Television "Haunted" programs


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Previously I have stated that they are Fraudulant, however definitive proof was stated by the very programmers that created the "Most Haunted" program in the UK.

The statement was made during a "Television's 100 funniest moments" show, where one of the moments involved one of the supposed mystics reacting to a spook. It was stated that it was Fiction and there are two types of people, Those that laugh at how fake it all is and those that are daft enough to believe it.

I thought I would just point this out so perhaps in the future people won't jump to the conclusion that such television programs are real, Just remember that television has "Evolved" into Entertainment.

It's suggested that if people are to take what ever the television broadcasters create to be a reality, they should at least telephone the Broadcasters to ask if what they are broadcasting is real, afterall if they were to lie it could potentially be a lawsuit, so hopefully they wont.
Well in the Richer countries it's obviously down to "Consumerism" since it's near enough all there is left to do. All the people wandering around in Herds like cattle being fattened up, and for what... Well, it's not for slaughter, just "Couch potatoism".

It makes you wonder what the original intension for the Television actually was... moving pictures, communication... probably but all this "Consumerism TV" I think people missed that one coming.