Testimony UFOs 1974


Registered Member
I recently recovered a letter that I wrote in 1974 describing the UFOs I saw in Banff national Park.
Note that Jasper Park is north of Banff, and according to my letter the events happened in Banff and
they happened in August not the beginning of July. However because I have so many links out to
files named 'jasper' the files will stay named 'jasper' but the events took place in Banff.

The letter in the magazine was an excerpt of a much longer letter, and I am currently hoping to
find one of these longer letters that would have been mailed to famous UFO organizations in
September or October 1974 (and describe more completely what took place after the events in
Banff in my hometown of Melville, Saskatchewan, Canada). For example I remember sending one
letter to CUFOS. Where the rest went, I don't remember (MUFON perhaps? and other famous
organizations. I vaguely recall someplace named NICAP or something like that).

I remembered that the magazine had a picture of a Sasquatch on the cover. To see a gif image of the
sasquatch cover, click here ->

To read the text of the letter, click here (keep in mind that I was fifteen) click here...

to see gif images of the 75 issue of Canadian UFO report featuring my letter and my drawing of one
of these craft click below...

page one http://www.awitness.org/awitness/graphics/cufor2sm.gif

page two http://www.awitness.org/awitness/graphics/cufor3sm.gif

Brent Herbert