Tarot Card Learning


Registered Senior Member
My sister was recently doing a film documentary on our local psychics, to test whether they give similar stories etc. (so far the psychics have had almost the exact same advice :) very intriguing) anyways, to get to my question... i've been reading around these forums every so often for the past year or so, and i got the idea to learn how to read tarot cards from this documentary... Does anyone out there know how or have any pointers on how i should learn? (course, books? internet even?)
I would really appreciate it.

(p.s. And is ordering cards off the internet a good idea or should i find a store.)

Thank you very much for any help you can provide me :)

- LephtShew
Originally posted by LephtShew
My sister was recently doing a film documentary on our local psychics, to test whether they give similar stories etc. (so far the psychics have had almost the exact same advice :) very intriguing) anyways, to get to my question... i've been reading around these forums every so often for the past year or so, and i got the idea to learn how to read tarot cards from this documentary... Does anyone out there know how or have any pointers on how i should learn? (course, books? internet even?)
I would really appreciate it.

(p.s. And is ordering cards off the internet a good idea or should i find a store.)

Thank you very much for any help you can provide me :)

- LephtShew

Yes, I have devised what I feel to be a foolproof method. The problem lies in the individual nature of what the cards mean and how they appear to different readers. Therefore, I believe the steps to follow are these:

1) Buy a book that explains the basic definition of each card. The cards MUST be memorized. There is no going around this. Obviously you can go straight to the source if using the Rider-Waite deck and read Waite. But his definitions are much too difficult and dense to memorize at first blush. This is my opinion. His book should be read at some point though. But to begin with, I personally like "How to Read the Tarot" by Sylvia Abraham. This book was soundly criticized because it is simplistic. That is exactly why it is so useful in memorizing the cards. It is a starting point and should be used as that. After you have memorized the basic meaning of each and every card and suit you jump to Step two.

2) Learn the Celtic Cross spread. This is the basis for all the other spreads and gives the most detail. If you want to buy a book that has different spreads then do so. But learn the Celtic Cross first. I use three cards for the outcome instead of one, so instead of the ten card Celtic Cross, I use the twelve card, adding the two extra cards at the top to amplify the final answer.

3) Next you must learn to interpret the spread. This is my method - Pick an event in the PAST. Something that is definite and not subject to interpretation. For instance, did you apply for a job and not get it? This would be a good example. Or if you asked someone out on a date and they said, "No." Something along these lines. Then ask the cards what was the outcome of you applying for this particular job. Since you already know what happened, you can see what cards appear to you to describe the interviewer, yourself, and the situation including the outcome. Was the interviewer pleasant with you or slightly condescending? Remember the details and see how the appear. This is where you learn the subtleties and what specific cards mean to YOU! Take my word for it, they will be different for each person.

An example. For me, whenever I get an offer for a permanent job, The Devil card (Number 15) appears along with the Ace of Wands. The Ace of Wands tells me it is a job and The Devil is a private joke since I hate being in bondage and working. The cards do have a sense of humor with me and this is one of the things one needs to learn. So whenever I see those two cards, I start chuckling and think, "OMG, they're going to offer me that job!"

Keep doing PAST readings until you see all the details and UNDERSTAND all the details. Do not pass over not understanding why a card appears. Figure it out. No card appears without a reason. You must first understand the entire spread.

4) Next, do situations in the past that you THINK you know the answer to. In other words, a best friend stopped talking to you and you believe it to be because you asked their boyfriend/girlfriend out, but are not sure. See what the cards say. Or say a couple has been married for 20 years. You "assume" them to be happy, but only know they have been married that long. Do a reading on the outcome of their dating. There should be the marriage card or partnership card showing up, but what are the subtleties that appear? Do the cards show they have been happy? You may have thought so, but maybe the cards differ from that. This is where you begin to feel the power of the cards in letting you glimpse into the truth.

I would also strongly suggest the aspirant use the Rider-Waite deck. It gives the most leeway in describing a situation and therefore gives the most information possible.

ONE VERY IMPORTANT NOTE HERE: The aspirant MUST keep their heart clean in asking a question of the cards. The reader CANNOT have a preconceived notion as you can INFLUENCE the cards in how they appear. I know it sounds crazy, but the tarot cards in and of themselves appear crazy to some. This is a very important subject and one I would like to go into a little more.

In the beginning when I was learning the cards, I went to various readers. Some had an immediate "dislike" or "repulsion" toward me. I noticed how negative their readings were toward me and how inaccurate the messages regarding the future were. Other readers hit the nail on the head. Always, always, always I would feel negativity in my heart with these "inaccurate" readers. From my viewpoint, if I was what they said and things did come to pass I could have cared less about their opinion of me. But when I learned to read the cards, it always bothered me as to what had occurred. It was then I started to experiment.

When alone (I NEVER would experiment with someone who came to me) I would ask a question and then "picture" a card in my head of the outcome I wanted. Invariably this card would appear. Now the thing is that this outcome did not happen. I could just make it appear. The same thing is true when you ask the cards, but hold the answer you "wish" to happen in your mind. You can unfairly influence and direct the cards to give a "false" read. So I would strongly suggest to anyone doing the cards to keep their heart open and free of any prejudice against whoever you are doing a reading for. We all have subjective opinions, but at the moment I ask my question, I release all rational thought and give myself over to a higher intelligence. This is crucial in obtaining an accurate read.

I call it having a "clean heart." I have always tried to do this with all who have asked questions of me and some have been extremely negative and very skeptical, but I have not reciprocated in kind and have remained "clean in heart" as much as possible. I am far from perfect, but this was my goal. Consequently, it would appear that I have been able to answer their questions accurately. I say appear since they told me I did. But again, this is sometimes subjective and have no way of "knowing." Also, by doing this it has helped me in terms of spirituality. For I was quick to judge someone and when I turn myself over to this "higher" intelligence, I see that they "judge" someone on quite another basis. For those that have sinned, they simply do not view harshly at times. Take for instance, this one gentleman I did a reading for. It came out in the first reading that he was cheating on his wife. Believe me when I say he did not volunteer this information to me. Now, personally, I feel this is completely wrong and take a harsh view on men who cheat. But the cards seemed to think he was wonderful except for this "lapse." I saw how they were very adept at taking the entire individual into account and seeing the total picture and not just one part of it. I can't say I'm perfect because of this, but I got the message they were giving me.

I hope this helps you.

Good luck!

thank you

Thank you very much NEMESIS, you're information has been very helpful, i'm gonna start as soon as possible :)
AS Nemisis has said a clean heart is extremely important but just a word of caution.

Your grounding motivation is extremly important as well. This motivation must be very clear to yourself, brutal self honesty is essential if you are to protect your self from any random elements.

If you are going to do readings with money as your motivation or just for entertainment value you are heading for trouble.

The cards whether they be tarot or other and there are many many different card types to choose from are not something one wants to fool with. Like other psychic activities card reading whilst probably the safest, is still a potential danger to the reader and the readee.

So great care is needed to make sure you know exactly why and what you are doing.
If you find yourself feeling unusual towards the readee say any thing sexual or money orientated in a way that you would consider strange or unusual to your personality, back off and think again. Maybe you are not suited to this vocation.

You must know yourself intimately first before you take on the challenge of guiding others.

For example if you start a reading with unconditional love as a grounding but find this becomes conditional or sexual overtones start to emerge you have to quietly stop what you are doing and think again.

Personally if you have no real calling or reason for doing readings I would recomend against it.
I'm really kind of young, but I have been interested in Tarot cards ever since I found out about them. My family used to have a friend (who has past away), she was a very good woman, who was into that sort of thing. She did make money off it, but I do believe in her abilities. She would give a member of my family readings and they would be accurate, maybe not to the point, but accurate enouogh.
I do not know much about Tarot though. I don't even know if all cards that are for that purpose are called that, but if they re, I've had quite a lot of them. I used to have this one deck when I was little, and I did this one reading, that might not have even been a real reading, and for my future or something like that it was a card with a ship over an ocean. I looked p the meaning and it talked about a long journey. Well later, maybe the year after, I came here - to America.
I just thought that was kind of interesting. Anyhow, I have bought this one other deck. I bought it at a book store. And I am eager to start on it. I am nervous though. I have heard that it is not a very good or "healthy" hobby to have, and I do not have any kind of "calling" to it, or at least I do not think. Other than me being interested in Tarot cards, I do have any kind of force pulling me towards it, if that even makes sense.
I have a notebook, and I thought I could go over each card, before reading its meaning, and write down what it symblizes or seems to stand for to me, and then get the book definition for it. But then again, I am a little scared. Not scared in a way that there is some feeling telling me not to, just cautioned a bit in a way that I do not know enough about it.
And my intentions are not for money or that sort of thing. I am simply interested, like I always have been, and I am not sure if the interest is strong enough for me to start getting to know my cards. I do think cards make a good oracle, but then again...who am I to say that I haven't had an "official" oracle I am fully aware of?
If anybody has any advise, it will be highly appreciated.

Today I actually got out my new deck and though I haven't opened it yet, I have been reading the book that came with them. So far I have been memorizing the symbols that stand for different astrological signs and the different planets, including the sun, moon, and some other I have not heard of. Although I do not have all of them down, I am working on it as I move along through the reading process.
I also got all of my "supplies" down. Well the basic ones anyhow. I found a wooden box, some silk, and other materials that are used in Tarot cards readings.
I am pretty eccited, actually. I have much more to learn, but i am happy with the way I am starting out so far. Later, I am going to go through each card and see how I define it. But first, I want to understand the nature of them a little bit more.
I am glad my family is by me and does not think I am crazy for wanting to learn more about this oracle. But I do not think I will do a lot of readings for them, because I have heard it is not a good idea to do too many of them for a certain person, or something of that kind. Does anybody have any suggestions on when it is alright to give readings?
Thank you,
no one is answering this thread. But I need help! Shed some light on this please! I was taking notes, into my new notebook, about Tarot cards, and everything was going fine. Then my sister started saying how this is against God and to tell you the truth, I have thought about it before, just not as strongly as she believes in it. She had said it is mentioned in the Bible or something of that sort, and that it is not pure or natural to do this. Besides this, she also mentioned that I will be punished for this or something, and now I feel evil and bad.
Please, will somebody tell me for real, why, if so many people are practicing this oracle and live their normal lives and write books about this as well, is this considered to be bad or evil?
thank you,
PS I have become so fascinated with Tarot that it is hard to even consider the fact that this is against God, but if it is, I understand that I might as well quit right here.
You can go to your local library and pick up any book on Tarot that looks at you first :p And I'll explain why.
All the cards do is take what you have in your subconscious (plenty of psychic knowledge there, believe me) and, through your hand, put all of the information in front of you. You should get a book to get the idea of what Tarot is, different layouts, etc. Since everything is about your mind, you can make the Tarot cards yourself, and, after some practice, invent your own layout! What the fancy stuff, like pictures, is about is getting you into the mysterious mood, getting you to concentrate on what you're doing. Creativity is very important, but you should start putting in your own twists only after some good deal of practice.
I have to disappoint you people. A clean heart is not necessary, nor any kind of purity :p What one does need, is a calm, clear mind and practice. I speak from personal experience.
Yes, I am aware that you can make your own tarot decks, but I happen to have a bought one, so I am using that. But my problem is that I am scared to use them now, because of the "it is against God" rumor that has been worrying me. Any info on that?
Hi vitaminA :) I've been reading cards for about a dozen years now [I even did a short stint as a telephone psychic - what a hoot that was!]. I might be able to give you a pointer or two, but I don't take them especially seriously as oracular. They are merely the tool; I'm doing the interpreting. I'll add that I don't believe in any divinitory tool as actually having the power to tell me the future -- I use cards [as well as astrology a bit] to further explore a situation or idea, rather than to get information.

So, it sounds as though you're doing pretty well so far :) Get to know the cards by looking at them and reading about them, as you have been doing. Spend a good long time meditating on each card, 'til you become familiar and comfortable with the imagery. Consider how the basic interpretation of each card fits in with your worldview and life experiences. Think about the ways you can "relate" to a card's interpretation.

At this point, I wouldn't be too concerned with giving readings yet were I you. In thinking back to when I began studying the cards, then to when I first started giving readings, I'd say it was over a year. I'm not saying wait that long if you feel ready sooner, but give yourself time to really get to know the cards.

As far as tarot being "against God," I can't advise you there, beyond suggesting you take it up with your god directly.

Good blessings to you!

whitewolf, I like your take on the cards :)
But my problem is that I am scared to use them now, because of the "it is against God" rumor that has been worrying me. Any info on that?
Some historical events and reference? Sure! The Bible, and the Tora, prohibit fortune telling; it says so in the text, the old testament. Tarot, however, stems from Judaism; in fact, one of the layouts is named "The Tree of Life," which comes directly from some Jewish mystery. A lot of witchcraft practices come from Christian and Jewish beliefs and use many words from Hebrew language. I have read (also in some library book, I'll look up the title next week if you want) that wicca, together with the many branches, traditions, and what not, comes from pre-Christian times, from matriarchal societies (waaaaay back in the day); so it is prohibited in the patriarchal society. I have not come across any myths that support that idea (the author of that book referred to myths), however I'm fevereshly searching.

About God, and stuff.... You don't really know if he's there, admit it. Doing things just because you don't want to go to hell is silly. Do things because you have personal reasons for them. And if God is really there, when your time comes, just take whatever he gives you knowing that you deserve it but did your best at living.

Besides, you haven't read the Bible too closely, so why bother :p
Thank you both so much! I am a little bit more cautious about Tarot, though. I do not believe in Hell, but even with that, it seems strange to me to do something that I might consider to be against God.
And even though I am freeked out a little by all of this, I am still excited about learning Tarot, and am looking forward to understanding and learning more about them.
Thank you,
Vitamin =)
I would like to point out a few things i've noticed during my beginnings of Tarot Reading and then i'd like to make a comment about this God worrying stuff...

First off, i find that my readings have been fairly accurate, and have even put the methods to test with my friends. Often the main idea's i'll bring up fit the situation but clearly i do not know enough detail to actually pinpoint situations (this is with working with "past events")

For present, i often get very clear readings of my surrounding situations and advice aswell

For future i have a comment to make about the general use of Tarot cards for this purpose. When one does a reading, one reads the cards, is warned, and given advice... i feel as though this influences me... and i wonder whether these futures would really come true if i hadnt done the reading?
fun and incredibly annoying to think about, trust me.

K so finally about your worrying about the God stuff... i'm sorry to say that though i do not reject religion... read a book like Paradise Lost... it's funny because the writer John Milton was quite religious, and he seemingly "by mistake" makes the whole story of creation and god and hell and satan look stupid and perhaps even makes Satan look like somewhat of a hero. I thought it was funny... anyways, even the one's all for religion would agree that god "gave us free will" soooo use your free will and explore everything you can... if you feel like what you're doing is "evil" then i guess stop, but really, i say just forget about your worries and explore your mind and possibilities
LephtShew said:
Often the main idea's i'll bring up fit the situation but clearly i do not know enough detail to actually pinpoint situations (this is with working with "past events")

For present, i often get very clear readings of my surrounding situations and advice aswell
Umm...what your doing is cold reading. If your not, I know how you can get $1 Million!

I think i know what you're talking about... that challenge made by that company to show real psychic ability. I highly doubt that my readings which are very beginner level would prove anything to them. What do you mean by "cold" reading? Just like, fitting my reading to the situation in whatever way possible... example: one reading included intoxication... i linked that to a friend being in the hospital. she was on painkillers etc. I suppose that was a bit of a stretch but it made sense at the time?
LephtShew said:
I think i know what you're talking about... that challenge made by that company to show real psychic ability. I highly doubt that my readings which are very beginner level would prove anything to them. What do you mean by "cold" reading? Just like, fitting my reading to the situation in whatever way possible... example: one reading included intoxication... i linked that to a friend being in the hospital. she was on painkillers etc. I suppose that was a bit of a stretch but it made sense at the time?

In reading your posts, you sound like an honest person - a credulous one to be sure.

First let me begin by saying that I don't give credence to magical powers, Taro cards, the paranormal, etc. because I havn't seen any compelling evidence to date that would convince me.

Secondly, I think that the "results" you are getting are due to;
1. Cold Reading = the subject is giving you the information.
2. Hot Reading = because you know the subject you know details about them and these are expressed through your reading
(note that you [and the subject] are probably not even concious that you are doing these things).
3. Confirmation bias = you basically ignore the misses and concentrate on the hits to convince yourself that there is something there. Again, you are not aware that you are doing this.

How do I know this you ask? OK, try this;
1. Read for a stranger that you know nothing about
2. Do not solicit feedback from them. Tell them only what the cards show you.
3. Ask them to keep score of hits and only count those that are specificly on target. Your example above would be a miss.

Finally, I encourage you to visit this website;

It will provide a skeptical view on these topics - you are not likely to get this type of info. from your friends or others who post here.

Keep an open mind - but don't think for a minute that this means accepting something as a fact when it violates basic critical thinking methodolgies.

K i went to the site and read what it had to say...

everything you say is fair enough... i wonder if you are a religious person?
I am not, yet i know there is a point with religions where one must take the "leap of faith". It seems quite hypocritical for me to not take that leap with religion and somehow be able to with parapsychology? I think that at my age, and along with my influences in life, i have always had a calling to this sort of mysterious stuff. Not to say i've been "chosen" or something. it has just interested me. I suppose with religion, it seems like there have not been any updates. There is no appeal to the average child because books such as the Bible tell of stories that supposedly take place 2000 years ago, and as stories sure they might have entertainment value, but with Tarot Cards for example, i am able to hold those right in front of me. I am able to share experiences and learn of other's experiences through things like this forum. Sure it could all be a big hoax, we could all be confusing ourselves, we could all be lying. But I get something back, even if it isnt real, and I am able to hold onto a hope that I will one day find something to prove it's verity to myself or others. I respect your views as an individual and hope you respect mine. I completely understand your reasons for being skeptical since i have the same reasons for being skeptical of religion.
I've read tarot cards for most of my life. I've developed a reputation for being dead-on pretty much most of the time. No "hot readings", no "cold readings", no counting only hits and ignoring misses. The people I've read for have tried to pay me. I always refuse money and tell them that their payment is to do something nice for a total stranger. No, this isn't enlightened mysticism. This is what I do:

1) I spread the cards out in the traditional Celtic Cross formation.
2) I describe the meanings of the symbols on the card (i.e., "a woman of higher standing is opposing you..."). Often, the person starts to offer some information. "Oh, that must be my Aunt Mabel. She always...". I tell them to keep the information to themselves before they can tell me too much. I say something like "It disrupts the threads."
3) After the putting the cards down, I hold one back, face-down.
4) I ask the person if any of the symbols has struck a chord. The usual response? They pretty much can always find something in the whole layout to apply to their lives. They get their insight (pulled from their own subconscious, not from the mystic realms of eternity where the spirits play) and a temporary mission in life to do one nice thing for a total stranger.
5) When they ask me about the face-down card, I tell them that it represents the unknowable future. I say that I'm not allowed to read it for them, but if they like, I can tell them if it's good or bad. If they want, I do.

No magic involved, just a small understanding of the psyche.