Temple seats for sale.


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
E-Bay has 2 seats at Temple for sale. I'm just so disgusted. Rich people buying a seat in temple. Its not about being closer to god, its a status thing. :mad:
E-Bay has 2 seats at Temple for sale. I'm just so disgusted. Rich people buying a seat in temple. Its not about being closer to god, its a status thing. :mad:

Don´t feel disgusted, that is power politics mixed with ignorance. I just feel sorry for them, wasting all that money in something so utterly useless, well maybe it will be usefull for... nope, not usefull for anything at all...
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I never heard of this, could be a hoax. If it's true, someone needs to throw the money-changers out of the temple!
I never heard of this, could be a hoax. If it's true, someone needs to throw the money-changers out of the temple!

It was on CNN this morning. They interviewed the rabbi. Apparently seats are normally rented on a quarterly basis. These seats will be in the family for as long as the temple is there. They are inheiritable.
And the money changer comment is spot on!

temple is not like any church I ever went to. But now I'm wondering if older churches have family pews or if the big monster churches have something like that.
It was on CNN this morning. They interviewed the rabbi. Apparently seats are normally rented on a quarterly basis. These seats will be in the family for as long as the temple is there. They are inheiritable. And the money changer comment is spot on!

temple is not like any church I ever went to. But now I'm wondering if older churches have family pews or if the big monster churches have something like that.
M*W: I work with Jewish physicians in a part of town that is almost exclusively Jewish. They have told me how their temple requires them to pay regular dues. I didn't ask how much nor did they tell me. I believe it is quite substantial, and the Jews I work with don't go to temple because of having to pay the dues. Another interesting thing about the Orthodox Jews, I see them walking en masse to the temple on Friday night, because driving a car is considered working on the sabbath!
...and they all wear black. I used to live in an apartment in the middle of an orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Baltimore. When they go to the temple in the evening, you can barely see them. I almost ran over a couple once or twice.
Woww...I don't think I'll make USD1.8M unless I change careers!

MW...isn't walking harder than driving a car? Hence more work? I don't think I sweat when I drive...
Woww...I don't think I'll make USD1.8M unless I change careers!

MW...isn't walking harder than driving a car? Hence more work? I don't think I sweat when I drive...
M*W: Yeah, I don't understand the logic of it either. I guess they think of it as operating machinery.
The rabbi said it wasn't about the money, it was just to garner some attention for a congregation that had slumping membership.
Elks Club. People do business with other people whom they meet in social gatherings. The Christian church can be such a place--doing business with fellow Christians who hold familiar moral ground and beliefs? I have seen this.

I wouldn't be surprised that someone had placed a dollar value on a membership to such a thing.
Two went up into the temple ....

Orleander said:

Just to be closer to God

And it gets them no closer.

Two went up to pray ? O rather say,
One went to brag, th' other to pray.

One stands up close, and treads on high,
Where th' other dares not lend his eye.

One nearer to God's altar trod,
The other to the altar's God.

(Richard Crashaw, 1646)​
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