Teen takes on donor's immune system


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Teen takes on donor's immune system

A 15-year-old Australian liver transplant patient has defied modern medicine by taking on her donor's immune system.

Demi-Lee Brennan had a liver transplant after she suffered liver failure. Nine months later, doctors at Sydney's Westmead Children's Hospital were amazed to find the teenager's blood group had changed to the donor's blood type.

Further tests revealed the stem cells from the donor liver had penetrated her bone marrow.

Dr Michael Stormon says he and his colleagues were even more surprised when they found the girl's immune system had almost totally been replaced by that of the donor, meaning she no longer had to take anti-rejection drugs.


Viewed at 10:29 on the 24/01/08

This is absolutely amazing, if this can be replicated then we could end the use of immunosuppressant drugs. Of course this maybe impossible with anything except the liver and it could be a freak case but if this can be replicated then organs like the spline could be transplanted where now there is no point because you have to then suppress the immune system anyway
This reminded me of this news article:

The first study, by researchers at Stanford University, details the case of a man who received a kidney from his brother. Researchers altered the man's immune system using antibodies and irradiation and then infused his brother's blood cells into his marrow.

It was found that these cells acted as a mediator between the body's immune system and the organ preventing rejection of the latter. The patient in question has now completed two full years without any immuno-suppressive drugs.

In the second study researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital tested a new technique on five patients. First they partially destroyed the bone marrow in these patients and then injected blood and marrow cells from the donor.

Four out of five patients were able to tolerate the subsequent kidney transplant and were weaned off from immuno-suppressive drugs within 9 to 14 months.

"While we need to study this approach in a larger group of patients before it is ready for broad clinical use, this is the first time that tolerance to a series of mismatched transplants has been intentionally and successfully induced," said lead researcher Dr. David Sachs.


If bone marrow injections can do away with the need for immunsuppressive drugs, that is indeed a miracle.
in those cases did the immune system just learn to tolerate the transplant or was the system compleatly subverted?

Because this girls blood changed from O positive to O neg (or the other way around) as well as the immune system being compleatly changed to the donors and they had to revacinate her against everything

oh and the details of this case in your artical is wrong, as well as the artical i posted i watched a TV news artical which included the girl and her doctor and she is DEFINITLY 15:p
Wow..... just wow. Never heard of something like this before.... This is just... wow...

If anything though, if the girl's immune system has been replaced by her donor's, it sure is amazing that she doesn't develop any sort of ailment or something regarding to that.... as if her 'new' immune system thinks it's at home.... A bit scary, but, wow... again...
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I thought exactly the same thing. A) that her now positive blood would cause a problem with her body and B) that her new imune system would atack everything else in her body but aparently not. They took her off the anti-regection drugs and she is fine. Guess we will have to wait and see if she picks up an auto-immune disease but so far this is amazing