Teleportations caught on video

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Thought I'd start a thread of alleged teleportations caught on video. It 's a good area of fortean phenomena that lends itself well to visual analysis and first hand observation. This first one is an alleged teleportation of a man on a bike. I have reviewed the video multiple times and cannot see any sign of the bicyclist prior to coming out from behind the man. I just can't see how he could've been behind the man all along. Any thoughts?

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What do you mean? The silhouette of the cyclist (red outline) is easily smaller than the man in front - even as the cyclist's closest point to the camera. So he certainly would be hidden when his silhouette is even smaller.

The cyclist was turning around - you can see him completing his turn - so he was easily hidden behind the man as the cyclist came toward us, turned around and rode away (blue = wheel path).


Here's a sort of time lapse interpolating his movement before he emerges:


Sure, his turn around while hidden is an amusing optical illusion, but the "trick" is pretty easily deduced.
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I’m going to agree with Dave on this one. If the man on the bicycle was a “teleporter,” would he be “simultaneously existing” somewhere else? Sigh, I struggle to take the concept of teleportation seriously.

Is consciousness separate from our physical reality?

Pretending for a moment that I believe in teleportation - if the man riding the bicycle is real, then his clone (that was left behind) is dead, no? Or would he be the clone? :?
I’m going to agree with Dave on this one. If the man on the bicycle was a “teleporter,” would he be “simultaneously existing” somewhere else? Sigh, I struggle to take the concept of teleportation seriously.

Is consciousness separate from our physical reality?

Pretending for a moment that I believe in teleportation - if the man riding the bicycle is real, then his clone (that was left behind) is dead, no? Or would he be the clone? :?
Haven't you ever watched Star Trek? No one is left behind. That's why it is called teleportation. You might know a lot about UFO's but I'm beginning to wonder where monsters, ghosts and teleportation is concerned...:)
Thought I'd start a thread of alleged teleportations caught on video. It 's a good area of fortean phenomena that lends itself well to visual analysis and first hand observation. This first one is an alleged teleportation of a man on a bike. I have reviewed the video multiple times and cannot see any sign of the bicyclist prior to coming out from behind the man. I just can't see how he could've been behind the man all along. Any thoughts?

If the musicians had started shouting and pointing in astonishment when the bicyclist moved into view, so that man turned to look behind him, then I'd at least move on to the next issue of whether the scenario was staged or not.

But instead the observers are indifferent. And the bicyclist is effectively obscured behind the man the instant before he starts moving into view, so that I don't see a problem with him being fully hidden in the duration before that.
I guess I'll have to go with the "scrunched down man turning around on his bike" theory. Other than the fact that weird shit tends to happen in Russia, I don't really have a case to make.
This first one is an alleged teleportation of a man on a bike. I have reviewed the video multiple times and cannot see any sign of the bicyclist prior to coming out from behind the man. I just can't see how he could've been behind the man all along. Any thoughts?
My thought is that you didn't give this any critical thought before cutting and pasting it here, as usual.

Some questions occur to me. These seem obvious to me:
  • Why do we only get to see 13 seconds of video? What happened in the minute before those 13 seconds, for instance? (I think I know the answer to this one. How about you?)
  • Why don't the people in the video express any surprise at all, when a man on a bike magically appears from nowhere, right beside them? (I think I also know the answer to this one. How about you?)
  • Why did this happen in Russia, only to be posted to youtube for American consumption? (I can think of a few possible answers to this one, too. How about you?)
  • How many seconds of thought would it take to come up with a way this video could be explained without appealing to actual magic? What average time would be required? Less than 13 seconds? A minute? A few hours? The time it would take to watch the video, cut and paste the link to a sciforums thread and write a post expressing one's sense of wonder at the magic of teleportation?
  • Is it credible that a grown man could really fail to think of any logical explanation for this video?
Please avoid cut-and-pasting from youtube with minimal preliminary analysis
Sudden appearance of a man in a lab coat from the side of a swerving truck. Could've been there all along, but notice how calm he is. As if he doesn't even know a truck just swerved to miss him!

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The man in the lab coat appears to teleport next to the swerving truck.
Wouldn't that be predicated on the assumption that he wasn't already there?

I don't see how you determined he wasn't there to begin with. He'd be hidden by the truck.

And in the video you posted the truck did not appear to be transparent. Can you confirm you posted the right one?
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Are you going to attempt to answer the questions from my previous post, MR? Or are you going to ignore them and continue to spam more youtube videos without any analysis?
Haven't you ever watched Star Trek? No one is left behind. That's why it is called teleportation. You might know a lot about UFO's but I'm beginning to wonder where monsters, ghosts and teleportation is concerned...:)
Hmm, there can be mixups when multiple people are involved, according to Douglas Adams:

"I teleported home one night
with Ron and Sid and Meg.
Ron stole Maggie's heart away,
And I got Sidney's leg."
Moderator note: Magical Realist has been instructed many times previously that he is expected to provide a reasonable minimum level of preliminary analysis of his own when cutting and pasting videos from youtube. His failure to meet the required standards, especially following criticisms of his effort immediately prior to posting his second "teleportation" video, has resulted in yet another warning.

Due to accumulated active warning points, MR will be taking yet another brief break from sciforums.
The man in the lab coat appears to teleport next to the swerving truck.

Toward the end of the 2-second mark the pedestrian does indeed become speciously "invisible".

Starting at the beginning of the 3-second mark (using a both slo-mo and a sequence of pauses), the pedestrian exits from a faux status of invisibility to being insanely close to the side of the truck.

So close that he was apparently obscured by the mere sheen of the side -- doesn't seem to be there, and then abruptly he is. As if peeling himself off from the side of the truck, from 2D to 3D (i.e., a sighting of Marvel Comics Flatman in action).

But since the driver was swerving to avoid hitting him, the walker didn't really turn invisible. Just too few pixels in the video for distinguishing him in certain key frames, measured in micro-instants between the close of the 2-second and the opening of the 3-second intervals.

Given how close he was to being hit -- literally almost grazed by the vehicle -- he may have been too dazed to display animated emotions afterward. Perhaps he was higher than a kite or experiencing a clinical episode -- whole thing seems rather goofy, guy in a lab-coat(?) stepping suicidally out into the middle of the highway, in front of a truck. Suppose a daredevil's stunt can't even be completely ruled out, both the truck and the car with the cam part of the timing sham.