Synthetic ESP?


Truth Seeker
Valued Senior Member
has anyone got any links on this subject, or does anybody know a bit about the above subject. I am interested mainly in telepathy, and mindcontrol parts of synthetic esp.
I think there's a mind control thingy, amongst other likely-false gadgets and gizmos at this site. I may be wrong so tell me if the link doesn't work.
There is a device called a HemiSynch, patented by the Monroe Institute I believe which feeds different sounds into each ear and produces in the brain a third frequency, or something like that. Supposedly it makes it easier to put someone under hypnosis or something. It has been used to cure people of alcoholism and such. By the way, hypnotism IS real; anyone who has studied psychology should have seen it in action.
all these posts give stuff that i already know about, but science is alot farther ahead than this. Has anyone got info on upto date stuff. Thx again adam for the info. (i want to know if anyone know how they remotely perth into peoples thoughts and influence them)
I'm not sure about displaying the thoughts in anothers brain, but there is a project running similar to the HGP trying to map the thought and brainwave patterns of the human brain.
I suppose it would be an extension of that technology.
i know where youre going esp, but again the science is already there to read peoples thoughts remotely. i was looking if anyone had any pages with details of this technology.