Testimonies Wanted


Registered Member
I stumbled across this message board while helping to do research for a book that is being written by my fiance, JB Michaels.

UFOs are not my 'thing' but I am curious like anyone else and open-minded. It's fun to investigate and wonder.

Anyway, I've noticed quite a few of you talking about having 'encounters' of your own. If you would like to tell your story and possibly be interviewed for the forthcoming book, drop me a line and I'll pass the information along to JB.

We don't have much of a website yet, but if you'd like to see who we are, take a look at http://www.crystalware.net/ufo.html

Send Email inquiries to Seby@Crystalware.net


Do not go gently into that good night...
To have an encounter with something beyond our comprehension is nothing short of extraordinary.I have had this opportunity and it will stay with me
constantly reminding me that we do not know everything.What these experiences
where exactly I'll probably never know.
Some believe some don't it still does not change my mind that something geniune is going on, something that is not going to go away. Reports are a dime a dozen.
You will not find anything if you don't look for it so good luck in your search for the truth.
Originally posted by Alien:
To have an encounter with something beyond our comprehension is nothing short of extraordinary.I have had this opportunity and it will stay with me
constantly reminding me that we do not know everything.

Would you like to share your experience with us?
Originally posted by Alien:
To have an encounter with something beyond our comprehension is nothing short of extraordinary.I have had this opportunity and it will stay with me
constantly reminding me that we do not know everything.What these experiences
where exactly I'll probably never know.
Some believe some don't it still does not change my mind that something geniune is going on, something that is not going to go away. Reports are a dime a dozen.
You will not find anything if you don't look for it so good luck in your search for the truth.

Yes, tell us about your experience, what happened, were they the greys dudes, or something else.
Please review my past posts for a few
of the encounters. I do not recall seeing a being in these encounters although I
cannot remember what happened during certain stretches of time before and after the experiences. The craft I saw close up gave me a feelimg that they were very old and not from here. One time
I woke while camping at a mysterious place and found my foot badly bruised and swollen like someone threw a large rock on it. A friend who was with me is a medic in the army and had no idea what happened. Between two of my toes was a hole as if a needle,a large needle, had penetrated.After a few days the swelling went down and I could feel something
there. What I couldn't figure out is how can I go to sleep the night before with my foot fine to awake he next day badly bruised and swollen while I slept
I wish that were the case its seems that
there is something but until its removed
I won't know for sure.
hey syberchick i emailed you our story off caus hopefully it reached you if not email me and i'll try again Take care

Eric Cooper
Thanks, Shaman!

No, we haven't recieved your email yet, but I just sent one to you at your yahoo address and included copies of our incident report form.

Anyone else who would like a copy of our Incident Report form can download them from our website, http://www.jbmichaels.bizland.com (address in process of moving) thanks!!

It's all fun
I have only infrequently shared this experience. It happened some time ago, back in the winter of 1981 right here in metropolitan LA.
I was walking to my car after an appointment, just crossing this typical asphalt parking lot. I noticed that I was suddenly in a quite dark shadow. I kept walking though, my focus being on the shadow at my feet. After 20 or so feet I looked up, and directly above me, no more than 10 feet, was a circular object of about a 50 ft. radius. What was even more startling was that it was soundlessly descending and some sort of dim portal slowly overtook me to about my waist.
The object slowly circled me at waist level and as it rotated I could see a metal platform in the dim light. On the platform was an individual encased in a metalic suit from shoulders to feet. I particularly focused on the suit at first, it seemed so archaic, like a suit of armour from the middle ages. It had what appeared to be rivets at the joints and be composed of perhaps bronze. The object continued to rotate slowly and soundlessly and the next time the platform came into my field of vision I examined the entity encased in this suit.
It was a biped, approximately 4 ft. tall, with two arms and proportionately similar to humans. But there the similarity ended. It's head wasn't encased in any protective covering and it was clearly not human. I remember it distinctly. Instead of skin, the head was covered with small fish like scales of greenish hue. The eyes were large and round and the lipless mouth revealed a set of teeth which were evenly spaced and identical, each tooth came to a distinct point. But the most curious aspect of this entity were what I would assume we would call ears. They were located on each side of the head and appeared to be large external tympanic membranes surronded by tendrils that extended outward, a visual analogy to them might be a sunflower like form.
The craft lifted up again and moved to an unoccupied part of the parking lot and stopped rotating. Then there were successive sounds of several seconds interval. The sounds were like some large electric switch being thrown. At each interval a set of lights appeared about the object's circumference. First blue around the base, then red about the central circumference, finally white at the top. I was reminded of aircraft lights by their color scheme.
Next the craft silently levitated to about 100 ft., slowly tipped on an axis to the North-East and accelerated with such swiftness as to amost be said tio disappear.
The entire incident took approximately 3-5 minutes and there were other aspects to it that in the interests of brevity I won't mention now.
It's amazing to me how indelibly and clearly this incident is enscribed on my memory, yet since 1981 this is perhaps the third time I've ever discussed it. And the first time I've ever communicated about it in print. I'm priviliged in a real way to have self-experienced proof of a so widely doubted phenomena
Dear Grach-

Thank you for sharing your unique experience with us. I will certainly pass your story on to JB Michaels.

If you would be interested in his possibly including your experience in his new upcoming book, please take the time to fill out one of the Incident Reports we have available online. You may remain completely anonymous at your discretion. I have provided links to the Incident Report forms.
http://www.jbmichaels.bizland.com/files/report.txt (in plain text format)
or http://www.jbmichaels.bizland.com/files/report.doc (in Word Document format)

Thanks again :)