Telepathy, network memory resonance, and continuance of consciousness


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Can mediums receive highly accurate and specific information under laboratory controlled blinded conditions: (1) prior to the scheduled time of the reading, and (2) during the reading in the absence of visual, auditory, or other potential sensory cues? A research medium investigated for three years in the Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona participated in a novel experiment with a unique sitter she did not know. The medium was in Tucson, Arizona; the sitter (who is also a research medium) was in Los Angeles, California. The experimental design involved three phases: Phase 1, a pre-reading contemplation period where the medium attempted to receive information about the sitter's deceased loved ones before the reading began; Phase 2, a silent-read period where the telephone was on mute so that the sitter could not hear the information received by the medium; and Phase 3, an actual telephone reading involving dialogue between the medium and the sitter. Specific information regarding names and relationships during Phases 1 and 2 were more than 90% accurate; the conditional probability of guessing the primary information by chance was less than one in 2.6 trillion. Information obtained during Phase 3 extended the findings, increasing the p value to 1 in 17,000 trillion, including four pieces of specific information unknown to the sitter and later confirmed.

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Not enough information about experimental methodology here for my liking.

I am assuming that this was not a double-blind experiment, which makes the whole thing suspect from the start.