, think about the reputation Texas has as a backwater full of half-wit yahoos. Cosmopolitan San Antonio, or Austin, and even Dallas, are unrecognizable if one expects only stereotype. When the idea of Matthew McConaughey running around stoned and naked while playing the bongos is actually a plus for local reputation in light of stereotype, there might just be a problem.

There is a reason Texas is the butt of so many jokes. There is a reason why it is considered a filthy, uneducated, incestuous, outsized backwater full of morons with gun racks for their gun racks.

And this? Yeah, it's part of the reason why.

Perhaps worst is the idea of what this does to students. Think in terms of equal protection. Imagine that I am an employer, or a college admissions officer. If I see someone was educated in the Texas public school system, how should that sit with me? I'm sorry, but if one is educated according to a deliberately inferior standard, I don't expect them to perform as well. In the long run, this is going to hurt Texas students as they emerge from their educations and into the job market. Nothing like starting the rat race a leg short, eh?

Texas politics should not be outsized idiocy. Then again, who's to contradict the will of the people?

Maybe Texas will do the rest of the nation a favor:

Jeff Danziger, March 2, 2010


Loewen, James. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbooks Got Wrong. 1995. New York: Touchstone, 2007. Google Books. March 16, 2010. http://books.google.com/books?id=Et...resnum=1&ved=0CAYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=&f=false

"Matthew McConaughey". The Smoking Gun. (n.d.) TheSmokingGun.com. March 16, 2010. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/mcconaugheymug1.html
That is secularism at its best! They don't like what the founding fathers believed in, so they decide to omit them from history. So have they been so stupid that they finally realized that several of the people who helped to create the constitution were deist?

I think your a wee bit lost
Um ....

PJdude1219 said:

I think your a wee bit lost

Thou mayest have missed some sarcasm. Maybe. I mean, I can't speak for Mick, but that's how I read it.
I think your a wee bit lost

Wee bit lost....how? Thomas Jefferson is a well know deist and that would not go over well with extreme conservatives as they are God fearing people. To put into light that some of the US's founding fathers were not God fearing puts fear into the extreme conservative.
To put into light that some of the US's founding fathers were not God fearing puts fear into the extreme conservative.

"To put into light"?.. LOL--"If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
Good for them! I'm glad they finally got the balls to stand up against loud liberals. This country could use less liberalism. Just a touch though, at least for my taste.
Wee bit lost....how? Thomas Jefferson is a well know deist and that would not go over well with extreme conservatives as they are God fearing people. To put into light that some of the US's founding fathers were not God fearing puts fear into the extreme conservative.

it read to me differently my bad