"taqiyya", lying for allah



lying, outwitting , remember the phrase, "all's fair in love & war"? guess what? islam goes one farther, "all's fair in religious debates too". just learned this word & concept

‘Outwittings’ on The Present Topic
Many ‘outwittings’ have been encountered by the present writer with regard to the topic of examining the Arabic texts of Qur’ans. A typical example of an ‘outwitting’ is for someone to say that you can’t really tell if there are differences in the Arabic text IF you don’t know Arabic. This is an ‘outwitting’ since anyone can tell when words or letters are missing from one text but present in another - even if it is in Chinese. As to our response to those who maintain one must know ‘Quranic Arabic’, the Islamic scholars we are citing know all about this.
With respect to the present writing, since we are examining the comments of ancient (classical) and modern Islamic scholars on the differences in the Arabic texts, we will rely upon their expertise to convince the reader. They know well the differences between one ‘Qur’anic Arabic’ text and another!

google "taqiyya", if interested
BTW, check out how Ali lost the califate, in a slick move of taqiyya by his opponent

Perhaps the best example is the ‘outwitting’ of Ali by the opposing leadership at ‘the Battle of Siffien’. At ‘the Battle of Siffien’ those who opposed Ali began to lose and so devised a method to gain time. They held their Qur’ans (said by some to be 500) up on the tips of their spears and cried out that the Qur’an should be the decider of the dispute. It was impossible for Ali to oppose this since many of his own soldiers agreed with this proposal.

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Part 1: The Gist Of The Matter

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Both sides chose a man to represent them at the bargaining table some months later. These two came to the agreement that they would appear before the people and each would tell how his leader had relinquished his claim to the caliphate, and that there would be another chosen. After Abu Musa, Ali’s representative, had stood up and declared the resignation of Ali from the caliphate, the representative of Mu’awiya, Amr ibn As, stood up and thanked him and declared that Mu’awiya would remain as the caliph! What is more amazing is that everyone is said to have accepted it, and only small altercations ensued! Ali lost his place as ruler because he was ‘outwitted’!