

I was wondering,should they ever (and i consider it fiction) be able to make teleporters simarlar to the fly and star trek then wont there be a major issue when sending memory through the machine.

IBM's quantum teleportation involves destroying the original,in some kind of quantum entaglement,so its like a 4 dimensional fax machine and you get sent a duplicate,but the original is destroyed.

So heres the thing,in that scenerio where you are desroyed and your atomic structure is copied its my understanding that the "copy" would be exactly the same as the original EXCEPT he/she wont have any memory,itll litterly be like they just been born all over again and would have to learn.

I mean i aint all up on my physics stuff but it occurs to me that brain information like memory wont get copied in the process,the memory structure will get copied but what about memory contents?
wont it be like erasing a tape?
or is there a specific reason why memory would be retained,if so what is it?
current issue of Discovery covered this one, in which a tiny particle was teleported, dont remember the exact specifics of it.
They havnt done it with anything except photons,so they have not done it with atoms yet and heavier elements.

I already knew that,i guess its too early to ask questions about memory,cross that bridge if we get to it.

My concern is that testing animals and managing to teleport them might seem ok,but i think they should be on the look out for memory defects.

Memory is information but is it a physical thing that can as a component be copied,thats the question,is memory like a tape or DVD and if so would teleporting a person erase all your memory.

Its a long way off yet,i have doubts its even possible,this entanglement is a way round heisenburgs uncertainty principle i take it?

well even so it dont clear this memory problem i was thinking of.
You're not really teleporting, but basically destroying one object to set the state of another object which was created at the same time. Technically it's teleportation, but not usable for already existing objects.

Assuming that teleportation is one day available, there is no reason to see why the mind would be wiped (assuming the teleport was instant and that you didn't die as half of you got teleported away, only to be rejoined a second later).

Unless there really is something behind this whole idea of 'soul' there would be no problem.
If teleportation gets to the point of objects, I would guess it would prove the futility in war.

Heres the logic. Take enough antenna equipment and generate the spacial alterations that are necessary for teleportation, however do so across a battlefield. Every shot an enemy fires at the "allied" side you could teleport to "Behind" the enemy so they are shot by their own bullet.

Before you know it, all the countries of the world would realise just how stupid war really is.
Well im atheist for all intent and purpose,but i do think people have a soul of sorts,not in terms of "oh when you die your soul goes to heaven"
i dont believe in any of that rubbish.

But i compare the brain to a television set,when you open up a tv set,you see all its guts and working parts,you can see how a tv works,right!,but you CANT see the reception,you cant see from looking through all of the components where the signal comes from to get the specific images and sounds.

The brain is kinda like that,and thats what im saying,call the mind/memory whatever your soul if you like cos its not a physical thing that can be copied.

I mean if i come up to you right now,and rip your brain out and study it i wont find YOU in there,all i see is an identical set of mechanical components like my own.

So i have trouble with the idea of copying the components and still getting the same "tv signal".

You cant just break things up and send them from a to b,cos uncertainty principle states quiet clearly that you CANNOT know the location and speed of a particle at the same time.

So they use this entaglement theory to base the idea that somehow you can by destroying the original so instead of going a to b
its a to b to c,you come out at C.
Stryderunknown said:
Take enough antenna equipment and generate the spacial alterations that are necessary for teleportation, however do so across a battlefield. Every shot an enemy fires at the "allied" side you could teleport to "Behind" the enemy so they are shot by their own bullet.
No need to get quite so complicated. Just randomly teleport a bunch of pebbels. People tend not to have as much 'fighting spirit' when they have a rock in their body.
The brain is kinda like that,and thats what im saying,call the mind/memory whatever your soul if you like cos its not a physical thing that can be copied.
Teleportation (or at least the kind you referenced) transports energy as well as matter. The waves in the TV are energy. The signals in your brain are energy.
I mean if i come up to you right now,and rip your brain out and study it i wont find YOU in there
Well I'd be mighty pissed... but if you had the right instruments you COULD find 'me' there (assuming the brain is still alive somehow). It's just that right now we don't have any good way to read details of the brain. We know that there is static there, but can only get a fuzzy idea of what it's about.
You cant just break things up and send them from a to b,cos uncertainty principle states quiet clearly that you CANNOT know the location and speed of a particle at the same time.
RIGHT... which is why this will not lead to teleportation unless the theory is somehow wrong.
That’s ok by me, no transporters. I would just as soon go by a great little 3 cabin space ship that does about 50,000 galaxies per hour.

:D :m:
SKULLZ said:
I was wondering,should they ever (and i consider it fiction) be able to make teleporters simarlar to the fly and star trek then wont there be a major issue when sending memory through the machine.

IBM's quantum teleportation involves destroying the original,in some kind of quantum entaglement,so its like a 4 dimensional fax machine and you get sent a duplicate,but the original is destroyed.

So heres the thing,in that scenerio where you are desroyed and your atomic structure is copied its my understanding that the "copy" would be exactly the same as the original EXCEPT he/she wont have any memory,itll litterly be like they just been born all over again and would have to learn.

I mean i aint all up on my physics stuff but it occurs to me that brain information like memory wont get copied in the process,the memory structure will get copied but what about memory contents?
wont it be like erasing a tape?
or is there a specific reason why memory would be retained,if so what is it?

Memory gets destroyed when the brain dies,to hold the memory you have to have an structure that keeps that memory from its doom,the neurons are the one responsible for keeping the memory standstill and not getting destroyed.However,destroy the brain and there is nothing what keeps memory in one piece.