Telekinesis - Is it possible?


Registered Senior Member
Whats your opinion about that? We all have problaby heard of Uri Geller etc bending spoons etc.. i guess where the debates really started.

So is it?

( i'll jump in a tad later ;))

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Uri Geller's trick has been explained. It's a matter of friction. It's a neat trick, granted, but it's not telekinesis.

Reaching back into my bag of events from the old MGM program, we were tested for telekinesis. None of us were very good at it. I managed to get an empty coffee can to slide an inch, but another girl in the class actually made it jump. The tester demonstrated by placing one hand flat about a quarter of the way onto the table and causing that end of the table to jump about a foot into the air.

After MGM shut down for the UN's new "GATE" program, our little pack of enigmas scattered. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I think we're still being watched by someone. (I could go further on this, but it goes beyond the scope of this post.)

I still try to practice telekinesis to this day, but I'm still not very good at it. One day a few years back I totally forgot myself. I was in a B. Dalton's bookstore at one of our local malls, looking at some history books. There was one man standing next to me. I saw a book I thought looked interesting and, without thinking twice, I reach my hand towards the book without leaning for it. I clearly remember that my mind had simply formed the image of the book already in my hand. To my surprise, and the surprise of the man next to me, the book began to shake and tried to leap off of the shelf. I freaked out a bit, which broke my concentration and the book fell to the floor. I nervously apologized for startling him, then he left, his eyes slowly returning to their sockets. I was a litle shook up, too, so I went to ponder the universe over a root beer and a corn dog. It still creeps me out a little.

There was one other event, this time successful, albeit minor. My office phone began ringing and I reached to answer it. I stopped and held my hand about one inch over the receiver and consciously formed the image in my mind of the receiver being already in my hand. The phone rang about two more times, then the handset jumped up with a fairly quiet popping sound. My boss, who had turned around to see why I wasn't answering the phone as fast as I normally do, witnessed the event. He thought it was pretty cool, but I couldn't duplicate it afterwards.

I guess you could say I believe it's for real. Yeah.
I am glad i got the response that you wrote Oxygen :) Thank you so much for it :)

My dad is a guy who i would say is very talented at this. He is going to teach me later on when he feels my mind is ready for it.

I have seen him bending spoons from a distance, making a spoons look like a ladder while in another persons hand etc. , lifting objects with no problems at all, and even lifting people a foot from the floor.

I have been trying myself, but so far i havent affected anything.

Would love to hear about more about your stories Oxygen :) Fascinating indeed :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Uri Geller has been an interest of mine since he became famous in Britain during the 70s for his spoon bending act.

All of the evidence about Geller suggests that he is nothing more that a magician, although a very good one.


I'm not sure that I understand your friction idea about his trickery. Most magicians believe that he uses far more simple ways to bend metal. There are certain people who have gone on record to say that they have actually seen Geller use physical force coupled with slieght of hand, to bend spoons.

I have some slow motion stuff of Geller in action on video and it certainly appears to show him bending spoons simply by using physical force and using slieght of hand to mask the bend.
wow, i ahve been trying to move stuff with my mind for as long as i can remember, i always wanted to be a jedi, but i think i might have done it a ocuple of times, but i dont know how, any one feel free to teach me, oxygen, your my friend, how about you teach me, i am a really good learner, come on.... so far you jsut imagin the object in your hand??? please tell me more, e-mail me more, or ICQ me somemore... thanx

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)