Television Warning


Registered Senior Member
Strong reason to suspect that two way cameras and microphones are in the Television sets. They can look into and listen into your house whenever the Television is plugged in.
There was a time in my life when I saw evidence of this in my personal life. It was really like people on live television were like responding to things I said and did. I took note of it.
One day I was sitting at a Mc Donalds restaurant and this guy sat near me. He said, those people on the TV can really see you. I did not know that. He said he wanted to go and live out in the woods somewhere and get away from the city. I told him that there was a time when I thought that the people on the TV could see me too, but I thought it was a trick of the devil to deceive me and it was not really so.
After thinking about this and based on what I have seen personally, I must conclude that the television sets have hidden cameras and audio equipment in them and people can look and listen into your house through the televisions sets.
So unplug the television when you are not watching it.

A guy on another website said it can be back engineered from the screen. Probably also back engineered from the speaker.
An electron beam moving in a raster could scan the screen like in a video camera, changing light into electrical impulses for transmission. A small portion of the screen used like this would keep power consumption down to be undetectable. The sound could be changed into impulses using a small portion of the speaker diaphram. So you would not find a camera in the set. The camera and microphone are using components already there.
You might have the wiring in the yoke coiled a different way and some added circuitry and that is all. It means they could hide it so that you could not be able to tell what it is.
i do have to agree with the other two. Though you may not be schizophrenic you are probably having delusions which need to be treated. Go see your GP who can refer you to a psycologist or a pycitrist
I worked for a cable TV company summer before last, we had one regular caller who insisted that we were watching her through her TV and the engineers we sent round to her house to fix her system would steal foetuses from her womb so that we could artificially gestate them - was that you Ghost?
WHat you are probably experiencing is either a sychronicty and just plain old coincidence. I wouldn't look so deep into it though.
It's true, the only reason anyone is on tv is because they want to look at you on your couch in your underpants.
The whole thing is a big farce, "oh look at us, we're on an island competing for an immunity necklace", yeah not, they really just want to watch ghost eat cereal at 9:30 pm. They find it peculiar and interesting.
We are watching YOU very closely ghost, so watch yourself and please put on pajamas when you walk around your house, you are really overweight! ;)
I worked for a cable TV company summer before last, we had one regular caller who insisted that we were watching her through her TV and the engineers we sent round to her house to fix her system would steal foetuses from her womb so that we could artificially gestate them - was that you Ghost?

Wow, I too used to work for a cable company, and while we had some freaky customers, we never got a caller as weird as yours!!!!!
Wow, I too used to work for a cable company, and while we had some freaky customers, we never got a caller as weird as yours!!!!!

I once did a short stint in a phone company call center. Believe me, there are some really strange people out there!

One woman was convinced the FBI had tapped her phone (her reason for calling in) and went on to tell me that there were people under her house, her daughter and doctor were conspiring to poison her and several other insane imaginations.

The truly weirdos usually keep to themselves because they're too paranoid to talk about their, well, paranoia.
phlogistician & read only - the mad and deluded broke the otherwise monotonous job - some of my favourite calls were:

The guy who rang up to complain that the 15 minute free preview of the porn channels wasn't long enough to have a proper wank.

The guy who rang up to ask why he suddenly had a whole bunch of pay-per-view porn movies on his bill for the week when he was away on holiday and left his 18 year old son (who couldn't possibly have watched them) in charge of the house.
There are ways to misuse television. For instance you could generate a localised broadcast at a higher output level, this would override the lesser broadcast streams allowing the localised broadcast to hijack the standard broadcast.

I've seen it done, the BBC has a history of requiring Licensing in the UK. They did test using this method to hijack unlicensed viewers televisions to try to reason with them, or at the very least make them paranoid and delusional so they find their way to a hospital.

I wouldn't suggest that camera's existed in televisions unless of course it's spy technology, this however would require you to be on some sort of watch list, for it to be placed by a technician and not just be applied to a television (or all televisions) that you "randomly" purchase.

There was a "theoretical" concern within the intelligence community during the cold war years which got referred to as the "Chinese Radio" where it was feared that every electronical component manufactured from China could have Bugs fitted within them and they could broadcast a stream from component to component similar to a wireless network. However the theory was unfounded. (Basically guys coming up with ideas like chess players trying to identify potential future moves)
phlogistician & read only - the mad and deluded broke the otherwise monotonous job - some of my favourite calls were:

The guy who rang up to complain that the 15 minute free preview of the porn channels wasn't long enough to have a proper wank.

After a network change we forgot to encrypt the porn channel one night, ... got no complaints, ... oddly, the time the head end controller box screwed up, and for five minutes, every channel was the Cartoon Network, we got loads!

Best porn related incident was a member of staff though. It was noticed he worked overtime at odd hours, as his cardkey was seen on the security system and it stuckout on the monthly report. Turns out he was coming into the office after going to the pub, locking himself in his office and and having a tug. Cheeky bugger was filing for overtime too!
Funny. I used to work for samsung. Nothing major, just assembly line. But the department that worked on TV's was very secret! It was locked off from the rest of the building. The employees who worked it that department had their own separate parking lot and entrance to the building. there was little to no interaction between those people and others within the company. Me and some of my co workers heard that a lot of companies were the same! That they always had that department locked of to the rest of the company! I asked my boss once and he nervously claimed it had something to do with the radio waves involved, then he quickly ran away. The next day I was brought into my bosses office and was told that I was being let go for "insubordination".

You guys are mean for suggesting that ghost is crazy. He's on to something. I'm with you bro!
If they built cameras into the TV, they would charge extra for them. Besides, just unplug it and see if there's a camera there.
Funny. I used to work for samsung. Nothing major, just assembly line. But the department that worked on TV's was very secret! It was locked off from the rest of the building. The employees who worked it that department had their own separate parking lot and entrance to the building. there was little to no interaction between those people and others within the company. Me and some of my co workers heard that a lot of companies were the same! That they always had that department locked of to the rest of the company! I asked my boss once and he nervously claimed it had something to do with the radio waves involved, then he quickly ran away. The next day I was brought into my bosses office and was told that I was being let go for "insubordination".

You guys are mean for suggesting that ghost is crazy. He's on to something. I'm with you bro!

We are watching YOU too skaught, so when you have your girlfriend over have her undress a little closer to the bedroom TV, the flat screen one! :D