Talmud Translation


Registered Senior Member
I've been looking for a translation of the Jewish Talmud to read it and try to understand a few things, but I can't find one anywhere. I can find just about every other religious text translated into just about any language, but no Talmud anywhere. The Jews are always accusing the anti-Semites of misquoting the Talmud. Wouldn't it be a pretty simple task to just publish a copy of the Talmud so they can see for themselves? Why is it so hard to find?
This is a bunch of gibirish......I take it Moses didn't write these, so who did and what gave him the authority to represent Judiasm and right down it's laws..
Originally posted by Flores
This is a bunch of gibirish......I take it Moses didn't write these, so who did and what gave him the authority to represent Judiasm and right down it's laws..
"The Talmud is a record of discussions on laws, customs, legends and stories that expand on the earlier writings in the Torah and Mishnah; in many ways it functions for Jews as a form of scripture. The Talmud is the basis for all the later codes of Jewish law and Jewish ethics." [More]
Okay, so it is not a proclaimed word of god...just people who though their religion is not complete enough to satisfy them and started adding and exceeding it, and so following it or not is irrelevant of measuring true belief in god.
Originally posted by Flores
Okay, so it is not a proclaimed word of god...just people who though their religion is not complete enough to satisfy them and started adding and exceeding it, and so following it or not is irrelevant of measuring true belief in god.
Your ignorance is pathetic.
The Talmud is HUUUGE! Volumes and Volumes. Interesting read, but in ways, very restrictive and in others - can be downright racist. But when you get down to it, it's a brilliant set of philosophy. I haven't read the whole thing myself, though. Too damn much.

My grandma has about 7 thick books in a hardcover set, and she's still missing like 10 which she never bothered to get. That version is currently out of print these days.

If you'd like to buy it, you can purchase the whole thing along with other text on CD-Rom from Davka. My cousin bought this:


That is...if you want to spend $200. Great deal for what you get, IMO.

Anyways, if you want to learn something Jewish, I recommend Kaballah.


There is the written, and the oral torah. The talmud seeks to elaborate on the oral portion. Admittedly, rabbi's sometimes misinterpret things (or -- in known cases, make up their own stories :)). That's beyond the control of well-meaning scholars. Besides, we shouldn't - and I'll stress do not - take it in literally. All I can say is that you should read (and try to understand) where the talmud is coming from before taking swings at the credibility of modern Judaism.
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This is a bunch of gibirish

I take it Moses didn't write these

And this is relevant how ?

so who did and what gave him the authority to represent Judiasm and right down it's laws..

So who writes it down is supposed to be athority and represent the religion ? Hmmmmm , I wonder who has authority and represents Islam then :rolleyes:

Not that I dont agree though :confused:

Okay, so it is not a proclaimed word of god

The word is not only to be written it is to be understood as well .
eventually you will learn that they are inter-dependant .

just people who though their religion is not complete enough to satisfy them and started adding and exceeding it,

Im sure that is how Talmud philosophy is to be considered , you dont even know what its about im sure yet ou already figured out how the Talmud writers motivated themselves into adding to the word of God (Torah , one you wont recognize anyways am I correct?)

and so following it or not is irrelevant of measuring true belief in god.

You wont find belief in books , now would you ? :rolleyes: I say its quite a good thing it isnt relevant to such emotional understanding of things .......

Whats your idea of theology , a who-can-believe-best/most contests ?