Tampered Scripture ? (muslims)


Valued Senior Member
Hello all :)

This question is to muslims i am not interested in the thoughts of others on this subject.


I know that muslims claim that the Bible scriptures have been tampered with. What i would like to know is this. Is there any sections/ books of the bible that muslims believe have not been tampered with?


If all the books of the Bible have been tampered with and changed. Do muslims have a list of examples of the tampered scripture and a list of the corrections?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Instead of getting the interpretations of the interpretations, etc., of those who read the Qur'an, why don't you just read it yourself?
Adstar said:
Hello all :)

This question is to muslims i am not interested in the thoughts of others on this subject.


I know that muslims claim that the Bible scriptures have been tampered with. What i would like to know is this. Is there any sections/ books of the bible that muslims believe have not been tampered with?


If all the books of the Bible have been tampered with and changed. Do muslims have a list of examples of the tampered scripture and a list of the corrections?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days[/QUOTE

Sup Adstar,
Well as a muslim the problem is that we dont know what has been tampered with and what hasnt.....and remember that God says that he isnt the author a confusion. So Muslims can read the Bible AND the Koran but when there is a difference between the 2 then we are required to believe the Koran.Remember that Muslims are suppose to also learn Arabic so that they can read the Koran as it was revealed and not depend on translations(or mistranslations) because as we both know alotta words just dont translate properly between languages.One also has to consider that there are suppose to be at lest 120 different versions of the Bible in existance(when one considers hebrew,catholic, protestant etc....) so which one? Also consider something as simple as the Genology of Jesus(pbuh) not being the same between the two different Gospels....

MATHEW 1:18 LUKE 3:23
------------- -----------
1- David -- 1- David
2- Solomon -- 2- Nathan
3- Rehobo'am -- 3- Mat'tatha
4- Abi'jah -- 4- Menna
5- Asa -- 5- Me'-le-a
6- Jehosh'aphat -- 6- Eli'akim
7- Joram -- 7- Jonam
8- Uzzi'ah -- 8- Joseph
9- Jotham -- 9- Juda
10-Ahaz -- 10-Simeon
11-Hezeki'ah -- 11-Levi
12-Manas'seh -- 12-Matthat
13-Amos -- 13-Jorim
14-Josi'ah -- 14-Elie'zer
15-Jechoni'ah -- 15-Joshua
16-Al'ti-el -- 16-Er
17-Zerub'babel -- 17-Elma'dam
18-Abi'ud -- 18-Cosam
19-Eli'akim -- 19-Addi
20-Azor -- 20-Melchi
21-Zadok -- 21-Neri
22-Achim -- 22-Sheal'ti-el
23-Eli'ud -- 23-Zerub'babel
24-Elea'zar -- 24-Rhesa
25-Matthan -- 25-Jo-an'an
26-Jacob -- 26-Joda
27-Joseph -- 27-Josech
28-Jesus -- 28-Sem'e-in
[Math. 1:18]
The genealogy of "Jesus" contains 28 names of his fathers.

[Luke 3:23]
The genealogy of "Jesus" contains 42 DIFFERENT NAMES of the fathers of Jesus
than we find in Mathew. (Sometimes myChristians friends attempt to excuse that error by
saying that the other descendants belong to Jesus threw his mother, while we
find that his genealogy belongs to Joseph the carpenter, but we can analyze
the contradiction clearly when we find two different fathers for Joseph the
carpenter. His father in Mathew is Jacob while his father according to Luke
is Heli.)

Aslo the death of a Central Figure" Judas:

Math. 27:5]
Judas went and hanged himself.
[Acts 1:18]
Judas fell headlong, and burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed
etc etc.......

You see there is an Hadith which states that a Muslim knows what he should do and he also knows what he shouldnt do and if there is any doubt or if he/she (the muslim) isnt sure of what to do then the best thing to do is to stay away from it. I am not answering for all muslims only for myself.......peace :)
If all the books of the Bible have been tampered with and changed. Do muslims have a list of examples of the tampered scripture and a list of the corrections?

What happened to these books? and why are they missing? who took them out? what was in them to make them wanna be taken out?

"Wherefore it is said in the BOOK OF THE WARS OF THE LORD, What He did in the Red Sea, and in the brooks of Arnon..."

Has any one during an Archeological dig(to prove the Bible) found this little gem?

"...Is this not written in the BOOK OF JASHER?"

Does any one know where this book is?

I KINGS 11:41
"And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are not written in the BOOK OF THE ACTS OF SOLOMON?"

Could someone let me know where this book is?

"Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written a BOOK OF SAMUEL THE SEER, and in the BOOK OF NATHAN THE PROPHET, and in the BOOK OF GAD THE SEER,.."

Also of note is JEREMIAH 8:8
"How can you say,We are wise, and the Law of the Lord is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie,"
Note: ( Whenever you see that term 'law of the Lord' the Hebrew word is Torah.)

To me with all due respect to my Christian brethern I think what is stated is crystal clear. This will aslo hope to explain insh'Allah why Jesus (a.s )was always so hard on the SCRIBES

"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. (From the King James Version Bible, Isaiah 43:11)"

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4)"

The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. (From the NIV Bible, Mark 12:29)"

Doesnt that contradict the Crucifixtion theory?.. can you see how for non-Christians how this could be confusing?....peace
What happened to these books? and why are they missing? who took them out? what was in them to make them wanna be taken out?

Do a search and you might find several of these books.
surenderer said:
What happened to these books? and why are they missing? who took them out? what was in them to make them wanna be taken out?

"Wherefore it is said in the BOOK OF THE WARS OF THE LORD, What He did in the Red Sea, and in the brooks of Arnon..."

Has any one during an Archeological dig(to prove the Bible) found this little gem?

"...Is this not written in the BOOK OF JASHER?"

Does any one know where this book is?

I KINGS 11:41
"And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are not written in the BOOK OF THE ACTS OF SOLOMON?"

Could someone let me know where this book is?

"Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written a BOOK OF SAMUEL THE SEER, and in the BOOK OF NATHAN THE PROPHET, and in the BOOK OF GAD THE SEER,.."

Also of note is JEREMIAH 8:8
"How can you say,We are wise, and the Law of the Lord is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie,"
Note: ( Whenever you see that term 'law of the Lord' the Hebrew word is Torah.)

To me with all due respect to my Christian brethern I think what is stated is crystal clear. This will aslo hope to explain insh'Allah why Jesus (a.s )was always so hard on the SCRIBES

"I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. (From the King James Version Bible, Isaiah 43:11)"

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4)"

The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. (From the NIV Bible, Mark 12:29)"

Doesnt that contradict the Crucifixtion theory?.. can you see how for non-Christians how this could be confusing?....peace

The Christian answer could be: These books were not intended to be part of the Bible. Those books mentioned could have been the "God honest truth", but not everything which is true is found in the Bible. BTW, there is at least one "Book of Jasher" around nowadays, but as for its authenticity, I have doubt. As for the "alleged" contradictions, the Christian has an answer for them all pretty much. What happened was that Judas hung himself over a cliff, then his body decomposed, then it fell down headlong off the cliff and hit a rock and his bowels gushed out, or so the theory goes. :)
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