Testing your minds


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
hello forum friends

i have been given 7 questions in my thoughts that I am to give to you all

as to not break any forum rules, i shall not re-post the questionarre, rather i shall provide a link to the thread where it is currently (free thoughts)

it was placed there because i wanted to get a broader response.
it may be moved, perhaps deleted if certains think its out of place, out of hand, or out of proportion- whatever they may decide is a legitimate reason for their actions.

but anyhow i hope to show some how irrational their thinking may be.
i also hope to expand the minds, even if it is just one extra synapse that fires off a feeling of enlightenment.

the 7 questions of existance

to some: i advise you dont take it to serious or literal, its meant for your own awareness.
1) do you believe in God(s) ?

Yes, One God

2) do you believe in Aliens ?

Do you mean, do they exist? Yes I do believe they exist; what do you think an angel is, certainly not of Earth/Terrestrial so then they are E-Terrestrial.


3) If Aliens were proven to exist, would you still beleive in God(s) ?

Since aliens/E-Terrestrials do exist it has no effect on my personal understanding and comprehension of God/Our Creator.

4) if God(s) was proven to exist, would you still believe in Aliens ?

Since God/Our Creator exists it has no effect on my personal understanding and comprehension of aliens/E-Terrestrials.


5) Would you consider all of our religions to be false, or depictions of Aliens ?

All the religions seem to pieces of true information but all the religions still have man-made dogma, rules etc. that has nothing to do with Our Creator or His angel/aliens.

6) Would you consider all of the Planets and Stars our there to be empty ?

Definitely not, that would be too arrogant an assumption to even entertain the idea we are alone. It would also be a terrible waste of space.

7) Do you believe that interfering with evolution is wrong ?

The only thing that has been shown to evolve when considering us humans is our understanding and comprehension. If by this question you mean is it wrong for angel/aliens to interfere with humans development in understanding and comprehension. I would have to say yes. Only under certain circumstances would it be permissible to intervene in humans development in understanding and comprehension.
But it is only a test Fiery, only a test. Some pass, and some fail.
Couldn't have said it any better. My statement can be noted as the same.
1) do you believe in God(s) ?


2) do you believe in Aliens ?

To an extent.

[4) if God(s) was proven to exist, would you still believe in Aliens

Yes, but I believe this would prove that intelligent life other than Humans do not exist.

5) Would you consider all of our religions to be false, or depictions of Aliens ?

Some have some truth behind it and should be followed for the good of mankind, but ultimately none portray complete truth and they are not depictions of aliens.

6) Would you consider all of the Planets and Stars our there to be empty ?

Of course not, but it doesn't mean they have to be full of intelligent life does it?

7) Do you believe that interfering with evolution is wrong ?

As in genetic alteration?
man, the replies are 10000x more sensible in this section of the forums, i cannot believe it.

you guys are well-rounded !

in the free thoughts forum they are taking this quiz so serious as if its a final exam to pass life. they are complaining that the test is flawed and that 'what if i answer yes to 1 and no to 2 ... what happens?' like if they cannot think for themselves. its just hypothetical questions- and they are stressing over it , saying i made a erroneous test. it truly shows the mass' mentality at work.

but thats what i wanted to see anyways.

Fiery i like your responses, they are pretty similar to mine, yet of course different in some ways.

Votorx, how do you figure that if God(s) are Proven to Exist, that this would mean that other life forms other than us 'Humans' do not exist?
i am supposing you mean that ---if God exists, we earth humans are the only life forms?
how so?
your answer is contradictory in nature, you said *Yes, you would still believe in Aliens even if God was proven to exist, yet you think that if God was proven to exist that would mean Aliens DONT exist*
Zonabi, isn't it interesting how there are certain distracters for specific areas on forums? So when you introduce a different concept in a different area of forums it takes the distracters some time to re-group before trashing the thread.
1) do you believe in God(s) ?


2) do you believe in Aliens ?

not on this planet

-------if you answered YES to BOTH of these questions, you may skip the next 2 questions, and go straight to question 5
-------if you answered NO to either question, continue below:
---if you answered YES to #1 - please go to question 3
---if you answered YES to #2 - please go to question 4

3) If Aliens were proven to exist, would you still beleive in God(s) ?

don't believe in god, but if the aliens could enlighten us with higher knowledge, i might change my mind

4) if God(s) was proven to exist, would you still believe in Aliens ?

there is life on other planets, but no aliens here

------if you answered YES to BOTH of these questions, you may skip the next 2 questions, and go straight to question 7
------if you answered NO to either question, continue below:
---if you answered NO to #3 - please go to question 5
---if you answered NO to #4 - please go to question 6

5) Would you consider all of our religions to be false, or depictions of Aliens ?


6) Would you consider all of the Planets and Stars our there to be empty ?



7) Do you believe that interfering with evolution is wrong ?

tablariddim said:
1) do you believe in God(s) ?


2) do you believe in Aliens ?


---if you answered YES to #2 - please go to question 4

4) if God(s) was proven to exist, would you still believe in Aliens ?


------if you answered YES to BOTH of these questions, you may skip the next 2 questions, and go straight to question 7

there was only one question

7) Do you believe that interfering with evolution is wrong ?

Not necessarily
thank you for your honest answers friends.

i have started another idea, one with a different tone, yet still related.
it is placed in its proper forum, parapsychology.

it is not any test of any sort, unless you want it to be. i hope to help realization spread throughout peoples so they can return to their inner feelings and the true origin of ourselves.

you may visit my words by clicking here:
Soul Survivors, part I
they are complaining that the test is flawed and that 'what if i answer yes to 1 and no to 2 ... what happens?' like if they cannot think for themselves. its just hypothetical questions- and they are stressing over it , saying i made a erroneous test. it truly shows the mass' mentality at work.
I pointed out it was flawed so you could have the chance to rectify it before everyone noticed your mistake, if you wished for answers to all questioned you coulda just asked i think you'd find people gladly answer, i think most people know where they stand anyways. And yes it shows mass mentality at work because most people didnt notice or comment on it.