Synchronicity and #23


Here's lookin' at you...?
Registered Senior Member
The number 23, according to some, has the unusual characteristic that "the more you see it, the more you see it". Personally I have run across a little of this phenomenon myself, enough to do a bit of research on it, and have found with a little browsing that there may be some credence to this oddity.

One source revealed the outcome of a poll conducted wherein 5000 people of various statures were asked to choose a number between 1 and 100. The most commonly chosen number was 23, followed by 17, which was the second most commonly chosen number. Why 23?

Following are a couple of links to either substantiate this topic or to inspire your theories otherwise:

(This 2nd link actually leads to some exceptionally interesting info)
23 chambered cosmic brain gun

Yeah. I was into the 23 phenomena some time ago. Problem was that I started looking for the 23 synchronicity and by default should have started seeing it everywhere just by being aware of it, right? But no, it hardly ever showed up, and meant nothing to me. So I stopped looking.

But now it pops up everywhere daily. I´m not sure whether it means anything else except that it has become in vogue. More ppl are aware of it and thereby create and use it :)

Hey Chagur,

¿Did you try pasting it into your browser? It works fine for me when I click on it in the post even. There's some pretty far-fetched, yet interesting stuff on that site. I like to try and find out how some of these people arrive at these wild conclusions which later fester into conspiracies, its fine entertainment!

Good Luck!
I have a thing for 17.

Does anyone else know Godley and Creme's "Consequences" triple album from years ago, re the end of the world? It was a significant element in that, iterated by Peter Cook as Mr Blimp, the man in the attic trying to write the music which would resolve it. The album ended with an utterly beautiful piece in 17/8 time. We used to play it during storms and it seemed to fix them. Very sadly i no longer have it.

It's also come up pretty regularly and noticably like at the time on the way home from friends' traumatic birth to which i had been 'randomly' called for support and the father commented, completely dazed and out if it after such a long night "isn;t it funny, your kid was born on the 17th, and so was ours" and i just happened to look at my speedometer at that moment, while it read exactly 171717.

It is a very strange number.
I found it. The exact same topic is posted in Human Science.

And my post there is:

Vvverry interesting.

My birthdate is 17. 1+7=8
My spouse BD is 26, 2+6=8
We were married on d+m+year= 8
My kid was born in month=8
Majority of my hotel room numbers end up 224, 2+2+4=8

But I do not think there is any synchronicity involved.
No 23 whatsoever...

I always come back to the numbers 6 and 9. All over my life these two numbers show up. It won't be of any significance here I guess. No 23 or so. I will look for it, if it shows up from now on...:)
The evidence in your first link was very unimpressive, I have to say. I am reminded of something that came out of the WTC attacks about the number 11, and how if you looked at certain things, you would see the number 11. But then this wonderful site, which I can't seem to find at the moment did an article on how many ways the number 11 DIDN'T show up. It's the same way for most of his evidence. He doesn't mention the 60-70 23rd days of the month that he DIDN'T have $23 dollars in his pocket. I'll admit that when I was in grade school, and middle school, and high school, every day, I would look up at a clock at exactly 1:11pm, but then I also notice when it's 9:41pm and 10:19pm, which are two of my favorite radio stations in my area.
Anyway, I think that the human mind puts evidence on patterns that we're looking for. As someone on the boards said, that's good for spotting jaguars in trees, but not so handy when you're looking at empirical data.

Secondly, 5,000 people isn't statistically significant to the population of the United States, which has a population near 500 million people. If these people were all interviewed in Chicago right before or after Jordan retired, then lots of people would have 23 on their minds. I'll conduct my own experiment at the office today, and I'll let you know what my findings are.

Oh, yeah, as to the Age of Aquarius... just a quick little thing about that. The Age of Aquarius was about the "coming" of the Dionysian god, the intoxicator, the 'pure feeler', as opposed to the Appolonian god, the 'pure thinker', which had been dominant for the last cycle. Of course, the hebrew name for Dionysius was Satan, and the christian renaming of Appolo was Lucifer (light-carrier). And now you know.... the rest of the story (heh).
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That is why this is posted on the"parapsychology" forum. There are other forums where "empirical" data abounds.

Just for kicks and giggles, do you realize that you registered on SciForums on the 23rd of October last year, and that your last post was on the 23rd of January (today)?:eek:

Perhaps I should apologize: I did not intend to be impressive, only to discover how many others have experienced this type of occurrence. 23 and 17 just happened to be more common than say 11 or 6 or 9. I'm not alone in this, and it doesn't seem to mean anything except: "Here I am again!"

It isn't really the type of thing with which to experiment, though. If find that it pops up when I'm not paying attention to it. I almost never look for it...

You should post the results of your experiment just for objectivity's sake.

Namaste.. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ...
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Yes, 23 is an old magic number. Sometimes lucky, more often not. Drastic changes are attached to it, destiny, the approach of something important. I see it so often now that I hardly react to it, just make a small mental note...oh, it´s you again.

I know, but still, even in parapsychology/pseudoscience, there should be some empirical data. ;)

I did do my testing, and out of 15 people, no one said 23, but only 3 didn't give a prime number.