Teen... car.. bit of noise... dad with gun... NOT a good mix


Staff member
It seems that the days of teenagers driving up and down the street, doing donuts and honking the horn with friends may be coming to an end. Well it will if all streets have someone like this individual living there...

A man who said he was angered by his son's teenage friends driving up and down his road, spinning their wheels and honking the horn, is charged with fatally shooting one the boys and wounding another, authorities said.

Now here was a man who's teenage son had friends who'd dropped by early on a Friday morning to play. Well the play session ended when daddy got angry at the noise and decided that the only way to shut them up was to shoot them.

Cleveland County Sheriff Raymond Hamrick said Mellon was angry because the boys had been making noise.

Mellon, 44, fired three shots from a 9mm pistol, hitting Beck in the head. The car rolled 200 yards from the house and into an embankment.

Now most parents would have yelled at the kids, maybe even turned the hose on them, but noooooooo... not this guy. I don't think any friends will be dropping in to see his kid anymore....

Well that's one way of shutting them up. It seems as though Mellon would have to have some serious mental issues if he thought it was a good idea to shoot at teenagers because they were noisy. All kids are noisy. BTW...I don't think that 16, 15, and 11 year olds should be in a car by themselves. Very unwise parenting.
Variation on a theme?

It seems as though Mellon would have to have some serious mental issues if he thought it was a good idea to shoot at teenagers because they were noisy.
I seem to recall a case in Texas in which the courts cleared a man for self-defense after he shot a Japanese student through a closed door on Hallowe'en night when the young man, apparently lost, was trying to ask for directions.

I agree that the shooter probably has some issues to deal with, but ....
A) Like DarkEyedBeauty said, why were a 16 year old, 15 year old, and 11 year old all in one car driving up and down a street, honking the horn? Not exactly a recipe for fun by any means...

B) Why would Mellon shoot at them? I mean, don't most parents have the sense to not shoot at kids, no matter how noisy they are?! I mean, especially since this is his SON's friends! It is one thing if he didn't mean to hurt them, and 'missed' [thus 'hitting] his target, but if he actually meant to cause harm...:eek:

C) What's with a name like 'Mellon' anyway? :p