Television Healing


Registered Senior Member
I am finally back on these forums. Some of you may know I posted earlier in this forum about my personal experience. I didn't keep up to date since two people (I won't mention any names) kept on arguing and lead on to a new debate (which my post was not supposed to imply).

Getting to my topic, many of us have probably seen shows on television where people perform "miracles" where one heals the other in an instant regardless of what the condition may be (e.g Benny Hinn). My question is:

Does anyone believe this is possible and does anyone believe this is the power of Jesus Christ?


forever.soul said:
I am finally back on these forums. Some of you may know I posted earlier in this forum about my personal experience. I didn't keep up to date since two people (I won't mention any names) kept on arguing and lead on to a new debate (which my post was not supposed to imply).

Getting to my topic, many of us have probably seen shows on television where people perform "miracles" where one heals the other in an instant regardless of what the condition may be (e.g Benny Hinn). My question is:

Does anyone believe this is possible and does anyone believe this is the power of Jesus Christ?


M*W: This is the power of positive thinking. Creative visualization. God had nothing to do with it. The power is within humanity who IS God. Therefore, the power is with God, the human race.
Getting to my topic, many of us have probably seen shows on television where people perform "miracles" where one heals the other in an instant regardless of what the condition may be (e.g Benny Hinn). My question is:

Does anyone believe this is possible
Yes, this is possible.

and does anyone believe this is the power of Jesus Christ?
No, Benny Hinn does not heal anyone. He is a sham.
okinrus said:
Yes, this is possible.

No, Benny Hinn does not heal anyone. He is a sham.
M*W: The power to heal oneself comes from within and NOT from without.
If it is within God's scheme, any act is possible, but I find it incredible, even appalling in some respects, that such events could be televised and... sold off as they are. I do not think TV healings are true-to-life, in other words.
forever.soul said:
Getting to my topic, many of us have probably seen shows on television where people perform "miracles" where one heals the other in an instant regardless of what the condition may be (e.g Benny Hinn). My question is:

Does anyone believe this is possible and does anyone believe this is the power of Jesus Christ?


If anyone answers yes - I would like to know the evidence on which they base their conclusion.

okinrus I just used Benny Hinn as an example. If someone was TRULY healing someone do you believe this power is from God since most of these healers claim God is giving them power (M*W I know you believe it comes from man but I will get to that later.)

M*W if this power does come from within are you able to do anything from your inner power that would seem Miraculous. If not how would a person gain this power? By the way, does this theory come from a particular religion?

forever.soul said:
okinrus I just used Benny Hinn as an example. If someone was TRULY healing someone do you believe this power is from God since most of these healers claim God is giving them power

God has never empowered men like Benny Hinn.
If you're searching for examplary men in whom God did vest great power, look to the scriptures. The Apostles at Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, fit the bill, I believe.
<i><b>okinrus I just used Benny Hinn as an example. If someone was TRULY healing someone do you believe this power is from God since most of these healers claim God is giving them power (M*W I know you believe it comes from man but I will get to that later.)</i></b>
There have been saints who have performed miracles by prayer to God. However, the miracles served a greater purpose and did not glorify the saint but God. And also, these miracles were fewer in number, but verified by trained doctors. Although Benny Hinn can say whatever he wants to on TV, no one believes that he is glorifying God, much less healing anyone.
Television healing is a scam. They get actors to act as though they were sick and then "praise be the lord:rolleyes:" they're healed. People in desperate situations are gullible enough to send money in, in the hope they will be healed as well or will feel the "power of the lord:rolleyes:". Church and people like Hinn get richer, while the poor deluded sick folk try and convince themselves that God and people such as Hinn will or have healed them.

forever.soul said:
okinrus I just used Benny Hinn as an example. If someone was TRULY healing someone do you believe this power is from God since most of these healers claim God is giving them power (M*W I know you believe it comes from man but I will get to that later.)

M*W if this power does come from within are you able to do anything from your inner power that would seem Miraculous. If not how would a person gain this power? By the way, does this theory come from a particular religion?


M*W: soul, let me clarify something. This "power" does not lie within the heart of one specific person but in all of humanity. "Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am also." Miracles occur everyday. We don't always understand them as miracles, because these events may be just common knowledge to our understanding of them. We take them for granted. Everyday people are healed, but we don't pay much attention to it, especially if we don't know them. If we know they, we think, "yes, it was a miracle she lived, but I've got other things to do now." Our lifestyles are leading us away from the Spirit and closer to the practical, the logical, the mundane. None the less, they are miracles. The power of God resides within. That is where our power comes from. It is not ours alone. How else could God manifest in the world? It has to be through humanity, God's greatest creation... or did we create God in our minds? It doesn't really matter where this manifestation came from.

Have I worked any miracles? If I have, I'm not aware of them. I don't accept the fact that I may be a miracle worker, but who's to say I'm not. I don't know how I have impacted the lives of others. I've delivered their babies, sure, but anyone can catch a baby coming out. But I have many times saved that baby's life when it couldn't breathe at birth. Maybe those were miracles. When I saw a truck hit a young boy on a bicycle, and I ran out into traffic to help the child and got him back into safety. His bones were broken, but he lived. His mother thought that it was a miracle. I didn't. I was just doing what needed to be done. Nothing special. When my neighbor's house was totally inflamed and they were asleep, I went into their house and woke them, and got them out safely. Their dog was lost, but they thought what I did was a miracle. I think "miracle" needs to be redefined. I don't think "miracles" are anything special. "Miracles" are done by regular folks who make up humanity whom I consider to be God. I don't know for sure if I've raised the dead, but when I've had a little blue baby in my hands pressing his chest to get his heart to start while praying for him to breathe, when he does, that's a miracle, but that's my job.
Rappaccini said:
If you're searching for examplary men in whom God did vest great power, look to the scriptures. The Apostles at Pentecost, as described in Acts 2, fit the bill, I believe.

And your evidence for this is what, the BUYBULL??

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okinrus said:
Yes, this is possible.

No, Benny Hinn does not heal anyone. He is a sham.
M*W: The very first hint of scam is that funky combover. If you can't even trust a man to be honest about his hair, how could he be trusted with someone soul?
Barkhorn1x said:
And your evidence for this is what, the BUYBULL??

Evidence for what in particular, that God's will is the fundamental determinant of reality, or that TV healings are not true-to-life?

If the former, as I suspect, then I suggest that you examine quantum theory and, specifically, the collapse of the wave function.
There is really no reason for this reality, that we are, presumably together experiencing, to exist at all unless an influence caused it to be.

Once, I thought that my personal being, ego, what have you, was that influence, in this case my life being a prolonged dream of sorts, yet, if but for simply aestheticism, I have come to accept the notion of God. Either way, I was making an assumption, I guess.

There are alternate views on this, but I find them inadequate. You may prefer these, and I am able to sympathize with you.
Ultimately, these matters can never be resolved easily or cleanly; one has to make a choice, usually a hard one.

Now is the best time to state this, I suppose. I will admit that most theists are indoctrinated, superficial persons who believe if only by habit, fear, and/or ignorance. Don't stigmatize the whole lot though. Some are well educated and are not lemmings and cowards as many might claim.
barkhorn please dont make fun of the bible if you purpously mispelled it that way.

On another note, I agree with Rappaccini and how people tend to turn to god out of fear, habit and ignorance rather than love. I think people tend to turn more to God when they need him and when their problem is over they throw him out like yesterdays trash.
Rappaccini said:
If the former, as I suspect, then I suggest that you examine quantum theory and, specifically, the collapse of the wave function.
There is really no reason for this reality, that we are, presumably together experiencing, to exist at all unless an influence caused it to be.
Where does quantum theory suggest this? It sounds as if you're referring to the Copenhagen interpretation but it is only hypothetical and is losing favor. In fact, this interpretation tends to disprove god (or at least god's omniscience) for if he were watching all wave functions would collapse.

The Copenhagen interpretation seems to me the only sensible approach.

And yet, this classic, if you will, approach seems to suggest that the human intelligence simply causes matter and energy to leap out of nothing but probability. To me, this smacks greatly of design, seeing as the power to trigger this collapse of the wave function must have some... root, some source. It's all just so artificial to my mind, suggestive, at least, of God. It all fits so nicely with Thomas Aquinas' "First Cause".

This is, perhaps, a far cry from any sort of proof. I am sorry if it disappoints those who may not see it as I.
Rappaccini said:
The Copenhagen interpretation seems to me the only sensible approach.
Why is it preferable to the Transactional, Many Worlds, State Vector, Extended Probability and Quantum Logic, or Consistent Histories interpretations? Upon what reasoning do you conclude that the Copenhagen interpretation is correct?

And yet, this classic, if you will, approach seems to suggest that the human intelligence simply causes matter and energy to leap out of nothing but probability.
Upon what evidence do you rest your conclusion that the conscious observer must be human? Did the Universe not exist until god created man? How do you reconcile god's omniscience with un-collapsed wave functions?

To me, this smacks greatly of design, seeing as the power to trigger this collapse of the wave function must have some... root, some source. It's all just so artificial to my mind, suggestive, at least, of God. It all fits so nicely with Thomas Aquinas' "First Cause".
I don't see how. The Universe and even god's existence (or at least his hand in existence) must be probabilistic and indeterminate until man appears on the scene to collapse the wave function. It seems to me that you're simply using god to fill the gap provided by indeterminacy.

forever.soul said:
Getting to my topic, many of us have probably seen shows on television where people perform "miracles" where one heals the other in an instant regardless of what the condition may be (e.g Benny Hinn). My question is:

Does anyone believe this is possible and does anyone believe this is the power of Jesus Christ?
no I dont think healing ANY condition instantly is posible,if it was,why would we have hospitals?? ;)
I've heard its posible to make a seriously cripled person sitting in a wheelchair with arthritis to get up and walk,
its done with hypnosis,
you can read more on this at
of course when someone is totaly cripled and unable to walk,none of your religious mumbo jumbo is gonna change that,
when it does James Randi would surely like to see it.yes the million $ offer still wasnt claimed,wonder why with all those so called miracle workers/preachers out there?
My favorite is Robert Tilton.
He has been called a charlatan by Texas Attorney General Dan Morales. He accused Tilton of "raping the most vulnerable segments of our society; the poor, the infirm, the ignorant."

"In the name of Jesus, I have dominion over you! Stomach demons, come out! Baya-lo-sheba-beth-lama-yo-shaya! Demons, be gone!"

You can get a .rm file of Tilton with farty sound-effects added at:

(Strangely, I wasn't able to download the whole thing. But you won't care after you see Tilton. If you've never seen him before ... it's unbelievable, even without the farty effects.)