Tears and laughter


Valued Senior Member
Anybody see this amusement park ? Scary.


Here is an interesting part.

Creationism is a theory not supported by most mainstream Christian churches.

"Lisa Park of the University of Akron cried at one point as she walked a hallway full of flashing images of war, famine and natural disasters which the museum blames on belief in evolution.

"I think it's very bad science and even worse theology -- and the theology is far more offensive to me," said Park, a professor of paleontology who is an elder in the Presbyterian Church.

"I think there's a lot of focus on fear, and I don't think that's a very Christian message... I find it a malicious manipulation of the public."

That first line I am not to sure about.
Unfortunately powerful people with money had this built. Very depressing that we have this nonsense in a modern society.
I think that's the guy that was interviewed on the movie, "Religulous."
i guess you guys would LOVE it..
quite the brain-racker..exploring a big HUGE "what if"..very worthy of watching..
I'm thankful that not everyone is a complete fucktard, but it is alarming to witness how many people are.

There are, have always been and always will be. The scary part is that some of them actually gain quite a bit of influence.

Like Pat Robertson for example.
This is a great example of some of the moronic bullshit that gives jesus a bad name. I'm thankful that not everyone is a complete fucktard, but it is alarming to witness how many people are.

Yes, it is alarming, Lori. Well put, just in the wrong context.