Temporal Theory


The Temporal Flux of the Mind


The Arrow of Time (which has a forward directionality) is directly a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics stating that quantum systems will displace over a period of time – called entropy. As far as present physical theory determines, entropy was infinitely low at t=0 (big bang], and why it was so is not known because current theory cannot explain why.

The Arrow of Time works in a forward directionality t, giving the laws of cause and effect, but at the level of quantum systems, things do not necessarily abide by the laws of cause and effect and a reversibility can be seen in the equations -t. These laws break down due to the Uncertainty Principle – so it stands to reason that quantum-like systems can experience the effect before the cause. As counterintuitive as this might sound, it is a well-stated and known phenomena of quantum theory.

This is interesting, for whilst systems like a stone consistent of billions of particles will fall into a pool (being the cause) and affecting the pool by sending out ripples, it is still a system built up on these statistical averages that don’t abide by the same rules and conditions.
We can say that the atomic and subatomic world is a different world in theory to the world we experience everyday. We have known there where major differences between the macroscopic and microscopic for a while now, especially since the creation of the Copenhagen Interpretation and the Schrodinger Equation showing the paradox of how macrosystems seem to be free of wavelike properties (an intrinsic property of a particle when it is not being observed) (1).

The classical way to envision entropy is ice in a glass of water. The particles of the ice will displace over time and slowly melt. The process is irreversible however, since the hydrogen atoms consisting of the ice cube will never rearrange – this is because there are so many particles. It’s like having a tube with one half of the tube containing a trillion erbium atoms, and the other half containing trillion hydrogen atoms. Left to be free, the two types of atoms will displace and mingle, and never return to their natural states on either side of the closed tube. But, given enough time, they might come back to their original placements, but this is unrealistic due to the time required. It would most probably outdate the universes existence.

If we have an event E_1 at a time t_0 which is earlier than an event of E_2 at a time of t_1, then the left hand side of the equation has less entropy than the right hand side of the equation:

E_1,t_0 < E_2, t,1

This simple equation shows us that systems become more chaotic, and this allows the process of an evolving system in some type of time duration. But what is at the cutting edge of physics right now is the presence of a conscious observer. Somehow the interpretations describing time and entropy have some profound implications of existence when tied in with the quantum theory of the mind.

Not too delve too deeply into the very nature of what is being discussed here, I will briefly explain why it is important. The evolution of a system is actually one of the biggest mistakes in physics. We often assume that if no one was around, everything continues to evolve. Well, here is the biggest mystery of the observer-dependant universe – the evolving systems have already evolved!!! What is duration? How can I make such a bold statement as to say everything has happened already? How can that be, because I know I am here?

The answer seems to be us. We are causing this illusory. There is definitive evidence to show that relativity predicts a strange situation in temporal and evolutionary processes when no observer is around to make a few disturbances in spacetime.


For a very long time, physicists alike have envisioned time as being like single fleeting flashes of existence, like momentary physical existences in frozen instants, even though time continually flows on. In such a sense, you might even say reality ‘’pops’’ in and ‘’out’’ like flashing fragmentations. The flow of time was a good description, as it was like going down a river, it was difficult to turn around against the rapids, and so it was trying to go back in time.

Time, as far as I believe doesn’t flow at all – I think it is a bit of a misconception. The flow of time is as I see it, a mental creation; in fact, time itself has even been proposed to be time itself as we know it. In fact, it’s more like a sheet or surface which has wobbly lines, or creases upon its surface. Instead of seeing time as a flow, just like a river, we need to start envisioning the field of time being like a surface, rather than something that rushes against our particles at the speed of light (2).

Time can be slowed down and distorted due to relativistic equations. According to the General theory, matter and energy distorts spacetime through the presence of gravity. In the Special theory, a moving observer will experience a time dilation relative to a stationary observer.

Everything is measured against the speed of light… the closer you reach the speed of light, the more the time is dilated. But here we need to be careful. The time isn’t dilated because of the constancy of light, but rather light speed is a consequence of time dilation. Therego, light is constant because of time dilation (3).

In looking at the second law of thermodynamics, it’s not hard to conceptualize that time has no real flow. If atoms are displaced over instants rather than smooth continuous frames, we now have a picture that consists of discontinuous frames in spacetime. The most space that a system can cover in one of these frames of time, would be measured against how fast a thing can move against the Planck Time – which is the smallest time known to apply to physical theory (5.36 x10^-44). This tiny measurement would be the ultimate limit of the instantaneous flashes of existence (4), and as far as we could ever tell, reality could be like one of those classical motion flicker pictures which makes an image look as though it is a smooth film, but is really built up on nothing more than these fleeting flashes of reality.

In this essay, I want to show that how we might ever envision time in the external world, is really quite irrelevant until we discover how we interpret the time dimension here in our minds. I want to suggest a few thoughts on this. That there are two types of time dimensions. One that is inextricably linked to space and one that is subliminal, not related to space. How can I assume this?

Quite simple really: Consciousness is not really in any space. It cannot be located to any type of space, nor can we measure any physical property of it. If we assume that the brain is the physical property of consciousness, we would be quite wrong in this assumption, because every year you have an entirely new physical body!!! Even those particles inside your head (something like 10^27) of them have been replaced by new energy and particles. So if consciousness/awareness was ‘’bound’’ to any particular physical property, then we would have dissipated long a year after our births.

No… consciousness and awareness seems to be some type of subreality – possibly a type of hyperdimension linked as a higher form of existence on spacetime (5). It’s a bit like the holographic principle, where information about something can be stored on the walls of other dimensions; instead this time the phantom like projection of consciousness it stated on the boundary of the spatial and temporal boundary.

Anyway, consciousness can experience no time at all, as we are normally never concerned with it, or even when asleep. But when we begin to ‘’think about time,’’ and ‘’think about the duration of this time passing,’’ is when we become time itself. We are measuring in a full-state of consciousness a subliminal time dimension.

There is another interpretation that extends the notion that the mind is time itself, that the only real time ever existing is when the mind is present. I have made similar suggestions of this myself (6). Let’s investigate this interpretation of time.

Too show evidence of it, we need to involve relativity. In relativity, we find that the it is possible to move into a future or past event; but this is of course filled with controversy, but the equations have solutions showing that it is theoretically possible. But for this to be true, there must be a future existing right now, as there must be a past. This way to envision the interpretation of relativity is widely accepted. It may seem strange to think that the future is happening right now, because the only real time is the present time; the only ever time to exist. This is where the ‘’frozen theory,’’ of time really comes into play. Even though a past event has transpired according to a recording device, like ourselves, the event remains frozen in time… as thought each and every momentary flash of existence is it’s own present time, and remains a present time.

We can however bring about a little disorder, and this is really for our own sanity and mental evolution, for we could not have any type of sanity in time, if our existences didn’t experience some type of directionality and experience of flow through reality. One thing does remain however, is that no matter what momentary flash of existence we come to experience, it is always one that is caught up in what we call ‘’present time.’’

If mind was not present, then we need to look at reality now as a non-conscious observer, and this reality looks strange. The future and the past would be happening simultaneously. The present suddenly becomes everything. This much would be true, because there wouldn’t be a mind to determine a past existence nor a future existence, and this alone is yet another proof that the mind set’s not only the boundaries for time, but gives it a special meaning when the second law of thermodynamics is involved.

Both the idea’s: The first being that there is a time dimension of space, and a subliminal time dimension of the mind, next to the theory that the mind is the only time dimension there is are both tantalizing, and until we can come up with a better interpretation, they remain inevitably the top contending theories of how to view time.

To finish this small part, all of this answers why reality (exists for all-time simultaneously]. Yesterday and today exist in the present, as much as tomorrow is already here. This new revolutionary picture of time theory will make us realize that the observer has indeed profound effects on the illusion of the flow of time, for there isn’t one.


If you have followed this, reality is like tiny flashes of existence that pop in and out of existence in frames of temporal and spatial configurations. It removes the flow of time theory, and places the flow theory directly as an illusion of consciousness. This can be directly related to the ‘’Binding Problem,’’ of psychophysics (7).

Consciousness must involve a collapse. The wave function that governs every probability must also determine how reality is perceived. In other words, there must be a collapse in the wave function directly responsible for the product of consciousness. A single collapse can equal a single thought, according to theory. But if existence is cut down into all these very short temporal frames, then there can only be one collapse for consciousness in any one of these temporal limits.

But how does the collapse happen>? What happens to even allow a collapse? Well, some type of phantom time wave can be introduced. Recent evidence by Dr. Radin, among other scientists have shown what seems to be physical responses that defy cause and effect. Some would like to interpret these neurological phenomena as some type of psychic ability… but it is best I think to conceive this from a more quantum interpretational viewpoint: Dr. Cramers Transactional Interpretation.

The interpretation of Dr. Radin’s results have been intimately tied to quantum physical processes as being ‘’backward through time travel communication.’’ This type of action should be known by now to be a fundamental truth of quantum particles (8)

The TI tells us that a time wave of information which is a complex-conjugate moves from the present and into the future state vector, where it activates yet another time wave which rushes back into the present time from the future… a backward time traveling wave of information. A simultaneous wave moves into the past, activating yet another wave that then moves forward through time and meets up with the original wave. Together the two waves meet in the present and square to produce a collapse in the wave function. Backwards time travel was varified in 2000 in an advanced Eraser Experiment, which was better known as Wheelers Delayed-Choice Experiment.

If existence pops in and out of existence, then so must consciousness, and in each frame of existence a collapse must occur to keep consciousness functioning. The collapse can be as simple as a single wavelike electron collapsing into a neuron, to photon wave clashing off the cloud of an electron. These tiny collapses would create a single thought, and in larger extended conditions, create emotions.

First, we would need to integrate the TI theory of a complex-valued retarded wave of a quantum state vector | S > that moves forward through time, as Cramer calls it, an ‘’offer wave’’ in the present state:

| O (t, 1) >

Which then moves to the future:

t >1

When it does so, it will activate an echo wave state vector which Cramer calls ( a complex-conjugated advanced wave) <E(2)|, toward the present time

<E(t, 2)|

The field of probability distribution allows the ‘’transaction’’ to be complete through probability amplitude:

<E(t, 1)|O(t, 2)>

The field requires on exact values of the initial state, and if the original wave does not contain the correct information, then the waves simply cancels out. But each time a successful transaction transpires, a collapse in the wave function follows.

Final Thoughts

Time needs to be revised into a new set of principles which does not lead the scientist and non-scientist into erroneous conclusions concerning its very nature. Time does not flow at all, and the illusion of any time passing is certainly a consequence of the conscious mind. It is easy to eradicate the flow of time theory by stating that everything is happening right now, as in accordance with relativistic equations. The very nature of mind also must follow the same rules, but a consequence of a collapse in the psiwaves allows the consciousness to break free from any discontinuous events which occurs at extremely small temporal levels. I also conclude that entropy is a real thing, but it is seen from the wrong light. Even though entropy is seen as being very low at a past time, it also stands to reason it was also very high, since the time period between the low state and the high state is found to happen simultaneously due to the contending theory that reality is really one big flash of existence. It is consciousness that finds a distinction between the past and present, and not the other way around.


(1) – There does exist however an interpretation stating that decoherence (the natural collapse of quantum wave systems) are a direct result of environment. It might explain how everything we see has collapsed into these solid state-like systems, from ourselves to the planets.

(2) – In real life, we cannot move through space without moving through time. It is easier to experience moving through time than to actually imagine it. They say that as we sit, time marches on. This is not true according to relativity. We instead move through time, and we move through this imaginary dimension at the speed of light.

(3) - Penrose 1991, page 214 – Penrose originally made this claim.

(4) – Frank J. Tipler has proposed that existence squeezing in and out of reality in {probably} this very time scale of Planck Time.

(5) – The dimension of the mind would have to be treated like a normal vector of spacetime if we applied mathematics:

x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + id^2

(6) – Dr. Fred A Wolf explains this interpretation in his book, ‘’Mind into Matter, a New Alchemy.’’

(7) – The binding problem is exactly what this phenomenon describes. Why don’t we experience reality in flashes of discontinuous frames instead of a smooth continuous flow? The binding problem has not yet been answered, and no theory has been universally-accepted to explain the phenomenon.

(8) – As I explained earlier, subatomic particles do not necessarily abide by cause and effect. The effect can precede the cause.


Cramer, J. G. 1983. Generalized absorber theory and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. In Physical Review D 22:362-376.
Cramer, J. G. 1986. Transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics. In Reviews of Modern Physics 58:647-687.
I can't seem to access these links mate. Can i ask, are these for reference, or are you adding that i have some misconception?

I got the first link. I'll try the others. But why did you link this? Just for reference perhaps?
A question for anyone and everyone:

Which theory will you set camp with?

1. That there are two types time dimensions. One that is subliminal and one external. The external and internal though are found to be interdependant.


2. That only one time dimension exists, and that the mind is somehow this time dimension in imaginary terms.


I set for the 2).
Yes, the links are just for reference and to add to what you have already outlined.
But i should point out that a subtle point is that the absorber theory does not require a Copenhagen interpretation type consciousness to realise a temporal direction.
It also clarifies that the Arrow of Time is hardwired into the physics and geometry of the universe. And more importantly frees us from regarding it as a `product` of entropy or a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. (ie `falling` did not cause Newton's apple to land on his head).

As to what causes the `flow`, or exact nature of time and space, or how the mind interprets that etc, i have currently no answer.
I think i should then add some more :)

One part that links all this together, is the simple fact that the subatomic world has it's own laws of physics, but the macroscopic world also has its own. The consequence is that the arrow of time is only a cosmological assessment, and not the laws presented at Planck Levels. Tunnelling is one of them. This states that a particle can burrow under space and time at speeds faster than light. This is allowed because of the uncertainty principle.

The arrow of time indeed exists, but the forward directionality is imperfectly informed, because there is an entire world where things don't have any real directionality, such as protons and electrons. This tiny world even governs the materialistic phenomena in the gray and white matter of our brains. Our perception however, even though it is made of all these tiny statistical averages, they arise to provide a strange solution when an observer is involved in the picture. Consciousness is a product of perception that is macro-like. Our observations and emotions, thoughts and dreams all go in a forward direction.

Simply put, the material world affects mind, and mind affects the products of the material world. It's not a ''back-reaction theory,'' but more like an extension itself. Laws like entropy are then nothing but two sides of a different coin from the dimension of cosnciousness and mind.
But what is at the cutting edge of physics right now is the presence of a conscious observer. Somehow the interpretations describing time and entropy have some profound implications of existence when tied in with the quantum theory of the mind.


This is not correct. You have been told many times that the presence of a conscious observer is not a prerequisite for a good observation.
I don't say it is Ben, and as usual, you have sent a peice away from physics without asking exactly what i meant. I am assuming you have determined within your own mind that somehow i am talking about a conscious-observer is a prerequisite because without the observer the universe would not exist. Whilst this is worded wrong, but essentially true, we are rather saying that what we experience is a totally different world, to the world whee matter exists but no consciousness. This makes consciousness a dimension, and it was Einstein, the first phsyicist to proclaim, and i qoute,

''Every mind is a dimension.''

This set off the notion that what we call ''us'' or ''ouselves'' in an internal world, sub-dimension or even hyperspace. The observer then records a world, whereas without an observer, who is there to say there is something anyway? This conlcudes that what we see and experience is the only reality there is with true definition, but there is a back-reaction. Matter is not only brought into reality through us, but we are conversely proportional to matter as well.
Also Ben, what's wrong with my final conclusion on the theory?

''Time needs to be revised into a new set of principles which does not lead the scientist and non-scientist into erroneous conclusions concerning its very nature. Time does not flow at all, and the illusion of any time passing is certainly a consequence of the conscious mind. It is easy to eradicate the flow of time theory by stating that everything is happening right now, as in accordance with relativistic equations. The very nature of mind also must follow the same rules, but a consequence of a collapse in the psiwaves allows the consciousness to break free from any discontinuous events which occurs at extremely small temporal levels. I also conclude that entropy is a real thing, but it is seen from the wrong light. Even though entropy is seen as being very low at a past time, it also stands to reason it was also very high, since the time period between the low state and the high state is found to happen simultaneously due to the contending theory that reality is really one big flash of existence. It is consciousness that finds a distinction between the past and present, and not the other way around. ''

Is it that you don't think we contribute to what we call a distinction in what is present, past or future? You would know to be wrong if you did. In Special Relativity, as most physicists know involves events between two observers. Within these conditions, physicists began to realize that the relative laws requiring distance can only be a product of some measuerement. This is why an observer relative to another is intrinsic in measuring also time. And this is how the distinction of time frames are linked.
I think that time has a fine operational definition on both the classical and quantum levels, so it doesn't NEED to be redefined. The fact that we percieve time as ``flowing'' is an artifact of our size---basically we are classical objects, our brains are classical objects, so we experience time in the classical sense. And while we probably agree on this,

BenTheMan said:
You have been told many times that the presence of a conscious observer is not a prerequisite for a good observation.

Reiku said:
I don't say it is Ben, and as usual, you have sent a peice away from physics without asking exactly what i meant.

Reiku said:
The very nature of mind also must follow the same rules, but a consequence of a collapse in the psiwaves allows the consciousness to break free from any discontinuous events which occurs at extremely small temporal levels.

Reiku said:
The observer then records a world, whereas without an observer, who is there to say there is something anyway? This conlcudes that what we see and experience is the only reality there is with true definition, but there is a back-reaction. Matter is not only brought into reality through us, but we are conversely proportional to matter as well.

How am I supposed to interpret this, then? There is no way to experiment in any contolled fashion on ``the mind''. Further, you explicitly state that wavefunction collapse needs a conscious observer. So how can you say you're not advocating this?

Either way, this essay is not physics.

You have a serious attutitude; loose it.


The observer collapses a system. It should be noted that we add detail to reality which seemingly dead matter cannot. How to test the system? It's testing itself.

Matter requires how unique ability to add detail, whilst we inversely require matter to have a field of consciousness.