television and pseudoscience


Valued Senior Member
During the coarse of history there where many books/films that altough it where completly fictional but with a couple of sprincles of science in it, have somewhat become part of our lives. Things like flat screen, creditcards, portable computers etc.

But I don't realy have that inpression with today's sience fiction shows. I 've watched most recent sciene fiction shows and movies but somehow the cronicles of riddick or stargate don't give that extra anymore that makes you wonder hey perhaps this is possible in the (near) future.

Am I right or are their some things in popular scifi films/series that could actualy become reality someday?
It is very likely that humanity's history for the next few thousands years will be very boring.

If we do spread anywhere in space, it will likely be contained to the solar system for the time being.

We might never break the speed of light and have to be satisfied with a locked in existence, or take thousands of ears to populate the nearest planets, on ships filled with sleeping humans.
yeah how did people stay awake for the last couple of thousand years. We only got like what? The iron age, roman empire, dark ages man they where boring, The renaucance the industrial age and what ever they going to call this era now and you know a rocket is still at metal bar so I see where you coming from.

I don't believe that space is going to stay boring for a long time, their proberly is going to be a cheap way into space like a space elavator or something completly else. It's yust that you don't see mutch imagination these days,
Most modern scifi really concentrates more upon political satire than technological advancement. [i.e. Children of Men (2006)]

I suppose it's the difference in how our society is brought up, in the past people were made aware of the up and coming inventions with popular science shows in the UK like "Tomorrows World". Even further back television companies attempted to guess where we'd be by certain dates like 1984 or 1999, (Of course the first being down to George Orwell's Book entitled "1984" and the latter because of it being the end of a millennium).

There have of course been writers that have put forward ideas that haven't completely appeared as of yet, however they are embraced by people doing studies in Cybernetics. For instance William Gibsons "Neuromancer" and the overall Sprawl Trilogy. Not to forget the other writers that have too added to the overall universe like Bruce Sterling.

There are then the more commonly known authors like Isaac Asimov and P.K Dick, unfortunately however both are deceased so their take on our future will live on in peoples dedication to their popularity.

There are also other factors as to why you don't feel that the world is hit by scientific impacts at the same rate, this is actually down to the internet. Once upon a time, those people of notible fame stood out because they wrote papers in areas of science that not everyone embarked upon, they were the privileged few. In modern times everyone and I mean anyone can embark along any scientific route from any angle, Somebody might think they have come up with a theory for life, Earth, the Universe and everything within it and merely find an archived turn up of similar if not exactly the same theories via a google search. Typically those astounding ideas that could rock the world, are Same-o-same-o and therefore don't rock any more.

To stand out from a crowd now, you really have to be something special or you become a faceless entity as a another corporate drone as your fledgling idea embarks to dizzy heights without you under a logotype'd banner.