

A Man of Taste and Decency
Registered Senior Member
This idea was inspired by a Mad TV skit, and for that, I apologize. If, however, the taint of the worst show on television lingers, and this is just an idiotic idea, I further apologize. That being said, why aren't tapeworms used to treat obesity? I've heard that leeches are making a comeback, so why not tapeworms? Is it a situation where the cure would be more harmful than the disease, or what?
That's an interesting idea. Are there any other side effects to tape worm infestation? I have a friend who is obese and is trying to get the stomach staple surgery (actually, a variant where they just put a band around the stomach, a lot less invasive). I imagine the tapeworm would be cheaper.

I would think that you would have to keep a close eye on it. Make sure it doesn't get out of hand. It's been awhile since biology. Can the tapeworm reproduce inside the intestine, or does it have to come in from outside? I remember that it sheds body segments full of eggs. Can they hatch inside the intestine? Probably not, huh?

Also, there would be the stigma involved with infecting yourself with a parasite. The very thought of having a tapeworm tends to turn my stomach.

And MadTV was good for the first season or two. It's pretty much in stinktown now, though.
In a way, not exactly the same though. I've heard that you can sometimes feel the tapeworm moving inside you. *shiver*
Tapeworms cannot reproduce inside your body, it is right that it sheds bodyparts with eggs which normally end up in your faeces. Alas, some of the eggs may stick to your rectum resulting in an itchy feeling. If you scratch yourself, the eggs may stick to your fingers. When you put your fingers into your mouth without washing them, the eggs will get into your body, there they evolve into a new tapeworm. This does not necessarily infest your stomach, the new worms can break throught the wall of the stomach. It then nests in muscles, growing to a little pea-sized worm, this causes severe damage. Alas, the tapeworm itself is not really harmful, if you google it you get many adds that propagate losing weight through these worms.
Some tapeworms are also said to have a positive effect because they want to protect their host from illness or allergies.
Anyway, tapeworms are already used to treat obesity.
also, they're pretty gross.

they'll be in your feces and you'll be able to see them move around in the toilet before you flush.

they can also crawl or move out of your rectum, and you won't even know it.

they're are many photos where one can see the end of a tapeworm hanging out of someones rectum

they'll be in your panties and/or underwear and there's potential that you can infect someone who doesn't want to lose weight or be infected.

if you have children or children are exposed to you, you can potentially infect them as well.

i don't know for a fact, but i'll bet they smell too
Dreamwalker - a few sites from Google mentioned that people used sanitized tapeworms at the turn of the last century. Do you have anything about the modern practice?

Paul - they're gross, but so's needing a whale stretcher to get to the hospital.
StarOfEight said:
Dreamwalker - a few sites from Google mentioned that people used sanitized tapeworms at the turn of the last century. Do you have anything about the modern practice?

Paul - they're gross, but so's needing a whale stretcher to get to the hospital.
i don't know what a whale stretcher is, but the most important point of my post is not that they're gross, but that one has the potential to infect others.
Well, I googled it on german, there, I found many sites referring to modern use of tapeworms for losing weight. I assumed that this would also be the case when you search it on english. I will look into it.

For those who want a brief description of worm-like parasites look at this page

If you want pictures, look here

I warn you, those pictures may be disturbing or repulsive.
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Well, the sites I found are about individuals who tried it on their own, they did not consult a doctor/healer. They did lose weight and some even advertise using tapeworms. But many people think the risks are just too great. Many nature healers advocate the use of tapeworms, sadly they do not have homepages, I could only find references.
Sorry, but I can not give anyone a direct link because of this.

Anyway, if you look at the pictures on the sites I linked, I doubt anyone would want to have such a parasite.
Paul - a whale stretcher's a stretcher that can carry a whale. On occassion, some bloated sack o' humanity has to get taken to the hospital on one.

And I understand the potential for infection, but hey, most painkillers have a potential for addiction. If you have doctors and nurses managing it, though, it seems like it could work.

Actually ... having looked a few of DW's pics ... if these things come out of your legs, I suppose plastic surgery is the lesser of two evils.
I would imagine, also, that the worms wouldn't be very descriminating as to what they consume. Being a parasite, they deprive your body of valuable and essential nutrients ... that's their job. So, you may be able to fit into your size 32 jeans again, but you'll be missing a lot of good stuff and would end up being pretty ill.

That's the thing: LOTS of things can make people lose weight. Parasites, starvation, cancer, AIDS, Atkins ... that does not mean it's necessarily a good thing. The proper term and goal people should be looking at should be "getting into shape" or "getting fit." Too much emphasis is put on "losing weight." Less weight is a side-effect of becoming fit and in shape, but should not be the only goal. How to do that? Check out my soon-to-be coming e-book: "Eat less and exercise more, you fat bastard."
Good points, but I don't think most people who are trying to lose weight are motivated by health concerns.
I got another good idea for losing weight with tapeworms. Just collect the images of worms and other parasites on the web, when you want to eat, just look at the really disgusting images. ;)
This should work I think. :D
StarOfEight said:
Paul -
And I understand the potential for infection, but hey, most painkillers have a potential for addiction.
the difference is that one would be imposing a perhaps dangerous, and at least disgusting, treatment, whereas a potentially addictive drug one decides oneself to risk the treatment

seems like the lawyers would have a field day.
chunkylover58 said:
LOTS of things can make people lose weight. Parasites, starvation, cancer, AIDS, Atkins ... that does not mean it's necessarily a good thing.
how about flesh-eating bacteria? that'd work.
Paul, I'm not suggesting that anybody should be implanted with tapeworms. I was wondering if it's an available course of treatment. Hence, the person would still be deciding to risk the disgusting and potentially dangerous treatment.
StarOfEight said:
Paul, I'm not suggesting that anybody should be implanted with tapeworms. I was wondering if it's an available course of treatment. Hence, the person would still be deciding to risk the disgusting and potentially dangerous treatment.
Yes, I realize that, and I'm sorry to be beating a dead horse, but my point was that anyone can choose any treatment if one is willing to accept the risk of that treatment. Fine and dandy. But the problem for this particular treatment is not the risk one takes on oneself, but the risk one imposes on those around one, without their knowledge or consent.

Please forgive me for being a pain, but I believe that distinction is paramount. Now, I'll drop it :)
Just take crystal meth and you will lose everything you want. Then you can go into rehab and start all over again unless you learn how to balance what you eat to what you work out with excercising.