Symbols of the zodiac found in the book of Job


And there is a link to the Bible. The Lord challenged Job : "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades ?", Job 3:31.

In pre-patriarchal Jerusalem, the Menorah (the 7 branched candlestick) originally symbolized the Pleiades in their aspect of the sevenfold "Men-horac"/"Moon Priestesses, with links once again to the Goddess Hathor" which returns us once again to 7 ladies and the Pleiades.

Job 9:8 - Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus (the great bear), Orion (Hebrew, the fool fettered with "bands.") and Pleiades (lit. "the heap of stars." Arabic: "knot of stars."

The various names of this constellation in the East expresses the close union of the stars in it ass in Amos 5:8), and the chambers of the south (the unseen regions of the southern hemisphere, with its own set of stars, as different from those just mentioned of the northern. The true structure of the earth is her implied, a globular form).

One scholar, named Brinkley presumed that the stars mentioned here were those of Taurus and Scorpio, and that these were the cardinal constellations of spring and autumn in Job's time, calculated by the precession of equinoxes, the time of Job to be 818 years after the Deluge and 184 years before Abram.

When studying the Zodiac" it is amazing to see that all the major themes of scripture concerning God's great plan of creation and redemption are clearly figured in the Signs of the heavens. God wrote the gospel in the stars! Many people have shied away from teachings concerning the Zodiac out of fear of venturing into the occult of astrology -- a valid concern.

However in Job 38:31-32 we read, "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?" Mazzaroth is a Hebrew word which means "the constellations of the Zodiac." Hidden in plain sight in Job chapters 38 and 39, are given the twelve Signs: Battles of heaven -- Job 38:37; Lions -- Job 38:39; Ravens -- Job 39:41; Wild goats -- Job 39:1; Hinds -- Job 39:1; Wild ass -- Job 39:5; Unicorn 39:9; Peacocks --Job 39.13; Ostrich -- Job 39:13; Horse -- Job 39:19; Hawk -- Job 39:26; Eagle -- Job 39:27.

What is the purpose of placing these verses in the Bible. Does it merely concern some mysterious physical influences of the sun, moon and stars over the earth and men's lives -- or is it something far grander and greater?

In the book of Revelation the Holy Spirit gives us the symbols of the lion, the calf, the man, and the eagle and also of the twelve tribes in the heavens. Are these the true powers in the heavens that project their dominion upon the earth! Are these the ensigns and standards that show that the heavens rule!