
True Wisdom

Registered Senior Member
What do you think of and how does it make you feel when you see this symbol?
The spirits of fallen angels influenced men before the flood, to lean upon thier own understanding, and they by listening to satan and eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, accepted truth mixed with lies, instead of the Word of God which is Life and God through man destroyed the world.
These same fallen spirits used man at the tower of babel trying to get "back" to heaven, in a forced religion.
They have been held in reservation , in chains of everlasting darkness, for this day, being released to come upon men and drive the Jews back to thier homeland, and gather man together for the battle of the great day of the Lord.
The Nazi's were anointed by these fallen religious spirits for persecution of the Israelites, and killed 6 million Jews.
These spirits are being released to come upon those with the mark of the beast in this day, those who have accepted the denominational doctrine of error as truth in the revelation of their foreheads or given the right hand of fellowship to do the will of the church.
The true revelation of the son of Man is being revealed from heaven and happens before the tribulation to catch away the bride of christ in a rapture.
This happens according to scripture, as God sends a prophet messinger to call out His people from this spiritual Egypt and Sodom, and introduce Jesus Christ to the Gentiles,as the Word of God just as John the Baptist introduced Jesus to the Jews.
This started during the ministry of William Branham, in 1963 that the son of Man began to be revealed.
It continues today in a five- fold ministry with the unfolding of the Word of God to His people in the revelation of the Son of Man as promised in the scriptures.
The false denominational christian churchs which are anti-christ in nature have mis-led the masses to the second coming of Christ, to set them up for receiving Satan as the second coming during the Great Tribulation.
Then Satan will set in the temple of God and be worshiped as God by all the peoples of the earth, as Lucifer stated he would.

These eccesiastical spirits are taking those with the mark of the beast for a religious persecution, now to persecute the bride of christ, and in the Great tribulation, the remainder of the people of God, the foolish virgins of the Gentile christians left behind after the rapture and the 144, 000 Jews who will during the tribulation receive the testimony of Jesus Christ and the revelation of God in thier foreheads by the witness of two prophets.
They caused the destuction of mankind before, and these "destoyers" will do it again.
The Nazi's were the ones in WWII that were developing nuclear weapons and advanced technolgy and both Russia and the United States split these Nazi scientists among themselves after the war.

The Nazi sysmbol represents the broken cross.
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That symbol is actually a sign of power in Norse mythology and a sign of god in Hindu religion. Now just because Hitler employed it to represent his regime of pure hatred and destruction doesn't put the symbol to fault by anymeans. The symbol still stands today for what it stood before men like Hitler used it for their own vendettas but sadly now it has another meaning added to it...a meaning of hate and opression against mankind of certain religion. Oh BTW the symbol is turned to a different side in Hindu religion.
This is one such common symbol used to all the major religions in the world..!

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When people sit in the chairs in the four alcoves they find they do not face anyone to talk with. So the arrangment is somewhat unsociable.

It is an interesting geometric shape.

Boots on sticks tied in the middle.

When the arms go the other way doesn't that mean evil and this one means good?

It looks nicer in multiple colors.

As a side section view of a water mill it works quite well.


They (Germany) wanted an anointed scientist, a genius who can take the atoms and split them, who can conquer space.
Germany cried for one of them not long ago. They got one. Look what they got with it too. See?They got a Hitler.
And what did they get themself? Chaos. That's what these anointed messiahs count to if you reject God's Messiah. What did they get? When the Pentecostal blessings struck Germany, they rejected the message. They laughed at them and put them in jail. What did they do? They rejected the Cross, and they got a double cross, the swastika. You won't receive mercy, then there's nothing left but judgment. That's true. Now, look where they're at today. See?

The sign of the Double-Cross......
Who double crossed Jesus.?..............It was Judas.
This spirit of Anti-Christ is with us yet today.
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Originally posted by Cris
When the arms go the other way doesn't that mean evil and this one means good?
Cris, that would be the mirror image of this one. mirror image of good is also good..!:D actually in eastern religions its the mirror image of this one.
The Swastika

"An irregular icosagon, also called the gammadion or fylfot, which symbolized good luck in ancient Arabic and Indian cultures. In more recent times, it was adopted as the symbol of the Nazi Party in Hitler's Germany and has thence come to symbolize anti-Semitism."

Source: MathWorld

See also:
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Fascism is a evil in our world. I recently read the book "The Nazi Seizure of Power" it showed how a democratic society turned into the evil fascist nazi regime. It was truely interesting. It focused on one town in northern Germany, and looked at the change in policy. The Nazis used propaganda and technology like the radio better than everybody else, thats why they were so powerful.
Also, nobody else would step up and confront the nazis, we just let them do whatever they wanted.
The swatsika is tarnished forever for what the Germans used it for. I think that it should not be used ever again. It should be left to history.

Originally posted by Zero Mass

The swatsika is tarnished forever for what the Germans used it for. I think that it should not be used ever again. It should be left to history. has been butchred enough by Nazis and the more recent morons called Neo Nazis....delluded losers:rolleyes:
I believe symbols to be a powerfull tool for attaining certain knowledge . I care little about how idiots are using it .
Originally posted by Zero Mass
Fascism is a evil in our world. I recently read the book "The Nazi Seizure of Power" it showed how a democratic society turned into the evil fascist nazi regime. It was truely interesting. It focused on one town in northern Germany, and looked at the change in policy. The Nazis used propaganda and technology like the radio better than everybody else, thats why they were so powerful.
Also, nobody else would step up and confront the nazis, we just let them do whatever they wanted.
Sounds kind of like what is now happening in the States.

The swatsika is tarnished forever for what the Germans used it for. I think that it should not be used ever again. It should be left to history.
Tell that to those who have been using this symbol for centuries. Just because one deranged man perverts its meaning to match his own agenda doesn't mean it can never be used again. It's not like Hitler had a copyright on the swastika. It is still a positive symbol in different contexts.
Originally posted by edgar
i wonder how the mark of cain looked like....
Does anyone know what it looks like? It never says in the Bible (Genesis 4:15) or anywhere else as far as I know. If you look it up in the dictionary this is what it says: the mark that God set upon Cain now refers to a person's sinful nature. If I were to take a guess as to what God marked Cain with I would say it was a tattoo. What do you think?
Originally posted by Allahs_Mathematics
I believe symbols to be a powerfull tool for attaining certain knowledge . I care little about how idiots are using it .

Amen again. Also Allahs like you mentioned that symbols are used for attaining certain knowledge....well guess what knowledge the followers of Nazism got from this symbol. It also matters what knowledge is given off by a symbol. Some see it through the context of religious meaning and some through a regime's context.
Amen again. Also Allahs like you mentioned that symbols are used for attaining certain knowledge....well guess what knowledge the followers of Nazism got from this symbol. It also matters what knowledge is given off by a symbol. Some see it through the context of religious meaning and some through a regime's context. nazi-follower who had some thought about this symbol actually attained any knowledge by it , unless they stared at it for hours untill it started spinning and voices started yelling ARYAN ARYAN , LMAO .

The knowledge symbols obtain (they do not GIVE anything as they are DEAD(not-living) and cant be active) .

I think u quite misunderstod what I was saying , but I do agree on the fact that peoples see some symbols in different contexts , religious , philosophical , identifying , etc .

I prefer math or philosphy of the combination of the two .

Does anyone know what it looks like?

I wonder too , who knows how the symbol of Cain looked like ?