Temporal Computer

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Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
Lets run through a hypothetical: Lets say you had a time machine, a very limited time machine that could only go back a microsecond and could only send information. Lets say you had a computer hooked up to this time machine. You ask the computer to find a number that you want, the number being 1100100 (binary for 100) the computer starts off at "1" this being the wrong answer sends back the message through the time machine to its self, lets say this takes 1 microsecond to make it clean (but horribly slow), after receiving the message from its self in the future it tries the number "10" (2), this being wrong it sends the message back and repeats the cycle until it reaches 1100100. If this was a normal (slow) computer it would have taken 100 microsecond to find my number but for the temporal computer would it have taken just 1 microsecond? Lets say the number I wanted was 1 trillion trilllion, it would still take just 1 microsecond to find? Lets say the number I wanted was infinity, would it still take just 1 microsecond to find? I would guess how long it would take is merely a matter of how much data it can send back, say it was 64 bits, as soon as the number being search for exceeds 64 bits would it now start taking actual time to find it? Assuming the amount of information it can send back per cycle is large enough, lets say I was running a virtual reality with a virtual me inside, every second of that reality is recorded and sent back the message received and the next second generated and repeat, would the me inside the virtual reality experience infinite time? Would Murphy's law come in and fuck it up?
This is in the same domain as a billiard ball getting knocked into a wormhole by itself as it exits the same wormhole, which it has to do before it enters it.
The main concern if Temporal Computing was to actual prove possible is the Douglas Adams Answer to the universe and everything in it of "42". Admittedly in his story the actual answer was so complex it had been significantly simplified, however if Temporal Computing occured you could end up with an Answer for a question that was never asked and you wouldn't necessarily know what question had been asked to gain the answer.

I had actually gone further with Temporal theory however to include the notion that a Temporal Patent Machine could be built, where a team of ten engineers at a set wage would work on various project. Due to paradoxical migration it would be possible to use those ten engineers with their finite amount of wages and resources, a potentially infinite number of times, on potentially the same project if not multiple projects.

Imagine every time they have an end revision at the end of their project period and it was placed into the machine and sent back through time to a paradoxical universe where they reverse engineer whats been done and then start looking at how to make that design even better. You could have instant alien looking technology just because of the number of times that it's design had been cycled through the same timespan.

Hypothesis went further still to suggest that if such a temporal system was to exist the most advanced universe would actually be the last one rather than those that split to do specific jobs.

Imagine each advance was 1 hour prior to the previous universe, eventually you'd have overlapping parallel universes that coexist with a days work occuring on a different day (Would be amusing to shift the calendar to reflect this because technically you'd have every day of the week coexisting at the same time and You'd only notice it if you looked to planetary alignments)
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