taking a #2


Using the el banyo a # 2 is always a psychic process.

What available information does "science" have to show for that being a false statement (and a realistic one instead)?

If you think about this for a while you may be shocked. Because it is a true statement. If you can't find out what aspect of this statement is true then you should be ashamed. What else (to answer the previous sentence) is it, when you do that, that happens, are you not connected with other minds (i won't go on and talk about the ways a shit is connected to psychic instead I wanted to suprise all the reject so called psychics like CC that have no idea about most of their reality. To look at most of the psychic threads on this site and the total fraud and inability to express genuine psychic beliefe or willpower or whatever is beyond imagination. I will end there).

Question regarding the topic: Is this proof of psychic communication.

OMFG, that is the funniest thread I have read since MewSkitty declared the great Myuu was living in his brain. HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!

One aspect of schizophrenia is that it can blur the distinction between self and other; hence, your "psychic" bowel movements are blurred-distinction-experiences unique to someone with your particular brain defect. They are also strictly confined to your mind.
CC you are completely full of it, maybe even more so than some of the idiots at that site lol...
Personal favourite quote from over there are Randi.org:
Professor Yaffle on Randi.org forums said:
Nobody is shocked, just very confused as to why you would consider defecation to be a psychic or paranormal experience.

Brent... Lay off the Weed. If you haven't been smoking it, perhaps you should so you can Lay off the Weed.
Hey, there may be something to this. During the process of taking a crap, your focused on one thing. Your body on the other hand does something special when you bear down to unload. Your heart rate drops, your blood pressure drops....this may make you feel lightheaded as you drop you load. Anyway, in a lot of adults, especially older adults, it can lead to death. You would be surprised to find out how many people died on the pot. Its call a commode code in the medical profession. Serious, look up the vagal reflex. So rather than communicating with spirits, you just may be communicating with your brain on some level.
This could start a whole new form of psychic readings, instead of tea leaves, why not 'Stool' readings? Anyway....

How many have asked this question while perched on the can battling constipation, 'Will I have to reach down and use my hand?" This precognitive intuition is just one example of a psychic thought generated by the taking of a dump.
But I am not objectively wrong now. And, the question is open to interpretation. Most preferably your interpretation. If I ask you the question if you experience a psychic experience while taking a #2, what do you respond. It's different in real life though were I to ask you the question and try to make you consider it from my perspective.

There's a lot to say about it.

Most importantly there's the fact that many experiences while taking a crap go un noticed, as they do in real life.

The most important one that goes un noticed is that that is the most important form of relating with exterior output that there is... Many things could happen durring it many probably haven't allowed others the general idea that taking a crap actually realtes with those others. It does though, one could be made to actually realize that all of your bodily actions at that time are effecting everyone else.

It really doesn't need much more said than that. What's most important though is not discussion with me but talk about the statement and most importantly asking science the question why it is a psychic process (and if not then how science can make it into a statement that is scientific instead).

gtg later