Taking atheism to the people.

Such is doomed to failure, as mankind is inherently religious. Rather, we should seek the best religion we can, through an adoption of a system more akin to that of the Roman conception of religion, rather than our Abrahamic obsession.

No one can doubt that the faith of the philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, et cetera, was beneficial to us all. Western civilization came from such a faith and was sustained by it. In fact, when it was abandoned in favour of Christianity, it is then that Western civilization faced its worse denigration its long and storied history.
HA! "Did you understand what I said? This is inappropriate. Take us off your list."

No kidding.

That's the best.

The whole point was to show that going around "bashing" on peoples doors, forcing their beliefs down the throats of others is inappropriate.
I like the part where the old guy hits him with a rake. thats priceless =].
haha.,that was great.
i wish i could do that to the politicians electioneering at the moment.,got woken up at 8 in the fucking morning by a fucking rally outside my fucking apartment.they are everywhere and they have loudspeakers.some motherfucker is gonna die.
Such is doomed to failure, as mankind is inherently religious. Rather, we should seek the best religion we can, through an adoption of a system more akin to that of the Roman conception of religion, rather than our Abrahamic obsession.

No one can doubt that the faith of the philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, et cetera, was beneficial to us all. Western civilization came from such a faith and was sustained by it. In fact, when it was abandoned in favour of Christianity, it is then that Western civilization faced its worse denigration its long and storied history.
