technical mean effect of radio terrorism


Life isn't a question.

It is that radio frequency is the thinner etheric technological power, therefore anywhere a teem of people focus, their behaviorism shines through. This problem was known to be a township begin at radio begin. Strangely means such as rotary (telephone conversation listening clubs) are actually deluded by the mean of behavioral radio frequencing, and so are often whom they are listening to. The invent of mixing friendships midst the computer mean unaware of the behavioral radio frequencing is just as bad as the invent of rotary clubs being taken relative of such mean.

the radio frequencers can actually delegate people here and there after years of spying, to continue their gameing pleasures. providing entertainment is their favorite diversion. Yet the businesses, idea of family, what capacity friendship could have, aside from the pregnancy's and sexing of people they have full view of, the heinous dramas, and their own family's that are coerced by their vengeful witnesses, the money the _need. these days and integrity they challenge these days with world mapping, it's just messed up.

Now Scientifically needing: Since it is that there aren't places where one can go to mention need for end of such upon ones residence, and even the parasitism of people doing such to ones personal stratosphere, body, or social or business occasion ! perhaps each city town will invent such a help place with a""""""""""" 'determiner device $invented
to get such surveillors from teeming off on or about anyone. It's so sad that security agency's even law enforcement gets thin lined by users.
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I have found that aluminum foil crafted into the form of a hat usually takes care of these problematic radio frequencies.
yeah some young ones by the age of 4, did fashion such hats throughout time and walk outside for a short time, for relief from the matter. as people choose wrongly still demanding the place of it "End technological intrusion and violation " End misuse of technology, such places that would disengage the means don't exist yet.
as most of what people care about is evolving pleasure for themselves; it seems that ending their violence of variable polarized harmfull radio'.. attention on people whom the radio chooses to at' about as if everyone where an actor is still our ethics and policy failing. and their ecology bother a sort of harmful dominion the same.

apparently there are some beings that deny being radio guided or illicited because they enjoy and deny the hurt of it's relevancing. some think their qualified to allow hitching on such radio and commanding of people from a professional standpoint, as if harm were a life value or something. It has been said that beings that hitched themselves on radio'talk'voyuerism actually have voyuered medicalists and behaviorists many forms of professionalisms to believe that such platform be a worth of virtuosity; in all actuality it cannot ascend being a harmful mean' it's actually the heaviest playform drug around and the violence it means is what it will always be wrong. it is trifle that back a long time ago some have used it in township as a way of concensus power, and that it turned into a strange false elitist systemology of lessening their own integrity, those that are of such and guide such means.
one wonders spidergoat if you're being demanded on by beings knowing where you are that may be by radio frequency of what tagg viewing may have begun in whatever year of people whom felt and feel good enough to present written aspect on forums. It could be demanding that some mean is demanding your participation, for it is that your reply's seem somewhat coping. welps radio thinline frequencing, I guess in some ways may be Wi-Fi-ing people due to wants and what is often jealousy and envy issues. maybe you had a friend here whom maybe someone else wanted or is keeping from here or is keeping you believing to blame a writer or whatever instead of aknowledgeing the title of the thread. The social network demand arena actually never does in it's variable want give anything other than struggle and a sort of set up of involvement of query and blame.

apparently people have been accosted by sensizm. often people chosen at and served feelings of warmth and compassion promise or friendship by networks of sort. guided leading of competitive friendship alone or spending time in front of computers, games, and what are referred to as televisions or if they unaware whilst listening to music, or even playing music painting or writing. the guidance accostment is a leading of carrying intent based on variability's of invent for these beings to appease their apparent societal norms stealing choice from people with whispering accostment, aversivenesses and promises due to their potentiality's of possibly envy relative of their networking interests.

sadly what earnesty of trust life can be is whisked away often by people whom are misusing their lives, so they arrange others lives to what they perceive be beneath them.

it seems there are people whom actually have set up young men and women to harm other young men and women people whom don't want to hitch up in their creed of spying and altering use sexuality, and emotionalisms to coy people for themselves. the apparent plastic penis is actually a hurt tool that is authoritized by individuals upon others, and it is that the hurt of the interpersonal drama often creates concession & the person taken at and the taker at a person is often reminded of the matter later in life.
Apparently it's one way some work to keep family therefore degrading humane life discipline normatives therefore degrading themselves and normatives.

here the 'me of life is stolen from many, because the consciousness of the beings whom do such is obviously wrong.

they are the sort of people whom scream their consciousnesses at peoples comfort with microphone frequency.
they are so caught in it for so many years that they believe what they do is acceptable.
and they use people from their coveting practices to intend for them if they can.

?why the succession of this violence is permitted is disgusting.

it's true fighting doesn't solve anything, all it ever does is hurt oneself and others.
apparently there are some beings that deny being radio guided or illicited because they enjoy and deny the hurt of it's relevancing.

Do you deny being radio guided or illicited? Is it because you enjoy and deny the hurt of its relevancing? Or is it because you injure the moralness of the right besting of the people goodness?
from time to time I have been limited by frequencing of the means discussed in this thread. I have needed to cope by listening to various musics, for reason in the trauma of recognizing that I was coping. I chose to listen to most variety's of music, having been once younger and chosen to perceive an song by The Chips music band titled Rubber Biscuit with behavioral perspective integrity. I was able to enjoy listening to the song recently on youtube.

from time to time I think that I may have been a short term writer here in perhaps 1998 in 1996 my sister was claimed with opinion prided as fact of cancer. she was mood and character altered in 1998 at complete health to demand have what felt almost an accostive need to see the apparent what was chefery of document from a doctors office that was to claim her health by part of it's practice. It was decided perhaps by frequencing that on paper as herself still having the condition; when it really was that with family value and health & some friendship she had returned to complete health. and my parents were altered into frequency'd drama means, life still isn't at most decent simple. My sister was taken from my family. it is trifleing to say the least, when the aggrandizements of human frequencing demand variable unity and joining strangenesses of their steed in networking by mean of misuse of life itself and technological means.

hurt and curious to end the hurt of recognizing infliction of the matter as a child. It is that my sister had been to a bilingual kindergarden and had transferred to a public elementary school. As a young girl I continued at bilingual school (the simple pleasure of the german language, which as the English language I like to work with for greater mean of basic health and better value) for the idea of 'continuum of good midst humanity isn't wrong at all. Anyway in 1974 my sister being 2 years older at the time at public school became what I perceived as a being caught in a variable struggle i couldn't quite define. I inspected her school papers from time to time and did discern that her 3rd grade means that advertised matterism of boyfriend girlfriend isms by materials and lesson provided according of sketches of kissing and hugging ?! on random instructionals, midst instructionals that encouraged spying, agenting etc... and really definitive calenders may have been an aspect of the problem of her behavior changing, when old enough I inspected her papers and threw them away.anyway at the time my dad had been a valuable employee of a literal U.S. government worth radio employ referred to as The Voice of America ( an important government radio peace communications occupation) simple worth when it did seem life was easier in certain mean, my dad is a good man whom left his profession soon after my sister was taken from our family.
it is disturbing that the real professionalisms of radio are challenged still these days especially since around 1983ish by misuse, and falsity for unfair earning to claim itself as fair whilst choosing at others. The hurt of real politics being mixed as a focus since whatever year is disturbing.

To return to my begin notice of others misuse of microphone ?Wi-Fi attention mean at and around spaces of people it shouldn't have ventured. it is that as a student whom had visited my sisters school back in 1974ish on apparent family or other holiday as such; it was that by autumn of 1974 young people appeared from where one didn't exactly if they had been public school transfers at the german school where i was a student. I had truly had enjoyed perhaps graduating from the school yet kind of understood I should be versed more in English since I like the U.S. a lot and being a citizen I felt that since I was harmed by the frequencing young people and such that such is really by all means threatening and wrong I chose to see to transfer to American school by the begin of my next school year. Apparently they were demanding of my sister even in our home with their radio devise. It was that after the visit to my sisters school in the previous year that September 1974 in class at the german school sorrowfully I heard at school begin 'screeching demand for the new persons to demand themselves of german participation capacity and whatever other insultivenesses they did. I chose for that year to be my last school year there and then to transfer to my sisters school to help awareness of the hurt and perhaps that someone end it. I followed through as a good student liking as to this day the honesty of what it is to be earnest in the name of integrity for life itself as equal and nonfrequency'd upon by harmfull radio ?w-i-fi attention as any sort of attention is harmful, when it stay. youngpersons radio voices screeching by way of radio attention and creating strange stay's at oneself life. Apparently celebrity mean was one of their ployances & still is as they have apparently continued for far too long.

this had been a bit of a i guess thickish writing, perhaps someone will gain perspective to help end the problem, and or some freedom from it all.

each human being is a human being of worth, these misusers of radio Wi-Fi, isn't fair. For reason of good i work to keep myself of nonviolence in the will of integrity for life i do use the worth of physical and verbal self discipline and will of health to be of lifening ; their tendency's and degradations, & typology's & dramatic trappism and limitations upon beings seem to have become really unfair continuum what seems of through the years an almost gameing means of demanding lesser standing of good people due to their begin of personal problems; their violent humor & demand are challengeing to ecology, humanity, professional , political and interpersonal peace.

fair enough day, I will to care.
In some respects all radiology is a misuse. have you ever been asked permission of in regards to having radiological transmission pass through not just the area within your property (the volume of a house or land) but through your personage. It doesn't matter that there are potentially those that misuse radiology for spying, that's where people like to lay claims about tin foil hats.

It's actually more appropriate to point out that your Basic Human Rights (your freedom of choice, the right to not be abused or enslaved etc) are undermined every day by television, radio, wifi and mobile phones since they do not ask your permission, you are instead told by the consensus to accept it.

If anything there should be a class action suit against companies dealing with radio-frequency technologies whereby the ultimatum should get them to ask permission (similar to a waylease agreement) if they intend to direct radio-frequency across you or your property. If they are unwilling to co-operate they should be forced to pay for your shielding (and tinfoil)
from time to time I have been limited by frequencing of the means discussed in this thread. I have needed to cope by listening to various musics, for reason in the trauma of recognizing that I was coping. I chose to listen to most variety's of music, having been once younger and chosen to perceive an song by The Chips music band titled Rubber Biscuit with behavioral perspective integrity. I was able to enjoy listening to the song recently on youtube.

from time to time I think that I may have been a short term writer here in perhaps 1998 in 1996 my sister was claimed with opinion prided as fact of cancer. she was mood and character altered in 1998 at complete health to demand have what felt almost an accostive need to see the apparent what was chefery of document from a doctors office that was to claim her health by part of it's practice. It was decided perhaps by frequencing that on paper as herself still having the condition; when it really was that with family value and health & some friendship she had returned to complete health. and my parents were altered into frequency'd drama means, life still isn't at most decent simple. My sister was taken from my family. it is trifleing to say the least, when the aggrandizements of human frequencing demand variable unity and joining strangenesses of their steed in networking by mean of misuse of life itself and technological means.

hurt and curious to end the hurt of recognizing infliction of the matter as a child. It is that my sister had been to a bilingual kindergarden and had transferred to a public elementary school. As a young girl I continued at bilingual school (the simple pleasure of the german language, which as the English language I like to work with for greater mean of basic health and better value) for the idea of 'continuum of good midst humanity isn't wrong at all. Anyway in 1974 my sister being 2 years older at the time at public school became what I perceived as a being caught in a variable struggle i couldn't quite define. I inspected her school papers from time to time and did discern that her 3rd grade means that advertised matterism of boyfriend girlfriend isms by materials and lesson provided according of sketches of kissing and hugging ?! on random instructionals, midst instructionals that encouraged spying, agenting etc... and really definitive calenders may have been an aspect of the problem of her behavior changing, when old enough I inspected her papers and threw them away.anyway at the time my dad had been a valuable employee of a literal U.S. government worth radio employ referred to as The Voice of America ( an important government radio peace communications occupation) simple worth when it did seem life was easier in certain mean, my dad is a good man whom left his profession soon after my sister was taken from our family.
it is disturbing that the real professionalisms of radio are challenged still these days especially since around 1983ish by misuse, and falsity for unfair earning to claim itself as fair whilst choosing at others. The hurt of real politics being mixed as a focus since whatever year is disturbing.

To return to my begin notice of others misuse of microphone ?Wi-Fi attention mean at and around spaces of people it shouldn't have ventured. it is that as a student whom had visited my sisters school back in 1974ish on apparent family or other holiday as such; it was that by autumn of 1974 young people appeared from where one didn't exactly if they had been public school transfers at the german school where i was a student. I had truly had enjoyed perhaps graduating from the school yet kind of understood I should be versed more in English since I like the U.S. a lot and being a citizen I felt that since I was harmed by the frequencing young people and such that such is really by all means threatening and wrong I chose to see to transfer to American school by the begin of my next school year. Apparently they were demanding of my sister even in our home with their radio devise. It was that after the visit to my sisters school in the previous year that September 1974 in class at the german school sorrowfully I heard at school begin 'screeching demand for the new persons to demand themselves of german participation capacity and whatever other insultivenesses they did. I chose for that year to be my last school year there and then to transfer to my sisters school to help awareness of the hurt and perhaps that someone end it. I followed through as a good student liking as to this day the honesty of what it is to be earnest in the name of integrity for life itself as equal and nonfrequency'd upon by harmfull radio ?w-i-fi attention as any sort of attention is harmful, when it stay. youngpersons radio voices screeching by way of radio attention and creating strange stay's at oneself life. Apparently celebrity mean was one of their ployances & still is as they have apparently continued for far too long.

this had been a bit of a i guess thickish writing, perhaps someone will gain perspective to help end the problem, and or some freedom from it all.

each human being is a human being of worth, these misusers of radio Wi-Fi, isn't fair. For reason of good i work to keep myself of nonviolence in the will of integrity for life i do use the worth of physical and verbal self discipline and will of health to be of lifening ; their tendency's and degradations, & typology's & dramatic trappism and limitations upon beings seem to have become really unfair continuum what seems of through the years an almost gameing means of demanding lesser standing of good people due to their begin of personal problems; their violent humor & demand are challengeing to ecology, humanity, professional , political and interpersonal peace.

fair enough day, I will to care.
Look, I mean no offense, but you are schizophrenic. Your perceptions of what's going on are warped by a mental disorder. There are treatments available, please seek them out, they will reduce your suffering.
surpassing spidergoats difficulty's, with empathy for such remark and then letting go.

I love stryder and I willn't (will not be a stalker(and it is often that stalker is an insult on the internet and in general when stalked' isn't available or mayda been misused ANd the bother of the fact that corn stalks :( are, and it isn't really that I love him I don't know him, I love what writing he achieved here)
Stryder: :) where is your beautiful writing in ? standards. In some ways it may have been? that CVS (what ended up being a [pharmaceutical] encouragement) may have been a marketing professionalism disagreement that pushed the place out of being a 'civil services value' place of U.S. government relief concerning the discussed matter; and more perhaps.
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In some respects all radiology is a misuse. have you ever been asked permission of in regards to having radiological transmission pass through not just the area within your property (the volume of a house or land) but through your personage. It doesn't matter that there are potentially those that misuse radiology for spying, that's where people like to lay claims about tin foil hats. It's actually more appropriate to point out that your Basic Human Rights (your freedom of choice, the right to not be abused or enslaved etc) are undermined every day by television, radio, wifi and mobile phones since they do not ask your permission . . . .
A far more egregious violation is performed upon you every day by the Sun and the Earth, which subject you to several orders of magnitude greater amounts of radiation than everything listed above. Indeed, the Sun continually bombards you with hundreds of watts of deadly cancer-causing radiation, as opposed to the microwatts of non-damaging radiation transmitted by radios.
If anything there should be a class action suit against companies dealing with radio-frequency technologies whereby the ultimatum should get them to ask permission (similar to a waylease agreement) if they intend to direct radio-frequency across you or your property. If they are unwilling to co-operate they should be forced to pay for your shielding (and tinfoil)
Sure. They could just provide you with the rolls and allow you to install it yourself to your exacting specifications. (Of course you would then be ineligible to receive free TV, radio, GPS, cellphone, wideband or CB services.)