Tell Me How You See The Universe (Alpha)


Later, i'll post my own thoughts on how physics have demonstrated its influence on my aspects of the world and cosmos at large, but essentially, i want to see how other people see the universe first.

This should be interesting.

*Don't post a ''whole new'' outlook on physics. You must keep by its rules.

Reiku :m:
(Thanks Mod... whoever did that)
Final Reflections

When i was eight or nine years old, i remember contemplating the infinite universe. I did not come from a scientifically-minded family (i had a great grandfather who was a scientist, but that is all), so i pondered about what i would read, or hear about on the news following the latest theories and discoveries. For instance, when i was about ten or eleven, i had just learned that all matter was made up of smaller bits of matter called atoms; and i used to envision atoms as being little tubes with lobes sticking out of it. I also remember, one night, whilst lying in my bed, i remember trying to grasp a never ending void of space, with a potentially infinite amount of matter - but for some reason, i could not get my head around it. My brain would stop thinking when it came to the thought of infinity... 'How could space be infinite?' I wondered.
Now, i realize what my problem was. I didn't actually understand the true meaning of infinity. When i considered an infinite space back then, i thought of it as an all-existing void of never-ending space. I thought that all-space existed, without any boundary. Today, i know that space has a boundary - but what makes it infinite is that the boundary is ever expanding - thus infinity meant that space was always one more than now.

My early interest in cosmology led me to investigate the world of physics - and now, even today, i still have my conceptual problems in understanding the universe... For instance, what existed before big bang? Were this troubles me, some physicists have no problem in accepting a void of nothingness T-1 seconds after big bang. Why does this haunt me? It isn't any misunderstanding i have - but rather, more a personal displeasure.

However, many of the gaping questions i had as a child have been answered as i have grown up - it involved questions that may seem elementary now to a physicist - but i still remember those pivotal questions i asked - questions that the typical non-scientist tends to ask; like, what is the fastest particle, and what speed does it move at? How many known particles are there? What is Gravity? What are black holes? What is time? How big is the universe? How many particles are in the universe? What is antimatter? What is a dimension, and how many dimensions are there? What is relativity? How big is the sun, and how big is the earth compared with it? How many stars are in our galaxy? Does life exist elsewhere in the universe? How old is the universe? When will the universe end? Does God exist in the world of science? And i have hopefully answered these questions, including others with some degree since i have been here.

So with these subjects covered, no better way could end this other than to ask that question, 'what is superdimension?' - This my theory of the universe.

The world of consciousness leaves me in awe whenever i consider the effect of the observer in the universe. I wonder if anyone else shares my deep sentiments on this issue; somehow, reality depends rather intrinsically on the role of the observer - which makes the universe somehow observer-dependant.

These interdependent existences, the worlds of the internal and the external define each other. In the arena of spacetime, we observe macroevents, all those events directly observable to the naked eye, right down to infinitesimally small world of 'taons' and 'muons', and somehow, the world of observation is an inextricably linked loop with the world of the physical substances.

We have seen some examples of this relationship between the observed and the observer - we have seen the Copenhagen viewpoint, where matter lies as potential before a resolution is made. We have also seen the alternative - a universe superimposed upon an infinite amount of brother-sister universes, and whenever we come to do or say anything, our universe splits into as many possibilities as there are outcomes. We have also seen the estranged behavior of the zeno-effect, where the outcome of an atom can be suspended in time whenever it is being observed. Why should we have this effect on matter, whether that be the collapse, the split and merging, or even the zeno-effect? We might know the technical side to it all... but how does it all happen so suddenly?

Some physicists believe we over duly stress the role of the observer, simply because a non-conscious mechanical recording device too can bring about quantum changes - but we must remember, before these devices came about by man, the mind itself was natures own recording device; and for some reason, the universe wished this - it created the natural human recording devices so that we may have a unique, and rather bizarre effect on the external reality. You might even say, the drive of the universe was so that we could exist and observe its beauty - after all, what would the universe be without the human to observe its vast creation? It would have been a waste otherwise...
The brain has itself an unusual existence. The spatial world i envision is itself a product of the mind - yes, the image itself is cast into the mind when it hits the retina, but this is a two-dimensional image, yet somehow, it is reassembled into the three-dimensional phenomenon of our neural networks. Thus, we never observe real reality - our bubbles of existence are a bit of a lie, a product created in the image of the external world - just as Adam was created in Gods image, yet Adam had never seen God.
As i believe the great Sir Arthur Eddington once put it, 'the stuff of the world is mind stuff.'

With a new understanding of time, comes with it a new understanding of mind. Time itself is an imaginary dimension; it exists purely as the mind - a way and means for us to track and catalogue events. physicists believe that mind is somehow the same thing as time; and it is through this we have a conceptual relationship between space and matter-energy, since spacetimematterenergy are all interrelated, and whip one of these out of the picture, and the rest of them follow (in simpler terms, the universe would vanish in an instant; this is what we learn from Einstien’s relativity theory).
Even Einstein once said that before relativity, we thought that if all matter where extracted from the vacuum, space and time would continue to exist. We now know that spacetime would also vanish... Thus using this information, the role of the observer cannot be stressed enough. If matter and energy rely on space, and space and time are also one of the same thing, and since mind and time are also somehow the same thing, throw out the mind, and all else fails - spacetimematterenergy cease to exist with any unique definitions. Thus, mind is reality, as reality is equally mind.

Also, mind has some rather interesting effects on time. Time takes on an existence called the present. All that ever exists, the only ever real time is what we call the present; and this is a creation of the human consciousness. All that is past and what is future, seems to be a psychological issue - they have no existence, except as it exists as the human mind as memory or sense. Time can also variate in speeds - it can move slower or faster for the observer. It can also cease to move in some extreme cases - others, time can disappear in a flash - as i believe some have reported, seeing their lives flash before their eyes.
This is the superdimension - it is the human mind - it acts like a unique dimension of its own, an ethereal existence somehow threaded into reality itself, changing and altering states whenever we come to observe something - the world itself is an ensemble of cause and effect. The mind, i believe effects the cause. It shouldn't surprise us to consider these things - the mind itself after all, as Fred Hoyle reminds us, is made of the stuff of the world... the same microscopic world that we seem to have such an influential effect on.

The big bang exploded 15 billion years ago, and it is still in its expansion phase. We are part of that big bang, and no matter how much we think that we are somehow separate of reality, we are in fact very much a part of it - we are rendered helpless to disconnect ourselves from the material world. Even Einstein once said in 1954;

'A human being is part of the whole called by us
universe, a part limited in time and space. We
experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings
as something separate from the rest. A kind of
optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is
a type of prison for us, restricting us to our personal
desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by
widening our circle of compassion to embrace all
living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty'

Our good friend Einstein was right - we are bound to the mind-illusion of reality - the world of 'in here', is inexorably the world of 'out there’ and no difference can be found, except in our own ignorance’s. A little thought indicates this might be the flaw of mankind; we plod along through life with very little consideration for the world around us, and just like Einstein said, we must unbound ourselves from the chains of deception and widen our circle of affection. Instead, we hold ourselves dear to our families and few friends, and the rest seems superfluous.... in breaking free, we will not only begin to understand the world around us, but we will also begin to learn about ourselves for the very first time.
We manifest external reality through our interpretations made in the internal world, and unravel and encapsulate its mysterious pages as it unfolds around us, like some intricate dubious murder mystery - without us, in effect, the universe would be devoid of any such meaning, thus if all experience, all emotion and every thought can be pin-pointed to the internal world of awareness and perception, then consciousness is next to being trapped in a lucid dream, in which none of us can awake from and which the laws of the universe cannot escape... the lie that is the most terrifying in physics, is the truth about the world of consciousness.

'What we are observing is not nature herself, but nature exposed
to our type of question. Space exists only in relation to our
particularizing consciousness. The portions of the external
universe of which we have additional knowledge by direct
awareness amount to a very small fraction of the whole; of
the rest we know only the structure and not what it is a structure
of. Science is concerned with the rational correlation of
experience rather than the discovery of fragments of absolute
truth about an external world.'
Astrophysicist, sir Arthur Eddington

'There is no world at large - only a description of the world which
we have learned to visualize and take for granted. We live in a
bubble, the bubble of our perception and what we witness on its
round walls is our own reflection.'
Don Juan - from Carlos Castaneda

To now finish, i will summarize everything we have covered.
We had a look at how our universe began, 15 billion years ago. It began with a tremendous spill of energy and gas... nothing but energy and gas... 15 billion years ago... nothing but 'pure light'. This is where theology and science go hand-in-hand.

The universe at this time was extremely hot, though, it wasn't until this 'gas of light' began to cool down, and it broke into the most basic fundamental particles known: The proton, the neutron and the electron. Then came helium, and the birth of stars had integrated... and their mass' contained just around 1% of all of the space it was an inhabitant of. This was indeed a miraculous time...
Then, over millions of years, certain stars began to collapse, and become supernovae. These massive bright stars then shrank down to the size of any average-sized large planet, leaving behind the massive ''spit'' of mass around it. This mass slowly formated into the first planets and asteroids, due to their attractive forces (namely gravity) and a slow process called secretion.

8 billion-odd years on, and the universe was still a violent place. Our galaxy was still formating; hence our planet had not formed, and was still gathering up the star-dust, like some massive snowball. A further 2 billion years later, collisions from near asteroid impacts would have gradually calmed down, and for the first time, life, in its simplest form, which are Prokaryotes - single celled life.

Then Eukaryotes came about, multi-cellular life, and it was just about this time, the earth came under a massive extinction. Millions of years passed, until the first plant life and insects emerged, only to be wiped out by a second great extinction.

Plants insisted to have their place on earth, evolving into more different insects... though they where wiped out in a third and forth mass extinction. Then reptiles became independent of the sea, along with the first birds and mammals, though, again, to be wiped out by a fifth great extinction. Then, only 100,000 years ago, man... homosapians appear.

Ever since Adam, man has documented the world as it inexorably unfolds around us. From Father Abraham to, Abraham Lincoln, we have made use of our surroundings for many reasons... but none as illusive as mans power to destroy the world around Him... Thus, we are vigorously warned of the coming sixth extinction. Question is: ''how long will man have to his name?''

We place our sights into the farthest galaxies to understand the paradoxes of life... though; our calculations have left us in disarray... especially when we are told the universe began around 15 billion years ago, when complex galaxies should have taken over 80 billion years to form.
However, here life is, and everything should be self-explanatory... though, nothing is that easy.

Einstein once said, concerning quantum computers, 'If you think about it, it will be a possibility now or in the future.'

I simply couldn't imagine how i would look, if parallel universe's where to be proven correct; it would look rather embarrassing to say the least - after all, i have attacked it on so many accounts throughout the Superdimension installations. I dare say, the only thing that would soften the blow, is that many well-known academics out there too rejects the idea of parallel universe theory, such as Even Harris Walker, Jim Al-Khalili and Leslie Ballantine. And this is for many reasons.
''I can't get excited by the notion that we live in one of an infinite number of parallel universes, none of the rest of which we ca ever be aware of'', says Jim Al-Khalili of the University of Surry, and continues saying, ''it raises as many problems as it solves.''

The frustrating thing about parallel universe theory is that it is untestable, so far. Though according to many physicists around the world, such as David Z. Albert to mention one, believes it must be a testable theory... it's just a question of, ''how''? David Albert believes, in a theory a while back, that we might be able to take a photograph of a parallel universe, while still in this one! Though, as marvelous as this idea might sound, it's been in the mainstream for quite a while now and no such photograph has been made.

Physicists Leslie Ballantine has much the same notions as i do. He believes that quantum physics cannot answer for the universe at large; and he bases all of this whilst remaining defiant of parallel universe theory. Whilst i believe the fundamental issue arises with the complexities of the universe being unable to be simplified by any single unified theory, he also believes something similar along these lines of thought. Today, the major goal of many physicists is to try and prove the multiverse hypothesis. So the most logical question would be, 'how can we test this theory?'

The answer seems to be very different to what one might think. The first step appears to be quantum computers. The age of the highly precise supercomputer is just around the corner and the implications of this are very hazy... The quantum computer would not abide by Copenhaganistic rules - instead, it will operate according to parallel universe theory. The idea has been in the mainstream for a while; the idea was forwarded by physicist David Deucsh around the 1980's.

The idea was novel. If no collapse occurred in its function, it will then operate as though it were split among parallel universes. It will be able to form, what would be classed as a parallel universe supporter as ''accurate'' and ''highly precise.'' Though, this precision is in the calculations of this quantum computer - because it is supposed to be describing the real reality, instead of one single objective universe. The computers mechanical structure too will be quite complex, next to your modern day Boolean computer mechanisms.

The step forward into the mechanisms of quantum computery is to manipulate isolated Erbium atoms using electrical fields to perform the superpositional computations. Not too long ago scientists where working on how to trap these Erbium atoms, as it was previously only high-energy atoms that could have been trapped. The Erbium atom was classified as being too complicated to work with; however it turns out that scientists in the united states where able to trap these atoms as an inexorable consequence of being bound in the area where magnetic fields where being generated.

Erbium atoms glow a Luminiferous purple as they emerge from a very hot confinement. The atoms are directed into the path of a laser beam, which is a part of the apparatus that traps the atoms. Erbium atoms where chosen for their numerous quantum qualities; they have electronic and magnetic properties. When they hit the laser, they dramatically slow down from 210 meters per second to about 10 meters per second. This will cause the Erbium atoms to emit light - which then leads the atoms to be trapped with a community of many other Erbium atoms - around one million of them.

We say these computers would be ''superpositional'', because it doesn't use zero-one binary system. Instead, it will have a 0.50 factor. To understand this superpositional theory, you need to be able to distinguish it from the mathematics of a collapse in the wave function. Remember, the Copenhagen interpretation involves a collapse - the parallel universe theory doesn't. In a parallel universe, the quantum wave function is ever-flowing.

Biogenesis and The Hanging Dimensions of Consciousness;

My model has allowed me to create a theory of consciousness as both a physical and non-physical compilation. Even if you do not believe in a physical field for consciousness, at least their is still the physical explanation to the particles we seem to be generated from. My model states that these particles are a 'second existence.' The second era of consciousness began as a 'trapping' of independence. This 'trapping' is made in the physical bodies we exhibit today.

The incorporeal psyche of consciousness is found in this first era. This is when independent thought did not occur, but did make up one single independent mind; this source i have come to call God. This single mind may have been able to think independently, and could have chosen today's reality. The idea of a non-material field, responsible for conscious experience is not unheard of. Sheldrake’s theory of the 'Morphic Field' applies to biological systems; however, this theory though is for a species alone. Not as independent individuals.

My idea, is that independence must be caused by a material field of force; i theorize this, because matter can warp time and space. If matter warps the imaginary dimension of space (time), then it might equally warp the single source of consciousness (God). This force i have underlined as Gravitoelectromagnetism. Even though Gravity was hardly my theory, and also taking into account that electromagnetism has been known for a while to have something to do with the phenomenon of consciousness, it was totally my idea that a material force was responsible for the cracking of the conscious field. One might say, that i am creating a bridge between Ludvik Bass' theory of only one mind ever present, with quantum mechanics.

Matter warping into mind, and mind warping into matter. This is the way i see it. It is like an inextricable linked loop through the observed and the observer. For this process to work though, there needs to be a physical field, and a non-physical field interacting with each other. And not only this, these fields don't necessarily need to be in the same part of the universe; they could be interacting between these realms of things, from the subspacetime plain, hidden from us. Though, the theory could be left open to other ideas, such as being existent in a hidden universe, curled up in the hypothetical sixth dimension.

To make my model a consistent model, i also brought in the paradoxes of conscious experience; such as the binding problem. I associated this to being apart of a rule called 'Expectation.' It is quite an obvious rule, and shows that the mind has a natural intuition, and binds reality together into how it expects to perceive reality - in a smooth continuous flowing, not as a rough clash of discontinuous flashes. It's actually quite simple to how one might suspect the mind to do this. One reason, is because we are able to mentally bind thoughts together. The binding anomaly actually covers everything we can string together. Not only this, but if mind strings reality together, then reality is based upon conscious experience, and if this is true, then reality is consciousness. Throw out consciousness, and reality does not exist!

This must mean that our universe is interdependent with conscious phenomena. The idea that reality is built up on conscious experience, is an idea that goes back thousands of years. One culture that made use of this where the Red Indians, who believed that spirit was trapped inside of every inanimate and animate objects. I believe in something similar to this postulate. I believe that conscious energy comes in two forms: The active form, which is classed as simply 'Conscious Energy,' and the inactive form, 'Potential Conscious Energy.'

The best way to imagine potential conscious energy existing in everything, is a bit like imagining an electron. When we speak about an electron, we usually refer to the electrons cloud; which is made up of the wave function of probabilities, such as path and location. Now, when the electron enters a metal confinement, it's wave spread's out all over the whole object. The potential conscious field is like that. Conscious energy is obviously the opposite, and it makes every living mobile mass, including ourselves. The physical field can also be seen as a medium - a medium between the technicalities of optical phenomena with the potential field and mind.

I have also talked about the properties of the physical field with quite some detail, and highlighting the importance’s of their effects when consciousness is concerned, such as the electron, responsible for their electronic signals that interpret the senses, and their conduit, electrolytes. Whilst i have never brought into the picture, the ''Psychon Theory of conscious physics'', the idea is novel. I have included however, the exclusion principle as being also a candidate responsible for conscious experience. The idea, is that Fermi-Dirac statistics govern as one of the main principles responsible for individuality. In fact, quantum physics really does hint to this. You just need to understand the nature of the first era, as i call it. There was no individualism, and this could be interpreted as being reflected in Bose-Einstein statistics, where nature tends to fall into a single state; as in the Ludvik interpretation, '''a single mind''.

I have also included Fred Alan Wolf's idea, that the uncertainty principle also plays a part. Whilst i am unsure whether he means this on the physical scale of things, it is how i adopted the theory. Somehow, the uncertainty at this level, creates the certainty found in the scale of conscious experience. The chaos arises order, so-to-say.

I have also involved the idea that consciousness depends heavily on time. This idea arises out of the proposition that mind is somehow the same thing as time itself. I have extended this theory, by saying that time is obsolete without ''mind-talk''; this is when consciousness interacts with both time and space; including the matter contained within it.
The time we experience, is dubbed by physicists as 'real time'. This time exists only ever in the present, and the illusory of the universe, is highlighted in relativity, and time can no longer be seen as linear. Thus, times future, and times past, really are times present!
The mind of consciousness, because it exists neither here nor there, is able to move past the conventional barriers of time. Because of this the mind can anticipate reality, in unknown ways to the objectively aware observer. Because of the subjective activity, the aware mind can bind reality together quite easily.
The chemical reaction between atoms also plays a fundamental role in behavior, as we know. It governs all spectra of perception, such as the hard definitions of awareness, and unconsciousness. It also determines hate, love, thought, feeling and all known subjective phenomena. It's weird actually. As i believe some wise physicist once said, 'There is no reality, without the perception of reality.''
I have also involved a theory on the nature of God, as i am sure you will have summarized. God is also a physical and non-physical corporeality. [His] (13) Is a physical medium, as i have interpreted Him as being made up of Physical Conscious Energy- electromagnetism essentially. This is because He must interact with thoughts and emotions on an intimate level, if the universe is observer-dependant. For this reason, i am i admit, quite disturbed of Einstien’s comment, that he believed in physicists/philosopher Spinoza's God. This interpretation say's that God would never concern Himself with mankind. Though, i believe that we are pivotal to His existence. And just as there is a ''center of force'' in matter, there might be a source of conscious energy. One thing Spinoza had believed in, was that consciousness was in everything! Thus, if all of this is true, then mind does not necessarily arise from matter, but rather matter being the second environment for consciousness - the second era of it's existence.
The germination of life is quite spectacular. As we have seen, the universe began around 15 to 20 billion years ago. And this is supposed to be by chance. But no large scale statistical analysis can arise which is fitting for life. Now, 15 billion years later, we can see vast phenomena, that vibrates well beyond reason. We cannot say for sure whether the very beginning of time means the beginning of space, or whether the beginning of space is really a beginning of a new time. This puzzles theorists to this day.
The origin of time, will hold the key to the universe. As time passed into the real time of the mind, the universe began to have real meaning, because the observer describes reality around her in a series of continuous measurements of which information determines the past. In fact, we turn our to be the best machines able to define reality in a series of collapses, unto which consciousness itself arises from. In fact, as we even sit here, is alone proof of a single collapse in the wave function; this ''pops'' the question whenever the mind is aware of it's surroundings.

Another thing i wanted to explore throughout my time here, was the stuff the universe was made up of; just to make the reading a little more interesting. And this covered quarks, neutron halos, axion properties, pentaquark phenomena, gluons, positron-electron annihilation (just to motion a few) - it was really a quick history of some of the stranger properties of these fundamental bit's we are made from. It's pretty strange actually - the heart of matter (the nucleus) is made up of colorless objects we call quarks, and they in turn create the colorful world around us. It gets even stranger. Reality is made up of quantum numbers, and it could be potentially a sequence of zero-one binary off and on digits, as the enigmatic theory goes.

I also showed that these incomprehensible bits of matter, actually made up an even more improbable picture. I set out to achieve this, by highlighting some hard facts: The vast numbers entailed in the cosmos. Some of these calculations included the little facts to do with the number of particles in the universe (N=10^80), and how many stars are in our galaxy (200,000,000,000,000). This was my way to show the reader the complexities of creation. In fact, as i presented, we shouldn't actually be here at all. If chance never governed our existences, which more and more scientists are starting to believe it had, then something more specific fuelled the creation of all life on earth. The prospect is called the Anthropic Cosmological Principle.

Indeed, all life is a bit of a mystery; and it is this mystery that concerns me. One must consider a few excerpts to make at least an iota of sense, such as the idea that all of existence is predetermined. You can ascribe this force as somehow God, but in the Bohmian interpretation, it is more specific, describing the wave function as being somehow determining all of existence up to this present day.

Another strange interpretation i have included, is the notion that the universe is nothing but an unconscious reality before the first thinking machine. It was when life appeared, more notably ourselves, we can begin to see that we are still nevertheless the universe itself - (based on the notion that we are made up of the stuff of the universe) - and that we are nothing but a universe observing herself. This must mean that George down the street, and the postman who brings my mail, are products of an intelligent universe, that had only just became conscious, 100,000 years ago. Of course, this depends soley on the selfish fact we are the only life in the universe capable of such intelligence. Though, as more and more scientists are becoming aware of, this might be just a failure to understand that life might be quite frequent thousands of lightyears away. As we are informed, life anywhere else in the universe, will be under similar conditions as ourselves; but commander Spock's comment comes to mind, 'It's life Jim... But not as we know it,' comes to mind.

And now, to end, we shall quickly go over the superdimension. The superdimension describes ''those hanging dimensions of spacetime'' which is nothing but the subjective subspace of all reality. Consciousness turns out to be the aware state of this subreality of emotions and thoughts; And if scientists are correct, is influenced by the zero-point energy field. The introduction of the ghostly reality of mind, actually brings with it a cascade of new interpretations to the works of consciousness in this four-dimensional phenomenon, we call the spacetime arena. The mind can activate the world around it, creating it, as it inexorably unfolds around us, in its surprisingly difficult way. It also turns out, that every mind on earth is intimately related, and our abilities to perform some strange things, such as psychic abilities and out-of-body-experiences seems to be possible.

For me, the human mind of consciousness is the next major endeavor for the scientist to bring into the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics; and if scientists are correct, then a unified theory of everything might be accomplishable, and if it indeed is, then we might even ask if consciousness must fall into the unified theory, to make it whole. If we don't, and continue treating the human psyche as somehow separate to this grand universe, we might find that the successfulness of quantum theory has been in vain.

In short: Time exists only with mind.
Biofield are real.
And the mind is a dimension onto the spacetime dimension.

Here you have it.