Tell Me Your Thoughts On God


I was pondering about ominpotence and what a God must "experience" (perhaps this word is too limited to describe it). If the Almighty One existed what's to stop Him from disguising Himself as a human and existing among us? Is it so uncharacteristic of Omnipotence to assume the form of man, with all our flaws? It does not appear that belief in God is strictly motivated by desire, some people claim it can be a rational and clear-cut understanding. If you wish to contribute, I don't want an answer from the bottom of your heart or any of that. I prefer a rational, thought-out, genius-like intellectual type response.
If the Almighty One existed what's to stop Him from disguising Himself as a human and existing among us?

Pfft. He's already done that ain't he? Or at least that's what selfcentered humanity wants to think.
I was pondering about ominpotence and what a God must "experience" (perhaps this word is too limited to describe it). If the Almighty One existed what's to stop Him from disguising Himself as a human and existing among us?

He already did that, as the previous poster mentioned. However, the motivation behind that was quite specific, rather than merely a random activity of God.
My props reaches out to spidergoat's answer the most. booyaka *makes a snap with right hand*

BTandS and KJC are just parroting the Christian religion's Jesus to mess up the credibility of the issue. Bust dis, according to 90 p'cent of the world's religions, Jesus was not the son of God, he was equivalent to a prophet. Great time to feign belief in Christianity.