SYRIA bans the burka


Valued Senior Member
SYRIA bans the burka as well as the niqab.

Syria has banned face-covering Islamic veils from the country’s universities. The surprise move comes as similar moves in Europe – including controversial calls in Britain for a ban on burkas – have sparked cries of discrimination against Muslims (note by Michael: remind you of anyone?). The crackdown was ordered by the secular government in Damascus amid fears of increasing Islamic extremism among young Muslim students.
Islamophobes? :shrug:

What exactly is "Islamic extremism" among young Muslims?
Why should Muslims FEAR "Islamic extremism"?
How exactly is banning the burka and the niqab going to prevent "Islamic extremism" (whatever THAT is)?
Why is "Islamic extremism" considered bad for Syrian society?

Seems to be a sign of the times.
Why should Muslims FEAR "Islamic extremism"?

Because, like all forms of extremism, the extremists are likely to be holier-than-thou. Nobody but the extremists are "pure" in their pursuit of the stated goal, and all "impure" people must be dealt with sooner or later. After an extremist movement has been around for a while, the insiders often start to question whether their own comrades are "pure" enough for the cause. This can lead to splintering and/or self-destruction, but the end point can take a long time to reach.
Of course Syria would ban the burka. Being a Muslim state, they have, in their zeal, oppressed themselves by accident. They were just on a roll, and, yeah...

Okay, I don't know nothin about it. I was going to draw a parallel between legality of homosexuality and less extremism, but there isn't one! That's Jordan and Turkey.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, when he ruled Turkey, did not outlaw wearing the hijab (veil) for women, but he strongly discouraged it. The story (how true I don't know) is that he implemented a law requiring prostitutes to wear a hijab; thus, no respectable woman would want to appear to be a whore. If true, it worked! (He also westernized Turkey in many other ways, and it'll probably never go back to its old ways.)
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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, when he ruled Turkey, did not outlaw wearing the hijab (veil) for women, but he strongly discouraged it. The story (how true I don't know) is that he implemented a law requiring prostitutes to wear a hijab; thus, no respectable woman would want to appear to be a whore. If true, it worked! (He also westernized Turkey in many other ways, and i'll probably never go back to its old ways.)

Are you Turkish?
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, when he ruled Turkey, did not outlaw wearing the hijab (veil) for women, but he strongly discouraged it. The story (how true I don't know) is that he implemented a law requiring prostitutes to wear a hijab; thus, no respectable woman would want to appear to be a whore. If true, it worked! (He also westernized Turkey in many other ways, and i'll probably never go back to its old ways.)

He also had an entire menagerie named Abdul.

here's why baning burka? because anyone can wear burka, even men, and pertend to be a woman wearking burka, and go robe a bank, kidnap someoine, or whatever, and he's or her's personallity, stay hiden, and no one will know.
that's why, also islam didnt say anything about that muslims must or even should wear burka,also this cloth appeared in the last two centuries, and before that.
most times women wear it after marriage later.
hey buddy
wanna play tic tac toe?


It means specifically muslim men who like to dress like women

ah, lol
no no, burka is not even told to be weared in islam, just covering the hair, and wearing respectfull clothes that covers the body, also can just wear respectfull clothes without covering the hair. also burka, esspecialy in the modern time,is dangerous, anyone can wear it to hide he's or her's personnality while doing something, well, not good, maybe robing a bank, or, killing someone, or whatever, also burka didnt used to be weared, it only appeeared in the last two centurie. or maybe since 19th century. anyway it's not weared here in my country, just rarely. as for the normal hijab, means that just covers the hair, it is weared. and effcorse women are free to wear or not or to do anything.
Funny enough, my grandmother's generation wore head scarfs. I remember when I was very young she would wrap a small thing scarf around her head. Probably a legacy of Christianity.

The girl-tents are not banned in all of Syria. Only on University campuses. I wonder why? Why ban them on University Campuses?

RE: Extremism
I'm not sure if I like the use of that adjective. What if you're a "Botanist Extremist"? What does THAT mean? Anything?