Tapping YOUR minds


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
The following are works of fiction, they aren’t intended to be recreated or made to exist.

Super-Organism Neural Network

One of the main things in the world is trying to keep on top of new research options at the minimum of cost. This means if you need to compute something that with the use of clandenstine operations that all militaries would say they aren’t interested in that it’s possible to create a giant Neural Network to do your bidding.

First you start by having access to multiple Radio Antenna’s, this can be done under the cover of a mobile phone operation. With the usage of the Antenna’s you then need computers set to each antenna node to feed the telemetry of your wave formations through.

Through the use of Microwave dishes connecting all the antennas together, it’s possible to make a giant network of machines that can process the information that is inputted.
The use of each antenna system has a few uses there are 28 combinations of antenna pairing that allows the orientation of a targeted point (one point in a triangle) to be fully matriced. Since targetting the exact point would cause through thermodynamics a temperature increase, the systems use a broad field of vision rather than just a point, so the matricing allows the doppler effects to generate a three dimensional image that can be processed from the wave formations through the use of the network.

It’s possible to juggle the frequencies emitted from the antennas to cause the cancellation of waveformations, so that it’s possible to keep a high speed but shorten the wave function into a packet. (or short burst) This is useful in the field of molecular manipulation, like the creation of crop circles or the telekinesis of objects.

This system isn’t what is used for the ultimate powerful supercomputer, The usage of human subjects becomes a large preportion.

Matricing the brains of individuals to subject them to questions that the most sophisticated computers at the present can’t handle, allows for a giant Neural Network of Human resource to be utilised.
Due to funding being short from the utilisation of the telephone system to find potential targets, the way to not let onto the world that the system is in use is by making sure the people are driven crazy by their constant bombardment and that doctors aren’t fed information on new Physics studies.

Through the use of the machine trouble makers an either be dealt with by driving them mad, making them injure or kill someone, kill themselves or die from a heart attack/bloodclot or tumour.

It’s possible to use people while they sleep with their dreams, or to relay information to them.
Fiction indeed it is. Your understanding of electromagnetics is sketchy at best.


I know my EM understanding is sketchy, but although you can call it a complete illusion I can still "Know" that such equipment is capable of being brought into being even if it hasn't already.

Just a question for you Hans, that might make you disappear from the board if you don't answer (Since thats the usual retreating strategy when someone is asked to clarify.) but do you have anything to do with Cambridge?
There is a bit more for the actual interaction with the human mind though.

Most people just think of frequencies going from point to point one one plane of existance, the method that I've understood is the usage of multiple planes to "Peel" the layers of a multiworlds target. (In this case a brain)

The use of radiation on it's own, as a solid one plane would be too intense to be able to interact with the human mind, this is where the method uses packets positioned so a system can take pieces from each plane and then put them together through a multiworlds machine to make a full map of the whole.

(In fact I mentioned this method could be utilised to Work out the positioning of an electron at all times undermining Heisenbergs principle of uncertainty.)

The theory is simple, for something positioned on this plane, if it's moved to a different point in another plane, the area that it's suppose to exist will have a black body background (electromagnetic field). This means that a measurement can be taken from the field on that plane of an electron existing in the other plane without causing too much disturbance.

The interaction with the human brain is possible using this method, but it does prove how difficult it would be to decode how a group attached a machine to a person since the information would be in packets that are scattered throughout a multiworlds environment.

Also the packets wouldn't be decipherable anywhere else than the position the the information is suppose to be essembled as a matrix at.
Now that could start a whole new portion to this thread about how time doesn't exist in one sense but does in a another sense.
But that would take too much time to write...

(Don't you just love paradoxical statements)
I know my EM understanding is sketchy, but although you can call it a complete illusion I can still "Know" that such equipment is capable of being brought into being even if it hasn't already.

What do you mean by "Know" (capitalized and in quotation marks)? Isnt that the same as "Believe"?

But no, your matrix theory doesnt hold. By having several transmitters transmitting in total syncronism, you can have an interference grid, which could be called a matrix (although the lines would be hyperbolic). This was utilized by the now obsolete LORAN, Decca, and Omega navigational systems, but these were long-wave systems (in case of Omega, extremely long waves). The 15-30 cm wavelengths in the cell-phone system cannot be used for a controllable grid (a car driving by would mess up the whole thing).

Multiple planes, multilverse? Thats pure religion.

Just a question for you Hans, that might make you disappear from the board if you don't answer (Since thats the usual retreating strategy when someone is asked to clarify.) but do you have anything to do with Cambridge?

Sorry, my friend, but what might make me stop using a board would be that I'm bored (not likely here, heheh) or apalled (more likely), and what could make me refrain from answering a question might be that I didnt bother. So dont try to infer anything from my possible failure to answer a post.

But I'll answer this one: No I have nothing to do with Cambridge. This is true wether you are referring to the city of Cambridge, the university of Cambridge, -- or anything else with that name I can readily think of.

I only asked if you had anything to do with Cambridge because of:

There is a difference between believe and "Know", "Know" is when you do know for a fact, and not just believe it possible.
(You have to understand I know what can be done, but I don't know how it is being done since I'm reverse engineering it.)

as for my explaination, I know that it's possible to break the size of the wavelengths into packets. You can kind of get an interpretation of this if you get a mug of tea (or some other drink in a recepticle) and blow upon the liquids surface.

It will cause waves that bounce off the walls of the recepticle, and if you watch carefully you will see some of the crests that develop rise above the others, due to the combined force of matricing waves.

This is how I visuallise that it would be possible to do the same with other wavelengths and convert them to wave packets which would be used. The only reason why I mentioned EM is purely because it would tie in with the type of field needed for the manipulation of matter and the interaction of energy.

(This includes Telekinesis being possible from the same antenna array)
Hehehe, no my "MRC" is of a different origin. And its not really relevant to this forum, but I kept it. Multiple handles makes life complicated.

You feel you "Know", but actually you believe, 'cause what you say doesnt work out.

Lets get a few things straight:

Waves, you talk as if there are all sorts of waves, but we know of only three types of waves:

1) Physical waves, where a physical medium swings, circulates or vibrates. Thats sound waves, ocean waves and such. Their speeds are typically in the range of several thousand meters/sec to some meters/minute.

2) Electromagnetic waves. They consist of an electric and a magnetic field perpendicular to each other, and they travel at the speed of light or a little slower (under very special conditions, much slower). This chategory includes radio waves, heat waves, light waves, and certain radioactive emissions. The only difference between all those is their frequency.

3) Gravity waves. Gravity waves are hypothetical, Einstein predicted them, but they have yet to be proved or disproved.

So EM is not just someting you mention; there isnt much else. I dont know what you mean by packets, but I suppose its the same as pulses. The GSM cell-phone uses trains of pulses that are termed packets.

You seem to imagine that by creating interference patterns, you can direct radio energy into certain spots; this is partly true. However, the grid size for the cell-phone bands will be 15 or 30 cm, so it will basically be all over the place anyway. Also these wavelengths bounce off various objects, so except in a totally open field, the pattern, or matrix, will be totally messed up and completely uncontrollable. You cannot change the frequence any much, because an antenna has to be physically built to the frequency band its to work in.

Anyway, radio waves have none of the properties you imagine. They cannot manipulate physical objects and they do not have any strange effects on human beings. There is no known form of telekinesis.

The only thing they can do to objects is heat them, and this is also all they can do to humans, except that they are suspected to be able to cause cancer, but this has yet to be proved.

OK, I promise this is the last lecture I'll give you, heheh.


Feel free to lecture as much as you like. I'm not offended, in fact it's of use to try and straighten out all the information.
Looking at what you said previous to the last post, I began to think if something of a different frequency, like Ultrasound scale through HAARP etc.

This would make more sense in certain respects because microwaves and electromagnetics would increase the temperature. Although their might be the use of electromagnetics to stiffen the background so that certain frequencies could be slowed down, ot would make more sense that way.

BTW, the range I'm talking about is either 5Hz-12Hz.

As for the Telekinesis, I know that there is a laboratory that's probably hidden either at MIT or NASA that can manipulate objects to float within a room that is surrounded by equipment to enduce electromagnetic fields that can mold to an objects superpositioning.

(Problem is that it's not 100% safe, so in the process of moving an object you might find the object falls to bits from it's entanglement being undone. The Laboratory was refered to as the poltergeist lab.)

Admittedly I know I should try and find more information out along the lines that I need, but the main problem is that this sort of information isn't documented upon the net by scientists.
Stryder, in my opinion, you are chasing ghosts in your own mind, and trying to fit technologic terms to them. I have to advice you to recognize them as ghosts.

5-12 hertz are very low frequencies. Wavelengths are tens of meters in audio and thousands of kilometers in radio waves. An antenna for this would cover half the town.

Yes, you can make a metal object hover in an AC magnetic field, but thats just electromotorics, no different from the multitude of electric motors that surround us all avery day.

Now, I'm going to be blunt about this: If some orgaization wanted to bug or destroy people (people like you), they would do it the old way, con men etc. Electronics just wont do the job.


I will still state that it's technology and I will still state that the usage isn't because of bugging me, or destroying me but because of scientific research.

Research that utilises people in this method cheaply by not informing or asking them to begin with. This is why I'm not just reverse engineering something that you'll seemingly continue to say doesn't exist, I'm actually reverse engineering something that has only recently made it out of concept.

There is information out there on the usage of frequencies in connecting to the human mind, information stemming from the cybernetic implications in aiding people of a handicapped nature, right through to a guy that developed a method to put sound into peoples heads. (I can tell you it doesn't need an antenna the size of a town)

BTW, ghosts don't tend to change over when they run out of steam because they can't stay awake 24 hours, or do shift work including people of the opposite sex.
Do you know how strict the rules are on scientific reseach? Whoever did something like experimenting on the general public without their knowledge would be crucified.

But I see you must believe what you must. This is not a technical discussion. I'm not qualified to discuss psycology.
