Tell me if this makes sense.


You just got served.
Registered Senior Member
I posted the following in a ghetto journal I keep, just to try out ideas and think about stuff ::

Actually, I'm gonna keep typing, cause I'm a long winded shit. I just realized how STUPID christians are, on a whole new level. I was reading some thread on sciforums about christianity, someone asked why we get punished for eternity, if we sinned for only 80 years. That is complete shit. "Believe in the christian god or else. Accept Christ or your screwed. If you make the mistake of not doing so in your extremely small amount of time, in comparisson with eternity, theres no going back, your damned forever". And I say, what the fuck? If God truly cared for us, or Christ, whoever has the final say, wouldn't they allow us, in the eternity to follow, that our eternal souls should have a second chance? Christianity would be easier to fall for if hell was like a prison. You live a sinful life, you go to hell for 100 years, your soul gets another chance at life, maybe this time it gets sucked into christianity, believes in christs sacrifice, and *pop* it's in heaven. This eternal damnation stuff worked to scare people in the middle ages, it doesn't now. I'd rather believe in Allah at this point and suicide bomb a busload of western evil doers, and go to paradise, then believe in god and do something that, on some obscure reference, throws me in hell for the rest of my existence. The question in the air is why such a short span of time should either reward, or condemn you for eternity. Pretty much, you believe in christ, you get in, you don't, your going to hell. I think an important question is "Can I sin in my life but embrace christ and still get in?", or "What if i killed 50 people, and spent the rest of my life embracing christ, will I be forgiven?" Those are worse in my opinion, because all the devotes are saying "you can be cleansed of your sin, and get in and party with us", well, whats the limit on the sins that will be forgiven? The bible mentions none.

A couple days later I have this conversation ::

MAN 85 (4:36:14 PM): charlie
MAN 85 (4:36:36 PM): i hate to say this, but that post you made about christianity makes you look like an ignorant fool
MAN 85 (4:36:39 PM): hallf hte shit u said in it is wrong
MAN 85 (4:36:56 PM): you're not damned if you don't believe in christianity, Chris, was actually Jewish
MAN 85 (4:37:00 PM): Christ*
b00gen (4:37:09 PM): which post?
MAN 85 (4:37:10 PM): and as far as sinning, you can for your whole life
MAN 85 (4:37:12 PM): and then repent
MAN 85 (4:37:16 PM): and as long as you truly mean it
MAN 85 (4:37:19 PM): you'll be forgiven
b00gen (4:37:27 PM): are you christian?
MAN 85 (4:37:31 PM): its in braindamage
MAN 85 (4:37:32 PM): no
b00gen (4:37:39 PM): ahh
b00gen (4:37:42 PM): okay
MAN 85 (4:37:52 PM): I just know enough about the religion to know you made yourself look real dumb, real well
MAN 85 (4:37:53 PM): :p
MAN 85 (4:37:58 PM): I just figured I'd point it out
MAN 85 (4:38:01 PM): hahahahaha
MAN 85 (4:38:15 PM): I was gonna say, you seem like the type of person that would know better

Are his points valid?
If you kill 50 people, then turn to Jesus, I'm sure he will be forgiving.
You don't think Jesus would forgive you for killing 50 people if you truly admit to Him that it was a mistake, and that you'll never do it again?
Or do you think He would send you to hell anyway?
The point I was trying to make it, it's a stupid system, to get punished for all eternity for the short time we're on earth.
I asked a question before that none of the Christians at sciforums gave me a straight.

Supposedly in Christianity, commiting suicide is a directsenetnce to hell. In killing someone you absolvethem of all their sins and acquire them.

If I kill 30 people and then get shot, I go to heaven.

If I live a life of absolute devotion to God/Jesus and then commit suicide, I go to hell.

What happens if I kill 30 people and ask to be killed?

PS. Religion in all form is a plague on mankind, but a plague we would be dead without.
hed -

No human can truly make a determination of an afterlife, if one exists, or on a gods will or wishes, should one exist. The only way for you to find out is to go kill 30 people, then ask to be killed, and upon being killed, esperience what happens, if anything.

Does a police officer protecting the innocent from a rampaging murderer, upon shooting him, absolve him of sin and give him a free pass to heaven, and then sentence himself to hell? What about a soldier fighting for his country in gods name?

Religion is worthless when it comes to assigning value to different sins, the only arrangement that would work is a binary one, either you confess your sins and espress regret over commiting them and place yourself at some religuous figures feet for forgiveness and salvation...

Or you don't.
This question is the material equivalent of "prayer wars". "Eye for an eye" stuff. Faith is a relationship with God.

You can't fool someone on earth into knowing you, and you can't fool God that you know Him.

Committing suicide is not a direct sentence to hell - it is a direct sentence to death. God will know who that person was and what lead him to that act. A preacher here had a manic-depressive son. They had him on treatment, therapy and cared for him all the time. But in the end he shot himself. He was a wonderful guy and everybody loved him. That's not the same as someone killing a busload of people an shooting himself to escape the consequences because he places no value on their lives or their own.

Our frustration with these things lie in the fact that we simply can't judge. That's why Jesus said we shouldn't, either. We don't know whether they are guilty or innocent, saved or unsaved. But those who know the difference have no excuse. And that's us. We must hold ourselves to the highest standards of living despite of not knowing whether that would be enough and search for God all the time. Some only have a vague notion of Him, others know Him intimately. But he knows each of us, our circumstances and our abilities.

4... those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them -- do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

Don't worry about whether other people were more or less guilty than yourself. Your responsibility towards them is love, and that can only be measured by God and yourself. So worry about your own conscience first.

If you know nothing else know this: Don't test God. Whether you do right or wrong, are a sinner or saint: you won't be able to fool Him either way.
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I agree with you that the law of Believe in Jesus or else.. is crap.

The only thing sure when you are born on this planet is Death...

All religions are scavengers and feed on the Death Psychosis of humans promising them something more after Death.... sitting next to Jesus or playing poker with angels...Give us a break ...

There is life which we need to live on our own without any Religious doctrines...there are so many rules to follow anyways

Homo Sapiens are on this planet for less than 200,000 years, the oldest living creatures are Sharks(older than Dinosaurs), Whales and Cockroaches ...they too live and have survived as species ..there is life all around ...but sadly it ends the moment you are brain dead is the truth ... once you accept it every religion becomes a farce..There are no gaping holes in your life that you need to fill it with Religion ...if you have questions that is good you are still living ... all humans have questions till the day they die try to get the closest answer ..from science ...religious answers just work in loops...
Jenyar, you're living in the past--Get a life!

Originally posted by Jenyar
Committing suicide is not a direct sentence to hell - it is a direct sentence to death.
(How do you know this? Have you ever spoken with anyone who committed suicide? There is no death to the soul regardless of how the termination of life may come.)
Our frustration with these things lie in the fact that we simply can't judge.
(Then why are you judging by saying "committing suicide is a direct sentence to death?" You contradict yourself--what's worse, you contradict God.)
We must hold ourselves to the highest standards of living despite of not knowing whether that would be enough and search for God all the time.
(Why is it that you Xians are always "searching" for God? There is such unrest in your Xian hearts. Why is it so hard for you to accept God where he really is (wants to be) in your soul? Why is it that Xians only have a vague notion of God while others know God in an intimate way?)
(So if God knows each of us, our circumstances and our abilities, why do you continue to see God as something "out there" beyond our reach?)
Don't worry about whether other people were more or less guilty than yourself. Your responsibility towards them is love, and that can only be measured by God and yourself. So worry about your own conscience first.
("...that can only be measured by God and yourself...." You seem to have the right idea here. I think there is the possibility that you could expand on this idea, but I still think you are beguiled by the "fear of God" to give yourself credit for even thinking for yourself. You know, "fear" is the absence of "love," and "God" is "love." Don't be afraid to approach God with "fear." There is no need. That's why the One Spirit of God has the potential to reside in each of our souls. Some people may reject this gift of God, but the replace it with fear in their lives. "Fear God." "Fear God." What a way to be thankful for the wonderful gift of God's Spirit!)
If you know nothing else know this: Don't test God. Whether you do right or wrong, are a sinner or saint: you won't be able to fool Him either way.
(When one realizes the pure energy that the One Spirit of God lives in them, this need not even be said. It becomes a "knowing.")
Re: Jenyar, you're living in the past--Get a life!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Committing suicide is not a direct sentence to hell - it is a direct sentence to death.
(How do you know this? Have you ever spoken with anyone who committed suicide? There is no death to the soul regardless of how the termination of life may come.)
I was meaning death as in 'death': of course a person doesn't commit suicide to destroy his soul - just killing his body is usually all he wants.

Our frustration with these things lie in the fact that we simply can't judge.
(Then why are you judging by saying "committing suicide is a direct sentence to death?" You contradict yourself--what's worse, you contradict God.)
Suicide is a self-imposed death sentence. Nobody is pulling the trigger except yourself. At best, the suicidal person is contradicting God - who meant for him to live.

We must hold ourselves to the highest standards of living despite of not knowing whether that would be enough and search for God all the time.
(Why is it that you Xians are always "searching" for God? There is such unrest in your Xian hearts. Why is it so hard for you to accept God where he really is (wants to be) in your soul? Why is it that Xians only have a vague notion of God while others know God in an intimate way?)
Oh don't get me wrong - God is present in those who have faith in Him. What we are really searching for is His will, and that is a constant search. You never find meaning in your life, but you can live as if your life had meaning.

(So if God knows each of us, our circumstances and our abilities, why do you continue to see God as something "out there" beyond our reach?)
God is not beyond our reach. When you daughter reaches up to you, she can reach all she wants, she won't reach you unless you bend down and pick her up. God has bent down and picked up his Son along with everyone who believes in Him.

Don't worry about whether other people were more or less guilty than yourself. Your responsibility towards them is love, and that can only be measured by God and yourself. So worry about your own conscience first.

("...that can only be measured by God and yourself...." You seem to have the right idea here. I think there is the possibility that you could expand on this idea, but I still think you are beguiled by the "fear of God" to give yourself credit for even thinking for yourself. You know, "fear" is the absence of "love," and "God" is "love." Don't be afraid to approach God with "fear." There is no need. That's why the One Spirit of God has the potential to reside in each of our souls. Some people may reject this gift of God, but the replace it with fear in their lives. "Fear God." "Fear God." What a way to be thankful for the wonderful gift of God's Spirit!)
"Fear of God" in the Bible means "submission to Him", and submission means keeping His commandment of love. I agree with you: "love drives out fear".

If you know nothing else know this: Don't test God. Whether you do right or wrong, are a sinner or saint: you won't be able to fool Him either way.
(When one realizes the pure energy that the One Spirit of God lives in them, this need not even be said. It becomes a "knowing.")
But tthis knowledge doesn't add to anything if you are just a "cell in God's body". It is not knowing God anymore, it's just knowing yourself.

I still wanted to ask you M*W: why are we alive, if our "souls" are really "God". Why do we have physical bodies and live in a physical, natural world?